Former UK politician David Silvester blames storms, floods on gay marriage


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Former UK politician David Silvester blames storms, floods on gay marriage
QMI Agency
First posted: Saturday, January 18, 2014 12:50 PM EST | Updated: Saturday, January 18, 2014 12:54 PM EST
A British politician says the storms and floods that have hit the U.K. are divine retribution for the government's decision to legalize gay marriage.
"I wrote to David Cameron in April 2012 to warn him that disasters would accompany the passage of his same sex marriage Bill," David Silvester, who quit the Conservative party in protest at Cameron's decision to support same-sex marriage, wrote in a letter to his local paper.
Silvester is a member of the far-right Independent Party.
"But he went ahead despite a 600,000-signature petition by concerned Christians and more than half of his own parliamentary party saying that he should not do so.”
The councillor said the country had been “beset by storms” since the passage of the bill, which he blamed on Cameron acting “arrogantly against the Gospel”.
In a letter to the Henley Standard, Silvester wrote: “The scriptures make it abundantly clear that a Christian nation that abandons its faith and acts contrary to the Gospel (and in naked breach of a coronation oath) will be beset by natural disasters such as storms, disease, pestilence and war."
The party courted controversy earlier this month when it called for a five-year ban on immigrants settling in the U.K.
Emergency rescue service workers evacuate residents in an inflatable boat in flood water in a residential street in Rhyl, north Wales December 5, 2013. REUTERS/Phil Noble

Former UK politician David Silvester blames storms, floods on gay marriage | World | News | Toronto Sun

they are going to bring about armagayddon. ;)
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
He's not a member of the "far right Independent Party." He's a member of the United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip), which isn't a far right party.

This story and the lies about Ukip is just another attempt by Britain's left wing ruling Establishment at smearing a party they are running scared of. But these smear tactics aren't working. Ukip's popularity with the British public continues to grow. The idiots who continually and disgracefully smear Ukip as "far right" are only kidding themselves.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
He's not a member of the "far right Independent Party." He's a member of the United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip), which isn't a far right party.

This story and the lies about Ukip is just another attempt by Britain's left wing ruling Establishment at smearing a party they are running scared of. But these smear tactics aren't working. Ukip's popularity with the British public continues to grow. The idiots who continually and disgracefully smear Ukip as "far right" are only kidding themselves.
Good point. Let's replace "far right" with "monumentally stupid."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Good point. Let's replace "far right" with "monumentally stupid."

We could place such stupid labels on ALL political parties for the one or two idiots and weirdos that they have. We could easily tar everyone in a party with the same brush.

I could label the Labour Party "the anti-handicapped party" for the disgusting way they mock and pull faces at the Tory MP for Blackpool who has cerebral palsy.

Yet the Left don't do it with Left wing parties, They only do it with Right with ones.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
We could place such stupid labels on ALL political parties for the one or two idiots and weirdos that they have. We could easily tar everyone in a party with the same brush.
Wouldn't be tarring them at all. Every political party in existence is dumber'n a sack of crowbars.

I could label the Labour Party "the anti-handicapped party" for the disgusting way they mock and pull faces at the Tory MP for Blackpool who has cerebral palsy.
You could label the Labour Party "the collection of deluded asswits" without disagreement from me.

Yet the Left don't do it with Left wing parties, They only do it with Right with ones.
And vice versa. I know that seems terribly unfair to you, but that's on account of you being a True Believer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
And vice versa. I know that seems terribly unfair to you, but that's on account of you being a True Believer.

Yeah. I tar all left wing parties, and all left wingers, with the same brush.

And deservedly so. They're all eejits.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yeah. I tar all left wing parties, and all left wingers, with the same brush.

And deservedly so. They're all eejits.
Precisely. That's what makes you a True Believer. I tar all wing parties, left or right, north or south, with the idiot brush.

There's really no difference, left or right. Wingers like you are the cannon fodder of politics.

The left is lying to you. So is the right.

