Blackleaf for you


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It's actually the US and Canada which are the kid daughters of Britain. The British Empire created you, remember.
Exactly and if we turned out to be class 'a' corrupt then how much more is the 'original' version when 'they' see us as being stellar agents of moderation with 'reservations' still being the preferred way to treat those under treaty of peace with you. If an action stinks so bad it can only be mentioned in secret meetings why would you expect 'flowers' when the true nation is in the bright light of full disclosure? Oh wait, you're a Brit, ..... nuff said, ......


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Well, I've thought about it, and I believe that the description that Britian as being the feeble, pasty red headed stepchild fits the bill nicely

Britain is your MOTHER and, accordingly, you, as her children, need to start putting your inferiority complexes towards her to some good use and use them to pay her some more respect.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Britain is your MOTHER and, accordingly, you, as her children, need to start putting your inferiority complexes towards her to some good use and use them to pay her some more respect.

I can understand that it's a difficult realization to have to come to terms with Blackie, but it is what it is.

Now, you keep sassing me like this and I'll come over there and thrash you like a rented mule; just like when we were kids


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I can understand that it's a difficult realization to have to come to terms with Blackie, but it is what it is.

Now, you keep sassing me like this and I'll come over there and thrash you like a rented mule; just like when we were kids

I can understand that you and your mates have an inferiority complex towards Britain and her wonderful empire and I can understand that it's something you find difficult to come to shake off (because we all know a good thing when we see one), but I still don't have any sympathy for you whatsoever.

Now I want you to apologise.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

I apologize that you folks maintain a pretend navy.

I apologize that you are forced to live in the past and regale yourself with memories of minor successes from a few hundred years ago.

I also apologize that your nation was too weak to take on the Germans (twice) and had to come crawling for help

I apologize that you have such crappy food and lousy weather.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I apologize that you folks maintain a pretend navy.

It's okay, you don't need to. We don't mainatin a pretend navy. You see, the Royal Navy has three times as many ships as the Royal Canadian Navy, as well as 62 watercraft and 170 aircraft.

I apologize that you are forced to live in the past and regale yourself with memories of minor successes from a few hundred years ago.

We're not forced to live in the past. We like remembering our past due to it being a long, glorious and proud past, something which neither Canada nor the USA have.

I also apologize that your nation was too weak to take on the Germans (twice) and had to come crawling for help

Too weak to take on the Germans? We took them on twice... and won each time.

As for "crawling for help" - Don't flatter yourself. The Canadians didn't HAVE to enter either war. The fact that they did was not because Britain "needed you" (she didn't) but because you WANTED to join the fight alongside a country with which you have familial ties to. You may get taught in your schools that Britain came crawling to Canada for help, but I only deal with facts, not myths.

Here are some stats: Britain suffered about as many fatalities in WWII as the Canada and the US did COMBINED. Put the number of American dead and the number of Canadian dead in that conflict together and they both come to about the same amount of fatalities that Britain sustained.

WWI was even worse as far as you're concerned - Britain suffered almost FIVE-AND-A-HALF times as many fatalities as Canada and the US PUT TOGETHER.

These stats highlight good and proper what bit part players both Canada and the US were in both world wars.

I apologize that you have such crappy food and lousy weather.

And that's coming from someone from a country whose people eat chips drenched in sour milk and which is covered all year round in a polar ice cap.

Now, apologise.
Last edited:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
WTF!!! There is no Envy, I was just pointing out HISTORY..

Inferior to Britian, come man quit smelling the sheep ****.. It's ****ing with your head..

Living in Britian would be like Vancouver, BC during the rainy season just all year long for you..

You wish Britian had a hold on the USA but as a child of Britian it grew up bigger and smarter than the parent, as many children do...

Sorta like the parent being a Coal Miner (Britian) and the child goes to University and becomes a Lawyer (USA).

As far as the Canadian military being second rate and if invaded it would look to Britian, not going to happen, the USA is Canada's protector, not the UK..

Canada is under the USA missle defense and NATO..

But why have a huge military, Canada is 1/10 the population of the USA and 80% of its citizens lives within 150 miles of the USA.... Yet claim to be proud Canadians... Until the day socialized health care is stripped from Canadians, they won't join the USA... about the only thing that makes Canada unique.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Britain is your MOTHER and, accordingly, you, as her children, need to start putting your inferiority complexes towards her to some good use and use them to pay her some more respect.

Not Mine. Respect has to be earned. Britain has yet to earn any and they don't have the power necessary to demand anything.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
WTF!!! There is no Envy, I was just pointing out HISTORY..

You're envious of a country which is more successful than yours.

Inferior to Britian, come man quit smelling the sheep ****.. It's ****ing with your head..
There's no shame in Canada being inferior to Britain. Because every country is, so there really is nothing to be ashamed of.

Living in Britian would be like Vancouver, BC during the rainy season just all year long for you..
Canada is under a vast polar ice cap, something which Britain has not been under for 10,000 years, and is so cold that boiling water freezes instantly the moment you take it outside, so I think it's a bit rich you poking fun at British weather.

It's a shame I have to remind you of that.

You wish Britian had a hold on the USA but as a child of Britian it grew up bigger and smarter than the parent, as many children do...
I wish Britain had a hold on the WHOLE WORLD, not just the USA, which was a minor non-important penal colony.

Sorta like the parent being a Coal Miner (Britian) and the child goes to University and becomes a Lawyer (USA).
Britain has contributed much more to this world and been far more successful than the USA has.

Britain's contribution to the fields of science, literature, the arts and the modern world has been far greater than the USA's.

As far as the Canadian military being second rate and if invaded it would look to Britian, not going to happen, the USA is Canada's protector, not the UK..
Britain is Canada's protector because Canada has a second-rate military equipped with Cold War-era equipment. Should Canada find itself threatened by a foreign power it would be the British having to bail you out.

But why have a huge military

You need a huge military so you can defend yourselves rather than rely on the best Armed Forces in the world (Britain's) and also the USA (they'll only come to your aid should they feel threatened themselves).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Talk about delusional. Blackie you really need to see a doctor about your Napoleon complex. And go to a real school that has history and geography books not the Whinny the Poo stories you grew up with.