Trudeau faces controversy over separation remarks


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It always amuses me how leftists want to portray Albertans as the extremists in the country. Most Albertans don't espouse separatist rhetoric or values like Quebecers do.

You realize this is partly my point in that I don't agree with the particulars, but understand the message, right?

I think he's full of crap. I think Harper realizes that most Canadians don't want to re-open the debates on gay marriage or abortion but Trudeau and his fellow Liberals want to invent a boogeyman. He's creating fear and division to score political points. Its sleazy and intellectually dishonest, at least to the same degree as most attack adds in election campaign.

Well he was trying to get the media spotlight on himself, that's for sure, but like anything else, be careful what you wish for...

Sometimes you need to be a bit of evil to wake up the slaves.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Turdoh reminds me of Lucien Bouchard, and some of us remember what happened there.


House Member
May 18, 2010

In what way is Trudeau a dumbo/loser and how is that similar to Bouchard?
I pay them my tax money and they have contributed little to nothing to benifit Canada.
Your lucky your not accepting my tax money otherwise you would be lumped in with them..!!

He was born and lives east of the Manitoba/Ontario border which is enough for Durry.

Only because they are both tax payer welfare bums!!


House Member
May 18, 2010
Which are they? It doesn't go both ways y'know...
Ok, requires a clarification, as a western taxpayer, they are eastern welfare bums!!! Clearer for you now.
Btw, how you making out with all that equalization payments we sent you,,,need anymore ??

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Ok, requires a clarification, as a western taxpayer, they are eastern welfare bums!!! Clearer for you now.
Btw, how you making out with all that equalization payments we sent you,,,need anymore ??

One trick pony aren't you?

From Wiki:

In Canada, the federal government makes payments to less wealthy Canadian provinces to equalize the provinces' "fiscal capacity"—their ability to generate tax revenues. In 2009-2010, six provinces will receive $14.2 billion in equalization payments from the federal government.[1] Until the 2009-2010 fiscal year, Ontario was the only province to have never received equalization payments; in 2009-2010 Ontario will receive $347 million,[2] while Newfoundland, which has received payments since the program's creation, is now a so-called "have" province, and is now a net contributor that does not receive Equalization payments.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
For those who don't know their Canadian history, here is a story of a traitor. (Hat tip: Canadian Encyclopedia)

Mulroney appointed Bouchard ambassador to France in 1988 and brought him into the federal Cabinet that year as secretary of state and later as minister of the environment (1988-90). However, Bouchard became increasingly angered by the growing resistance to the MEECH LAKE ACCORD (see MEECH LAKE ACCORD: DOCUMENT) and by what he perceived as the willingness of Mulroney to compromise the deal to secure its passage.

Bouchard, Lucien
Founder of the Bloc Québécois and later premier of Québec (courtesy Office of the Premier, Government of Québec).

Formation of the Bloc Québécois
On 21 May 1990 he abruptly resigned from the Cabinet and the Conservative Party. Within weeks he gathered a cadre of like-minded Québec MPs and formed the BLOC QUÉBÉCOIS. In the atmosphere of betrayal and distrust that followed the rejection of the Meech Lake Accord, Bouchard was the most popular politician in Québec. In the 1993 federal election, Bouchard easily won in his riding of Lac-Saint-Jean, which he had won as a Conservative in 1988. He also led the Bloc to an extraordinary 49.3% of the popular vote in Québec and their 54 seats gave the Bloc the status of Official Opposition in Ottawa.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Pierre Trudeau spent his entire career trying to turn the rest of Canada into Greater Quebec.....

Little surprise Sonny Bubbles wants to leave the sandbox now that we are finally dismantling Trudeaupia.

BIG yawn.

I stop JUST short of saying I hated the old can't hate Justin.

He doesn't have enough weight to inspire hatred.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Pierre Trudeau spent his entire career trying to turn the rest of Canada into Greater Quebec.....

Little surprise Sonny Bubbles wants to leave the sandbox now that we are finally dismantling Trudeaupia.

BIG yawn.

I stop JUST short of saying I hated the old can't hate Justin.

He doesn't have enough weight to inspire hatred.
Oh, I hope he goes for the leadership and whips some Con ass. I would love to hear all the wailing and rending of garments if that happened. What a glorious day for the Trudeau legacy.

Justin! Justin! :p


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Oh, I hope he goes for the leadership and whips some Con ass. I would love to hear all the wailing and rending of garments if that happened. What a glorious day for the Trudeau legacy.

Justin! Justin! :p
Sounds like a bromance to me. Better get a room