Are people just getting too selfish and Greedy?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
First it's the teachers, now it's the airlines! Can't these people see the whole world is struggling as are many Canadians? Don't they care about the extra burden they are putting on their fellow citizens? One brain dead idiot was whining about falling below 2002 standards. What's carved in stone about 2002? Those days are over, we are fast approaching an era where we are all going to have to be more resourceful and not depending on "Government" to help us.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
After careful evaluation of your contributions my team of experts have concluded that you are a simple minded person incapable of spotting the pea no matter how slowly the shells are shuffled. Greedy little people bother you but greedy banks and financial parasites seem to make no impression on you whatever. Suppose you do get your wish and all the little people shut their pie holes and get back to the oars, so what, the filthy rich will still not make Humpty get back up on the wall. You see they shoved him off in the first place and they don't give a flying **** about anything or anybody but their own bloated meatbags. In simpler terms their thing is to make the nations suffer till they drop to their knees and beg the leave of their masters, the stinking rotten banking filth. Of course you are one of those unfortunates who believe the rich and powerful will leave you alone if you just stay in your hovel and do nothing to rock the present leaking boat. They'll grind you last, but best.

Of course the organized teachers are a pretentious lot. For the most part the majority of them are flunkies in waiting who pretend they are a professional association rather than a working class union. Screw them, they are the front line of misinformation, molders of docile mindless 3rd grade citizens who will perpetuate the ****ty existence in the tacky mess we call western civilization. insert soothing smiley face It is the abandonment of the government by the citizen at the behest of the corporations which has led to the present crap. Western governments are already firmly in the complete control of the internationalists, already they do not look to the needs and demands of their citizens.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
After careful evaluation of your contributions my team of experts have concluded that you are a simple minded person incapable of spotting the pea no matter how slowly the shells are shuffled. Greedy little people bother you but greedy banks and financial parasites seem to make no impression on you whatever. .


You are the one who is simple minded. "Banks" are comprised of people like you and me, some have deposits, some are shareholders, who put their money there as an investment. Canada Pension Plan has money invested there. People who depend on their R.R.S.P.s have their money invested there. If you have two molecules for a brain you should put them both to work THINKING, before you blab off about something you obviously know nothing about!


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
After careful evaluation of your contributions my team of experts have concluded that you are a simple minded person incapable of spotting the pea no matter how slowly the shells are shuffled. Greedy little people bother you but greedy banks and financial parasites seem to make no impression on you whatever. Suppose you do get your wish and all the little people shut their pie holes and get back to the oars, so what, the filthy rich will still not make Humpty get back up on the wall. You see they shoved him off in the first place and they don't give a flying **** about anything or anybody but their own bloated meatbags. In simpler terms their thing is to make the nations suffer till they drop to their knees and beg the leave of their masters, the stinking rotten banking filth. Of course you are one of those unfortunates who believe the rich and powerful will leave you alone if you just stay in your hovel and do nothing to rock the present leaking boat. They'll grind you last, but best.

Of course the organized teachers are a pretentious lot. For the most part the majority of them are flunkies in waiting who pretend they are a professional association rather than a working class union. Screw them, they are the front line of misinformation, molders of docile mindless 3rd grade citizens who will perpetuate the ****ty existence in the tacky mess we call western civilization. insert soothing smiley face It is the abandonment of the government by the citizen at the behest of the corporations which has led to the present crap. Western governments are already firmly in the complete control of the internationalists, already they do not look to the needs and demands of their citizens.
You forgot to include oil companies.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Darkbeaver 1,JLM 0

Just as I thought, you are too stupid to realize when you are beat, before posting your garbage, try to get BOTH brain molecules in gear.

You forgot to include oil companies.

Same thing V.I.- comprised of shareholders who want some return on their investments or there won't be funding for more exploration, transporting, refining, delivering etc.

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
These people do not care if they destroy the very company that employs them. They want what they want, and damn the consequences. If they drive the company out of competition, making it too expensive to compete, well that's not THEIR fault.

Personally, I hope they fire the entire lot of them and replace them with people that are actually willing to work for much higher than average wages.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island

You are the one who is simple minded. "Banks" are comprised of people like you and me, some have deposits, some are shareholders, who put their money there as an investment. Canada Pension Plan has money invested there. People who depend on their R.R.S.P.s have their money invested there. If you have two molecules for a brain you should put them both to work THINKING, before you blab off about something you obviously know nothing about!

maybe i'm brain dead too, but could someone tell how the banks accumulate billions in profit, if they are
on the side of 'us'.?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
maybe i'm brain dead too, but could someone tell how the banks accumulate billions in profit, if they are
on the side of 'us'.?

Those $billions in profits are the sum total of dividends, interest and growth paid to their investors. Would you have bank accounts, G.I.C.s etc. if there was no profit?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
More back to work legislation coming up, I see.

You know, I understand where the ideological slant is for forcing people to go back to work, but this is going to play out very badly in a few years when those workers are replaced with low-wage home depot drop outs and ticket prices double.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Canadian banks need to be as they are, under close oversight and control. It's probably the strict Cdn. banking laws which put the brakes on us jumping with both feet into derivitives, subprimes, etc.

Greed knows no nationality.

Hoonose what may happen.

IMHO, CB and JLM = tied.

we need a shoot out.............that being meant in the most strictness hockey sense.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Canadian banks need to be as they are, under close oversight and control. It's probably the strict Cdn. banking laws which put the brakes on us jumping with both feet into derivitives, subprimes, etc.

Greed knows no nationality.

Hoonose what may happen.

IMHO, CB and JLM = tied.

we need a shoot out.............that being meant in the most strictness hockey sense.

CB hasn't gotten into this debate yet, that I know of.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

You are the one who is simple minded. "Banks" are comprised of people like you and me, some have deposits, some are shareholders, who put their money there as an investment. Canada Pension Plan has money invested there. People who depend on their R.R.S.P.s have their money invested there. If you have two molecules for a brain you should put them both to work THINKING, before you blab off about something you obviously know nothing about!

"Banks are comprised by people like you and me."! Certainly, I forgot, listen JLM, my LearJet needs a new carburator could you swing round next thursday and take me to your mansion, I,m sure a few flats of your very expensive beer can resolve our differences.

You forgot to include oil companies.

Of course we could make a huge list of the bad guys the real greed experts but I have discovered that behind every respectable scheming fraud mechanic there,s a private banker psycopath baby eating monster who will stop at nothing to slither to the top of the banking **** heap.
JLM wants to solve the worlds problems by beating the little guy further into the ground. How the hell will that help business?
If the money of an economy does not pass through the lowest households the economy fails, every time, every place no exceptions, so driving wages to the minimum is a recipe for economic suicide, and they knew that when they steered the boat toward those rocks. For a very long time the ruination of the west has made hand over fist profits for those same honourable leaders of our sick culture. They build and then they destroy and they profit from both directions. They actually shipped the manufacturing base of the west to the third world knowing that collapse would ensue. That was the plan and that was the only plan.
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Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
To the question:


But given the state of affairs world wide, economy wise, and politics ......people seem to be re evaluating their priorities and gaining some insight into their behavior and attitudes as those are what created this mess. No guarantee as to whether this will result in attitude and behavior change.

And weapons manufacturers.

short and to the valid point.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In the fall in Canada there are two ways to greet your neighbour. "Hey, how is it going"? or "Hey! Did you get your moose"?

Urbanization has disconnected too many from the basics of life and the land, the personal victory of securing food for the winter for your family has been replaced by trying to fill that pride with useless retail junk.