Psychology today

Kathie Bondar

Kathie Bondar
May 11, 2010
Calgary, Alberta
Psychology today is like sex without reaching an orgasm. In order to progress one must leave the confines of humanities discipline for chemistry and physics.
My study into psychology just happened. I was jilted by a couple of boyfriends and needed answers. As far as I could tell I was OK, they were OK, yet they walked away from a good relationship. Why? I began reading, starting with the Freudian school, which soon showed its shortcomings, yet they deserve full credit for having recognized that dreams do have meaning. Unable to proceed they turned to behaviourism and travel that road ever since, even though at one point it too will arrive to a dead end but who is to contradict them? By now they have established authority in the discipline and largely unchallenged took their place in society with secure incomes. They are called expert witnesses at court and their testimony counts.
My development took a different route. I dreamed and recorded my dreams for interpretation the following day. It was the late 1960s, early 1970 in the male dominated culture of Calgary, Canada, hub of the oil industry. Women have not yet achieved acceptance in society other than being wives and mothers of their husbands’ children, although they began making inroads into the teaching and nursing professions. I was an immigrant from a communist country, a divorcee who dared to walk away from an abusive relationship. Recording my dreams and typing up my notes in the privacy of my rented apartment was ground for suspicion and the police became involved. All this created an emotionally charged atmosphere providing a fertile soil for me to study telepathy.
We now know that others’ thoughts can be perceived, but how does thought propagates through space? Is it a wave motion like light or sound? Does it have speed, intensity? Why do we dream? Does everybody dream? What exactly are dreams? Do animals have telepathy? What is the language of telepathy?
These were my initial questions, and the short answers are listed below.
Telepathy is the universal means of communication. This is how the fetus in the womb communicates with his mother, this is how God communicates. It propagates somewhat similar to light or sound, although it is not in the realm of electromagnetism. If not measured, its speed can be estimated . (My estimate 9.259x10 E17m/s).
Dreams are telepathy in the sleeping state. Both telepathy and dreams tend to symbolize subject to various factors and need to be interpreted.
Suggestibility makes telepathy susceptible for abuse. An example is the Son of Sam murders in New York. At his trial the accused testified that "he heard voices". This is how black magic works. Can one telepathically "contact" a world leader, "hear" from a secret agent?
Animals communicate with telepathy just as people do and they also dream.
telepathy is an automatic language translator, i.e. a German "thinks" it in German, an English "hears" it in English. My dog "thinks it" and I "hear it" in my working language.
So far so good, modern psychologists would be able to live with it. I reached my dead end, where do I go from here?
Reincarnation. Past lives.
Inevitably, telepathy leads to communication with the "dead". Dead to us, but quite alive in the world beyond. How is it possible? What is it like? Is it subject to the laws of physics?
There is a parallel universe to ours with identical physical features, only the people are shuffled about (Creator). Think of it as choosing a school for your child and after graduation select his college. It is all about development of the psyche. Nothing happens haphazardly, lives are being planned for a reason prior to us being sent to our respective places in life, and at conclusion evaluated for performance. Some people dying a sudden death are not even aware that they have died, only confused by a different landscape. Someone, usually a senior family member shows up to guide them through the initial confusion. Others experiencing a slow dying process, such as a long illness, are telepathically prepared for the transition. Sometimes we hear of someone dying with a smile. A happy reunion perhaps? The process is not too different from being born on earth, except that here we are born totally dependent and with amnesia, over there we arrive at the age we left and become conscious of our long memories. For example, I am an adult over there, a wife and mother. In my former life on earth I was a man, a freed slave. The life before that? Well, we are here approx. once in a millennia.
Telepathy and reincarnation happens to every living being, humans, animals, plants, etc. Our knowledge in physics is approaching the boundary between our known physical world and the one we find ourselves after the body has died. In analogy, the physical brain is the hard drive but the information passes directly to the "other brain" in that other existence, because that is the permanent body, the one that survives physical death.
UFOs. They are from Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons, seeking telepathic dialogue. As they explained they have been about for quite some time, before man created lethal modern weapons. As of late contact has become too dangerous. I sketched their appearance from a dream and they appear humaniod, if taller that than us.
THE CREATOR. As I became quite adept interpreting telepathy the Creator contributed to my writing. He followed my development and judged me capable of understanding what he was "saying". He permitted me to ask questions and answered them.
I was puzzled about people on a different planet evolving in a humanoid form. Could this be a coincidence or the result of interplanetary migration? The Creator perceived my thoughts and responded as follows:
"You wrote about the planets as they travelled through space, unorganized, until captured by the Sun and forced into orbit. Yes, the planets in your system evolved life along similar lines. Why? They brought it with them. Where from? Their life as individuals began with the supernova explosion. The supernova created the seeds then scattered them as it exploded."


