Let's pick on Hillary (Her Thighness)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
do you really want to go into the antics of bill clinton, rhodes scholar or not.

one can just turn that around, her level of education wasn't going to turn out a person who would marry
a dummy either, but i think it turned out she was a bit more diciplined than he in certain parts of
life, which wasn't flattering for a 'rhodes scholar'.

No doubt......................women quite often are, just the nature of the beast!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
do you really want to go into the antics of bill clinton, rhodes scholar or not.

one can just turn that around, her level of education wasn't going to turn out a person who would marry
a dummy either, but i think it turned out she was a bit more diciplined than he in certain parts of
life, which wasn't flattering for a 'rhodes scholar'.
One doesn't get the Rhodes Scholarship for sexual exclusivity, dear. It's really for other things entirely.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
As a student I once thought of applying for the Rhodes Scholarship. After a few months I realized that I would not qualify but I don't remember any of the qualifications being about who you were schtupfing or how many you were schtupfing.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
As a student I once thought of applying for the Rhodes Scholarship. After a few months I realized that I would not qualify but I don't remember any of the qualifications being about who you were schtupfing or how many you were schtupfing.
True. You weren't applying for the Hefner Scholarship, after all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yup your right taxslave Hillary Clinton does have a peabrain when compared to Sarah Palin .
At least if public speaking is a hallmark .

Neither one of them has done anything to indicate to me they have a brain. I suppose if I did have to pick one over the other I might give Sarah the edge.

Hillary dodged sniper fire in Yugoslavia... oh wait... that was a lie.

Is that the time she alit from the plane amidst bombs, shells and shrapnel? -:)