Well, I suppose grasping half the reality is better than nothing.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Well, I suppose grasping half the reality is better than nothing.

Except for the idiocy that is represented by bitching about your neighbour not cleaning the dog**** out of his yard but ignoring the dog**** in your own yard.

And thinking that doing so is going to make that much of a difference in making the neighbourhood smell better.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Except for the idiocy that is represented by bitching about your neighbour not cleaning the dog**** out of his yard but ignoring the dog**** in your own yard.

And thinking that doing so is going to make that much of a difference in making the neighbourhood smell better.
It's all d*ck measuring. I don't know what's funnier, the obvious mendacity of the leaders, or the oblivion of the followers to the fears that cause them to slavishly follow.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
It's all d*ck measuring.

Of course it is.
I don't know what's funnier, the obvious mendacity of the leaders, or the oblivion of the followers to the fears that cause them to slavishly follow.

Personally I only find it funny up to a certain point. It's difficult enough to get a group of people to agree on a course of action, and many times coming to an agreement on a course of action can be a serious and important thing. But when this level of lunacy is thrown into the mix as often as it seems to be now a days, it takes already muddy water and pollutes it further. It's like adding nuclear waste to a cesspool.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Ukip leader Nigel Farage promises a purge of its more extreme candidates ahead of the EU council elections in May, in which the right wing, anti-EU party are predicted to come second within the UK. There are currently 13 Ukip MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) in the European Parliament.

A poll show Nigel Farage is the second-most-popular party leader after Prime Minister David Cameron.

However, Ukip are the most popular political party in Britain - and the Left are running scared.

The established parties and the (liberal-Left dominated media) are looking for any possible way of discrediting UKIP ahead of the European elections this year, and crucially the general elections in 2015. "...we are terrifying the political establishment," Farage was quoted by the Sun as saying.

Farage promises to purge Ukip of extreme candidates

Ukip leader Nigel Farage has promised to purge the party of its more extreme candidates ahead of the European council elections in May.

Sunday 19th January 2014

UKIP leader Nigel Farage. Credit: Tim Goode/EMPICS Entertainment

The pledge comes after Ukip councillor David Silvester blamed the recent storms and floods on same-sex marriage and MEP Godfrey Bloom called African countries "Bongo Bongo Land" last year.

Mr Farage told The Sun (£): "Politics needs people with personality and backgrounds and they will all have one or two flaws. I have got my own red lines on this. That is real extremism and nastiness.

"We introduced a set of criteria by which we judged the exiting MEPs on how they've performed and what they have done.

"Some have been pushed and some have jumped. Of 13 MEPs elected, there are about five who won't be on the list of runners and riders again. Of all the candidates we fielded, only about half a dozen have caused us any embarrassment."

David Cameron tops party leaders poll

Ukip narrowly slipped ahead of Labour and the Conservatives in a poll to find out which political party voters viewed most favourably, but Prime Minister David Cameron beat Ukip leader Nigel Farage in a rating of the party's political leaders.

How the political leaders were rated:

David Cameron - Conservatives: 27%

Nigel Farage - Ukip: 22%

Ed Miliband - Labour: 18%

Nick Clegg - Liberal Democrats: 13%

Nigel Farage promises to purge Ukip of extreme candidates - ITV News

UKIP purge is normal for a surging "new" party

UKIP leader Nigel Farage is right to get rid of his nutters. But all parties have them. The fact that UKIP's nut cases are attracting so much attention merely serves to underline how important the party has become

Floods caused by gay marriage?

the commentator
On 19 January 2014

There's no doubt about it. If you want to make yourself and those associated with you look completely ridiculous, invoking the wrath of God for our earthly misfortunes is a darned good way to start. So the latest "embarrassment" for UKIP has understandably made the headlines.

A UKIP local councillor, David Silvester, who defected to UKIP from the Tories in 2012, is today widely quoted across the media as saying in relation to the recent floods and gay marriage:

"The scriptures make it abundantly clear that a Christian nation that abandons its faith and acts contrary to the Gospel (and in naked breach of a coronation oath) will be beset by natural disasters such as storms, disease, pestilence and war."