Jan 6, 2007
You believe God talks to you about the aliens who speak to you from one of Jupiter's moons, that your dog communicates with you telepathically, and you think you're ok? You can't see why a boyfriend would pick up and leave? Really?

Kathie Bondar

Kathie Bondar
May 11, 2010
Calgary, Alberta
You believe God talks to you about the aliens who speak to you from one of Jupiter's moons, that your dog communicates with you telepathically, and you think you're ok? You can't see why a boyfriend would pick up and leave? Really?

Karrie darling
What you did here, you put all the information you ever heard, throw them in the blender of your mind and served up the mush. Is this how you usually work?


Jan 6, 2007
Karrie darling
What you did here, you put all the information you ever heard, throw them in the blender of your mind and served up the mush. Is this how you usually work?

Kathie, sweetie pie....

Yes, typically I will read an OP, pull from it the points that strike me as most pertinent, and reply. If brain mush is what I'm reading, then often brain mush will be the content of the reply.

Those were all highly pertinent points within your opening post. Do you think they are irrelevent?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Reality is what anyone chooses to believe it is. What is acceptable to one may not be acceptable to another. While some believe in angels, others in aliens, yet others believe in animal spirits. Could it be that those manifestations are dependent on and related to personal belief?

On an anthropological basis, I have studied many different belief systems and have come to the conclusion that belief determines what is manifest in their reality. I chose not to believe in anything I have not personally experienced but I am willing to accept that others experiences are valid to them. It leaves the door open for better understanding and harmony between people and cultures.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Reality is what anyone chooses to believe it is. What is acceptable to one may not be acceptable to another. While some believe in angels, others in aliens, yet others believe in animal spirits. Could it be that those manifestations are dependent on and related to personal belief?

On an anthropological basis, I have studied many different belief systems and have come to the conclusion that belief determines what is manifest in their reality. I chose not to believe in anything I have not personally experienced but I am willing to accept that others experiences are valid to them. It leaves the door open for better understanding and harmony between people and cultures.
Everything in the universe has balance. Except humans.


Jan 6, 2007
Reality is what anyone chooses to believe it is. What is acceptable to one may not be acceptable to another. While some believe in angels, others in aliens, yet others believe in animal spirits. Could it be that those manifestations are dependent on and related to personal belief?

On an anthropological basis, I have studied many different belief systems and have come to the conclusion that belief determines what is manifest in their reality. I chose not to believe in anything I have not personally experienced but I am willing to accept that others experiences are valid to them. It leaves the door open for better understanding and harmony between people and cultures.

The thin line between sanity and insanity is that I would totally understand and expect the clash of beliefs between myself and an atheist. I would understand that my beliefs might factor into someone deciding to stay, or to go. I wouldn't pretend that my beliefs have no bearing in whether a relationship works or not, especially if my beliefs were so completely outside the norm. To be oblivious to the fact that people would view your stance on such things as odd, is indicative of an ill mind.

That is why I suspect that humans are alien to this planet or at least were genetically engineered by aliens using their DNA..

