Republicans do some soul-searching after Romney loss


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
They could start with using good old American values, like working together rather than making obstruction their primary mission.
American political culture doesn't work like that. Democrats and Republicans aren't internal political opponents. They are mortal enemies who want to see each other's ideologies totally destroyed.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
American political culture doesn't work like that. Democrats and Republicans aren't internal political opponents. They are mortal enemies who want to see each other's ideologies totally destroyed.

Exactly! I had knots in my stomach when Romney said he would "work with Democrats". When do we get to take the "we win, you lose" approach with them?


Jan 6, 2007
Exactly! I had knots in my stomach when Romney said he would "work with Democrats". When do we get to take the "we you win, you lose" approach with them?

That is so disappointing coming from you. Love thy neighbour really has no meaning for you does it? I can't fathom the mental process that instead says 'crush your neighbours views and eradicate them', while still preaching about Christianity.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I've respected three (major) Canadian politicians in my life.

1. Preston Manning because he believed in democracy and financial responsibility and (for the most part) is responsible for the current position Canada is in economically compared to the rest of the world. He brought fiscal responsibility to the forefront of political and public discussion.

2. Ralph Klein because he said what he was going to do and he did it. I didn't always agree with him but I respect somebody who doesn't manage by opinion polls.

3. Pierre Trudeau because...well...see Ralph Klein


Jan 6, 2007
You've gone from Romney flip flopping to now an entire party. I don't get that.

Oh.... you've played a mental trick on yourself. Read the OP, and read my reply. I never said diddly squat about Romney. The OP is about the whole party reinventing itself.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
I think it's important that Postmodern Liberalism be seen to fail disastrously for America. That means Obama will have to be stymied regardless of the consequences. Let the credit limit deadline expire without action. That will trigger another credit downgrade. Let Sequestration happen. Let middle class income taxes soar, and living standards decline.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You've gone from Romney flip flopping to now an entire party. I don't get that.
Look at who Romney was and his policies prior to the election, he supported Obama heavily. He had to appear to be different during the election. What he rambles on about IS party policy. Leaders aren't gods.

Have I ever mentioned to you to never trust a politician or Gov? If I have, did you take heed?

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
That is so disappointing coming from you. Love thy neighbour really has no meaning for you does it? I can't fathom the mental process that instead says 'crush your neighbours views and eradicate them', while still preaching about Christianity.

Would you consider it "loving your neighbor" if I were warning him that he's blindly walking into a pit? Because that's how I see society going when it's promoting an socialist, immoral, unrestricted lifestyle.

Did you read the comments about my "2016 dream team of Alan Keyes/Michele Bachmann"?

That, in a nutshell, is why the Republican have failed and will fail again. Given Obama's horrible track record and an economy in shambles, all the Republicans had to do is talk reasonably and the election would have been a slam dunk.

Rather than learn your lesson (AKA - Americans aren't interested in your nuttery) and move more to the center, Republican supporters will now look to even nuttier nutters. Looks to me like the Dems will win again in four years.

If you want the Republicans to lose that is the dream team.

See how we're told to just come this way, just move left, just think like us more, forget biblical values, us, we know, forward, progress...

We get the whole "let's work together" thing, but it's frequently at the expense of conservatives appeasing the left by compromising our values. God's been kicked out the public schools, abortion is legal, and the redefinition of marriage marches on. Society's already moved hard left in the last five decades, time for a hard, right turn imo.

And I recently read one of your posts when you said you were a Christian. Well with all respect I could ask how you reconcile support for the left or center, when it almost always contradicts Christian values. If you adhere to Christianity, it's very contradictory (and foolish) to take something that God decrees to be sinful (homosexual behavior for example) and try to bring it under your own reasoning to pretend it's not sinful.

See the second half of my post here.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
America just saved itself from 10 other War's .. smart folks down south.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
The hardest reality for the Republicans is this, They Lost Period. That was totally unexpected.
The reason is not so much the mainstream Republicans it was the tourists in the party. The
large group of malcontents and obstructionists, the zealot Born Again Christians and the fact
that the mainstream Republican Party didn't have the guts or the power to kick them to hell out.
Imagine legitimate rape, or passing laws against women's right to chose. Now some may say
that is a noble cause for an extreme right wing conservative. The problem is women are more
likely to vote, women think more about the social issues and what is good for their children and
the future of those children. In addition women don't subscribe to the old right wing nonsense
that its a man's world, as it were.
Right there they shut down a large voting block with nonsense.
Then there is the immigration issue where the immigrants who became citizens became very
uneasy about the treatment they might receive from their government Immigrants voted for
Youth have issues they want on the table, education, pot laws.. jobs and a host of others they
voted for Obama
Republicans should get the picture, bad mouthing people, being inflexible and disruptive is not
the way to get elected period.