Oh dear. Many have also been quick to recall the remarks of Godfrey Bloom, a UKIP MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, who referred to African countries last year as "Bongo Bongo Land".

So, that's that then. David Cameron was right. UKIP is a party of "fruit cakes, loonies and closet racists" after all. Don't go near them!

Oh, come off it.

The three big parties have all had scandals that are much worse than this, whether it be obsessions with Jews and Jihad (David Ward and Jenny Tonge from the Lib-Dems for example, and last night's remarks from Labour MP Grahame Morris on "Zionist trolls") to the fact that they've all had MPs over the years that either are in prison (e.g. Labour former Europe Minister Denis MacShane) or have been -- too many to clutter up the page by mentioning.

So, Nigel Farage has got a few nutters in the ranks. Big deal. He's right to be on top of it, of course. But UKIP has grown enormously in the last few years, and in doing so it was always bound to be difficult to vet every candidate. It's impossible to stop people losing the plot from time to time anyway.

The real deal here is that the established parties and the (liberal-Left dominated media) are looking for any possible way of discrediting UKIP ahead of the European elections this year, and crucially the general elections in 2015. "...we are terrifying the political establishment," Farage was quoted by the Sun as saying.

Too right they are, and the very latest opinion polls emphasise why he's right. The Independent on Sunday is running polls today showing UKIP (27 percent) as the country's favourite party, just ahead of Labour (26 percent) and the Conservatives (25 percent).

That doesn't quite translate into voting intentions but when you look at the figures on that -- the really important ones -- the polling showed Labour on 35 percent (bad news), Conservatives on 30 percent (bad news) , UKIP on 19 percent (game-changing good news) and the Liberal Democrats on 8 percent (wipe-out level disastrous news).

That's what British politics is about today. Labour seems stuck below the parliamentary majority threshold. The Lib-Dems have lost their protest voters since they're in government, and the Conservatives are never going to get to the 40 percent-plus level that would get them a majority on their own.

From the viewpoint of the established parties, UKIP has messed things up for everybody.

As a centre-Right outlet we'll close with a point that never goes down well with Tory or UKIP activists, but it's one we'll keep making until we hear a credible counter-argument.

The reality for the centre-Right is that unless you want the centre-Left to form the next government (or you're happy with the possible but probably unlikely prospect of another Con-Lib coalition) Conservatives and UKIP -- which will never get far in Westminster under first-past-the-post -- are going to have to work out some sort of electoral pact for 2015.

Most among the Conservatives and UKIP are vowing this will never happen.

But you'll be amazed about the compromises politicians will ultimately make if it means the difference between being in power, being in opposition or (in UKIP's case) doing fine in local and European elections but remaining largely excluded from Westminster politics.

To return to where we started, the fact that UKIP's nut cases are attracting so much attention merely serves to underline how important they have become. People usually don't waste their time attacking you unless you matter. And UKIP plainly does.

UKIP purge is normal for a surging "new" party - The Commentator
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Of course it is.

Personally I only find it funny up to a certain point. It's difficult enough to get a group of people to agree on a course of action, and many times coming to an agreement on a course of action can be a serious and important thing. But when this level of lunacy is thrown into the mix as often as it seems to be now a days, it takes already muddy water and pollutes it further. It's like adding nuclear waste to a cesspool.
And I find it serious up to a certain point.

I think we're saying the same thing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Wouldn't be tarring them at all. Every political party in existence is dumber'n a sack of crowbars.

You could label the Labour Party "the collection of deluded asswits" without disagreement from me.

And vice versa. I know that seems terribly unfair to you, but that's on account of you being a True Believer.

Is a sack of crowbars dumber than a hockey sock full of hammers? Inquiring minds want to know since we wouldn't want to misslabel bl's party.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I much prefer a bag or box of hair.

Just as dumb but much easier on the back when you need to toss it out of the way.

Just something to think about.