If you look at our ability to domesticate animals, and the fact that they would even have, essentially, a switch which turns their genes into domestication mode, you can't help but wonder what on earth rigged up the system so in favour of us.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The thin line between sanity and insanity is that I would totally understand and expect the clash of beliefs between myself and an atheist. I would understand that my beliefs might factor into someone deciding to stay, or to go. I wouldn't pretend that my beliefs have no bearing in whether a relationship works or not, especially if my beliefs were so completely outside the norm. To be oblivious to the fact that people would view your stance on such things as odd, is indicative of an ill mind.
What is the norm? I know a lot of people who would have no difficulty with what the OP is saying. Also, if there is not disclosure of something as imortant as persoanl beliefs right from the onset of relationship, then there is not honesty. I think the dishonesty would be more of a factor in a failed relationship.

If you look at our ability to domesticate animals, and the fact that they would even have, essentially, a switch which turns their genes into domestication mode, you can't help but wonder what on earth rigged up the system so in favour of us.

Our favoured position may be due to off world influences.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
What is the norm? I know a lot of people who would have no difficulty with what the OP is saying. Also, if there is not disclosure of something as imortant as persoanl beliefs right from the onset of relationship, then there is not honesty. I think the dishonesty would be more of a factor in a failed relationship.

Our favoured position may be due to off world influences.

all of the beliefs stated by the OP are hers and hers alone, as is anyone's, and for a relationship to be
compatable, both sets of beliefs have to blend and feel comfortable, OR, one person totally accepts the
others even though he/she has no connection, but is totally open minded.

but the fact is, they are ALL beliefs, manufactured in one's mind according to their own outlook on life/
death, etc.

nothing she said suits everyone, maybe some, definitely not me, but I don't expect everyone to be like me,
don't even want to see that, I like the meriad of explanations which comes from each person's imagination,
or belief, and seems to help them live happily, for a while, till they move on to something else, life
never stays the same, and perhaps that is why relationships seem to fizzle away.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Reality is what anyone chooses to believe it is.
No, there is an objective reality out there that exists regardless of anyone's perceptions of it or beliefs about it, and it behaves consistently and logically. That's the key underlying assumption of science and technology and it's hard to argue with success like that. Anyone who doubts it is invited to jump off the roof of my house into the rock garden below after choosing to believe no injury will result.

That is why I suspect that humans are alien to this planet or at least were genetically engineered by aliens using their DNA..
Then you'd need to explain why all living things on earth use the same 4-letter genetic code, and why the human body is such a terrible piece of design.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No, there is an objective reality out there that exists regardless of anyone's perceptions of it or beliefs about it, and it behaves consistently and logically. That's the key underlying assumption of science and technology and it's hard to argue with success like that. Anyone who doubts it is invited to jump off the roof of my house into the rock garden below after choosing to believe no injury will result.

Then you'd need to explain why all living things on earth use the same 4-letter genetic code, and why the human body is such a terrible piece of design.
Well, like I said before, science can only deal with physical reality. Beyond that is outside of its capability. As long as we are in the Matrix, we are bound by its programing and rules. There are those who can step outside the Matrix and have been able to since time immemorial. Every culture has used psychotropic drugs or spiritual practices, such as yoga and meditation, to escape the confines of material reality. From there they can see the programing and make changes to it for their personal use or to help others.

It matters not whether you or anyone else believes it or not or whether science can measure it or not, it is an integral part of many world cultures. What I see happening, to the detriment of humanity, is that we are forcing our views on others and homogenizing reality to suit ourselves. In so doing, we lose the greater possibilities that the mind can create and limit ourselves in our evolution. In fact, I believe that our evolution has been severely restricted, first by religious and now scientific dogma. Dogma is the Matrix. It is a prison of the mind.

As far as DNA is concerned, if aliens genetically engineered us they would, first, have used an existing species to do so, and second, their DNA would have to have been identical to ours. Not too far fetched since everything in the physical Universe is created of similar building blocks - star dust.