On The Verge Of Nuclear Meltdown Within ‘Few’ Hours


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006



The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Oh she's bad alright, but not for anything you've babbled.

1, Until someone shows me some evidence, the Billderberg Group, isn't the scary monster you nutters think it is.
2, Worked for, past tense. And without some form of proof, just more of your silly hot air.
3, I was raised by my paternal Grandparents, both traditional Natives, my Grandfather being a CWO in the Canadian Armed Forces, who tought me to think clearly, critically, linearly, which prevents me from following in your footsteps.

Nice try though.

Now, lets get back to you blaming all the worlds woes on rich people, and your ever funny fear mongering.
Actually I'm sure your mom is a nice lady, kinda cheap giving the 'your momma' bit.

1. Until they come out and explain why they are always secretly meeting with presidents and PMs and other leaders of the IMF/WTO/World Bank controlled countries and what they are discussing I will not trust them one bit. These people did not get where they are by being nice and ethical.
2. Hope she is enjoying retirement. Go to the facts pages at Canadauncut.net. there you will see just how much tax they have avoided paying in the last few years and how many wealthy Canadians they have helped to avoid taxes. Taxes that wind up on you and me to cover the difference.
3. If you actually did think critically and logically you would stop and question what your leaders and the establishment tells you like you question me. Don't believe me but don't believe them either. I too was in the military, many years ago, and have never found that institution to teach anyone to think at all, just do as your ordered and don't ask questions so I find it hard to believe that your grandpa was able to really teach you to think for yourself at all.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Actually I'm sure your mom is a nice lady, kinda cheap giving the 'your momma' bit.
I didn't expect anything more from you.

1. Until they come out and explain why they are always secretly meeting with presidents and PMs and other leaders of the IMF/WTO/World Bank controlled countries and what they are discussing I will not trust them one bit. These people did not get where they are by being nice and ethical.
Well, since I can find countless videos, and stories about these "secret" meetings, I guess they aren't so secret.

I knew of the one in King City Ontario, at the CIBC conference center, long before it took place. Some secret society eh?

2. Hope she is enjoying retirement. Go to the facts pages at Canadauncut.net. there you will see just how much tax they have avoided paying in the last few years and how many wealthy Canadians they have helped to avoid taxes. Taxes that wind up on you and me to cover the difference.
I'm not wealthy and they helped me save thousands of dollars over the years.

3. If you actually did think critically and logically you would stop and question what your leaders and the establishment tells you like you question me.
I do. I don't follow MSM without vetting stories. I prefer web sources that provide intel back to the origin of the story and the key players. Hence why I don't buy all the nutter crap.

Don't believe me but don't believe them either.
I don't believe either of you.

I too was in the military, many years ago, and have never found that institution to teach anyone to think at all, just do as your ordered and don't ask questions so I find it hard to believe that your grandpa was able to really teach you to think for yourself at all.
I was in the Army myself, and I can assure, I was tought to think on my feet and react accordingly. Oft outside the box. Given the fact that I can and do provide evidence to back up my opinions, it would seem that my skills outweigh that of a few of the "claimers" around here, that prefer imagination, to reality.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Japan On The Verge Of Nuclear Meltdown Within ‘Few’ Hours

Japan On The Verge Of Nuclear Meltdown Within ‘Few’ Hours : Update: We have spoken to multiple experts who believe that even in the worse case scenario it would be highly unlikely that the radiation would be strong enough to extensively damage the west coast of the United States. That being said they could be completely wrong.
The Modern Survival Blog is reporting that a meltdown would cause radiation to reach the U.S. West Coast in 36 hours. No word on how powerful the radiation could be.

Reports are coming in that Japan is on the verge of nuclear meltdown. Multiple nuclear power plants have reported major problems that could possibly lead to a Chernobyl type event.
Fox News is currently running a story with an absolutely stunning headline.
“Japan Officials Fear Possible Nuclear Meltdowns at Plants”
“Japan declared states of emergency for five nuclear reactors at two power plants a

Faux News says we should be afraid. Is that really news?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Anything is possible, however, 384 hours have passed since the original link reported a meltdown coming within hours. What is their definition of 'within hours'?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Anything is possible, however, 384 hours have passed since the original link reported a meltdown coming within hours. What is their definition of 'within hours'?

I guess the jews miscalculated?:roll:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's been 16 days. There is more thna just a reactors on fire and keeping cores cool. There were 400,000 used fuel rods stored on site that are on fire or were blown sky high. Neutron flash coming out of reactors is a sign things are beyond hope.

I guess the jews miscalculated?:roll:
Chinese Jews did it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Anything is possible, however, 384 hours have passed since the original link reported a meltdown coming within hours. What is their definition of 'within hours'?
What would you take as a sign that there has already been a meltdown? (in that no huge explosion is needed)
If the current conditions stayed as they are today for a few years would you then begin to get a scope of what this disaster is capable of?

Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:18am EDT

Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. has conceded it faces a protracted and uncertain operation to contain overheating fuel rods and avert a meltdown.
"Regrettably, we don't have a concrete schedule at the moment to enable us to say in how many months or years (the crisis will be over)," TEPCO vice-president Sakae Muto said in the latest of round-the-clock briefings the company holds.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What would you take as a sign that there has already been a meltdown?
This would be a clue, from your own post even...

Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. has conceded it faces a protracted and uncertain operation to contain overheating fuel rods and avert a meltdown.

Back to your tard corner pumpkin.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
We could cover the difference between total meltdown compared to partial meltdown. From the tons of rods that are on-site how many would it take before the term meltdown was the operative word. Having most of the containment building leave the plant site at a high rate of speed is a sure sign that something is going wrong.

I have never seen a timeline for how long it would take a rod to literally melt so it became a molten liquid if it was taken out of the water and just left laying on the dry ground. If the racks got damaged then some rods may have gotten close enough that they start interacting then another condition exists that may even be worse (with those rods still in the water) than the rods being alone and out of water.

The first few rods would be enough to call it a meltdown, a total meltdown would be if all 6 went the route of the china syndrome meaning that all radioactive elements were blasted high into the atmosphere. I assume if one goes all the others will also go because the plant will be abandoned of people.
You could always ask the two in hospital with radiation burns to their legs if they thing there has been any % of a total meltdown.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Anything is possible, however, 384 hours have passed since the original link reported a meltdown coming within hours. What is their definition of 'within hours'?

They forgot the first rule of fear-mongering: Never give out a relevant metric. The islamaphobia news segments do this best.