Unfortunately, many of the malcontents and rabble-rousers you write about DG, are for now and the foreseeable future in firm control at state level. The Republicans may have been shut-out of the White House but they own a majority of states.

I think it's important that Postmodern Liberalism be seen to fail disastrously for America. That means Obama will have to be stymied regardless of the consequences. Let the credit limit deadline expire without action. That will trigger another credit downgrade. Let Sequestration happen. Let middle class income taxes soar, and living standards decline.

You're having all kinds of fun aren't you. :lol:


Jan 6, 2007
Would you consider it "loving your neighbor" if I were warning him that he's blindly walking into a pit? Because that's how I see society going when it's promoting an socialist, immoral, unrestricted lifestyle.

What you were replying to wasn't about warning your neighbour.... It was about hoping he falls in said pit to prove you right.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Would you consider it "loving your neighbor" if I were warning him that he's blindly walking into a pit? Because that's how I see society going when it's promoting an socialist, immoral, unrestricted lifestyle.


There are some children, that only learn to be scared of fire.......after they get burned!


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Republicans do some soul-searching after Romney loss - World - CBC News

This might be a good thing. Should republicans go back to the old Burkian roots of liberal conservatism rather than the neo-conservatism of recent years, they might be able to give the Democrats a run for their money.

Liberal conservatism? I think the Republicans already ran on self-contradicting ideology. In the past few years, Mitt Romney espoused any position he thought would get him votes.

Two things didn't work for Republicans this election:

1. Mitt Romney style flip flopping
2. Racist, theocratic, misogynistic conservative lunacy

The should try honesty and sanity in 2016.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
It would be wrong to say the Republicans lost this election because they did not pander to minority voters. Minorities have ALWAYS been a part of the electorate.. and yet have never been a deciding factor in an election. Latinos are a block now because of the large influx in the last 20 years.. spurred on by the collapse of Latin American economies and agriculture due to Free Trade policies. Within a generation they will have been assimilated into the the American identity and will no longer be voting as a block.. but according to personal circumstances.

The Republicans and Romney lost because they did not present a viable alternative to the economic policies of Obama and his predecessors (of both parties) of the last 40 years.. of Free Trade; de-industrialization; unregulated Free Markets; monetarism (commodification, de-nationalization and free trade in currency); privatization of critical natural monopolies in transportation, communication, energy; polarization of wealth.

This at time when they were dealing with an incumbant who had provided little in the way of economic or moral leadership... and in a weak economy which should have made him vulnerable. But even the notoriously dense American public couldn't see any solutions in Romney.. who looked like a poser, an a$$-kisser to jaded financial interests.

Romney presented himself as a man WITHOUT a comprehensive vision or understanding of the economic and social debacle America is in. His background and views showed almost no independent thought.. just someone who had bought into the Republican platform, itself a compromised construct composed by Tea Party radicals and the anti-tax and anti-regulation lobbies of large corporation and the wealthy.

The Republicans are going to have to re-invent themselves to present a real alternative to the Classic British Liberalism.. or neoliberalism... or neo consevatism.. (all names of the Free Market, libertarian ethos) which control the Party now. And they are going to have to find a candidate capable of some original ideas and creative solutions to an America in economic and cultural free fall.

Otherwise the Democrats will continue to divide and pander to electoral 'victims' groups and will cut them to pieces. The Democrats offer no real alternatives to this ethos.. they are just better at packaging the same discredited policies in a fabrication of false idealism. But that is enough to hand them the White House.
Last edited:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I can't speak for anyone else but I don't know that I've ever had any "respect" for a politican. I honestly see them as predominently opportunists and our selection between them is alway "best of a bad lot".

Call me cynical.

Call you damn smart8O


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Minorities generally want free stuff paid for by other people. They now constitute a majority of the electorate when taken together with unmarried white women who see the federal govt. as their husband.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
What you were replying to wasn't about warning your neighbour.... It was about hoping he falls in said pit to prove you right.

I understand how one can get that from a stance that wants to see an ideology "obliterated" (have no influence), but I equate the unrestricted lifestyle that liberalism promotes is the same liberalism that was the downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah.