Centrist Party of Canada


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
Funny that you mention that but the truth is I am Italian but I think that Canada needs a sixth party for this reason to improve decorum in the House of Commons and saying like you said earlier about making my movement part of another party is not a smart idea. I think there needs to be a moderate party between the two major parties for the simple reason to offer another choice which is not a niche but a legitimate choice. I have gotten a lot of feedback about the party and I am looking for people who want to be a part of it.

Also, liberal conservatism is an ideology and a philosophy in this country that is not part of the Canadian landscape anymore. In fact it is just neoliberals and neoconservatives, but there has to be a party that is neoliberal and liberal-conservative. The liberals are social liberal, neoliberal and liberal. i feel there needs to be that middle ground between the parties to also make for a competitive party outside the urban areas. i picked a strong law and order party that wants to balance rehab and educational programs but still be tough on crime. it can work both ways and it would be competitive in western canada. also, i made the party also traditionally conservative for those atlantic canadian voters who want health and education as major priorities and kept as essential programs. by having all these factors and making the party be almost identical to the progressive conservatives it leaves something for all canadians and it is a conservative option that can be competitive all over canada.

also, unlike the toxic "liberal" name in western canada this name would be welcome everywhere.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
More like the federal Conservatives and the Ontario Progressive Conservatives a close second

Strangely enough, the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party and the Ontario Green Party were the only two parties last provincial election to stand for the elimination of government policies that discriminated in favour of one religion over others. The Ontario NDP stayed mute on the topic for the most part while the Ontario Liberal Party took the offensive in its defense!

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
What is the point? Canada already has two centrist parties. Does it really need another? What we need is proportional voting. That would give every party except the Bloc representation from every part of Canada and would reduce the Bloc to the rump it actually is.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
What is the point? Canada already has two centrist parties. Does it really need another? What we need is proportional voting. That would give every party except the Bloc representation from every part of Canada and would reduce the Bloc to the rump it actually is.

What we need is non-partisan oting. It would eliminate the problem altogether.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
What is the point? Canada already has two centrist parties. Does it really need another?

No, it does not Bar Sinister,
We have a status quo relationship because of a minority government. If any party had a majority, they would ignore all others and go about shaping Canada in their own image.

It's been done before with Pearson, Trudeau and to some extent under Chretien. I'm sure if the Liberal Party had a majority tommorrow, they'll find something to do with it - i.e. implement environmental legislation that will get all the Albertan Hicks rallied up and add further clauses to the charter of rights and freedom.

Much like if Stephan Harper had a majority, he would probably go about and get rid of the HRC, the charter, the family reunification program, abolish the long gun registry, reduce the number of electoral seats for Quebec; et al.

A centralist party would be one that is not in favour of any change.
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
What is the point? Canada already has two centrist parties. Does it really need another? What we need is proportional voting. That would give every party except the Bloc representation from every part of Canada and would reduce the Bloc to the rump it actually is.

I feel it is necessary to give Canadians a strong third choice between the two parties so it will make sure Canadians on the liberal and conservative ends choose a side which is more positive, yes I will agree choose proportional representation as an option, take the best from the two major parties to be competitive across Canada, take a middle ground and compromise approach to make sure that coalitions are allowed more often but of course not with the Bloc Quebecois, reform the house and senate with prop rep, make democracy strengthened by banning attack ads, allowing opposition parties to have equal time speaking compared with government, making sure all parties are competitive money wise with each other even the smaller parties, setup a mechanism to allow all parties to compete by having caps on how much a party can earn and spend, and this party would be more fiscally responsible than the conservatives since the Conservatives are neoconservative and are the largest spending government of all time and that is a fact and this party I want to create is moderate conservative and blue liberal/red tory and would like to focus on essential programs and necessary spending. Spending such as the F-35s, american style prisons and the G8/G20 photo op would be studied and if necessary would be allowed if it met our parties requirements. We would take more care of the taxpayer's money.

On the subject of prop rep and this party I created, yes I wanted prop rep to be part of this party I wanted to create and actually give a similar platform of that of the Green Party of Canada. I feel a truly centrist party should want middle grounds and compromise and have a platform of prop rep and reforming the house of commons and the senate and making sure that voter turnout increases. It is shameful that 50% of eligible voters as of now are voting or not voting since it is half of Canadians who choose not to vote.

If prop rep for the house occurred under a six party system with 308 seats in total I am using this as an example if there were six parties and the percentages went like this the seats would be as follows:

Conservatives - 29% (Seats under prop rep - 89 seats) - Ideologies - conservatism, social conservatism, neoconservatism, slightly libertarian, slightly liberal conservative, slightly socially progressive, neoliberalism, devolution - centre-right to right
Liberals - 27% (Seats under prop rep - 83 seats) - Ideologies - liberalism, social liberalism, third way, neoliberalism, socially progressive, left centrism - centre to centre-left
Centrists - 16% (Seats under prop rep - 49 seats) - Ideologies - liberal conservatism, centrism, neoliberalism, third way, slightly socially conservative, socially progressive, right centrism - centre to centre-right
NDP - 12% (Seats under prop rep - 37 seats) - Ideologies - social democracy, democratic socialism, slightly third way, socially progressive - centre-left to left
Bloc Quebecois - 9% (Seats under prop rep - 27 seats) - Quebec sovereignty, Quebec nationalism, left wing nationalism, social democracy - centre-left to left
Greens - 7% (Seats under prop rep - 22 seats) - Green, centrism, social justice, environmentalism - centrist
Independents - (Seats under prop rep - 1 seat) - can be anyone

This would create a situation where parties on the left and right would be forced to drop their bickering and engage and form agreements that are genuine and in the best interest of Canada. Of course I am using this as an example but the setup would be pretty much like this since that is how a prop rep system works and the Centrist Party of Canada and the Greens and NDP are parties that are for this type of an arrangement.

Therefore I think it would be a great idea to have prop rep and my ideas could inspire a party like mine to form coalition with anyone not just the closest party to our ideology which would be the Conservative party since we are both close to the centre-right ideology.

I got most of these ideologies from wikipedia. I feel that I am about accurate in describing them.

Thank you and I look forward to the comments.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
What we need is proportional voting. That would give every party except the Bloc representation from every part of Canada and would reduce the Bloc to the rump it actually is.

No it wouldn't,
the New Flemish Alliance is the plurality party in Belgium. Canada's Conservatives, NDP and Liberals, being 'catch-all' big tent institutions, would crumble overnight and the BQ would emerge as the plurality party.

BQ would also go to more effort to field candidates outside of Quebec and there would be potential to align themselves with secessionists in Western Canada.

Not necessarily a bad thing... Could the BQ form a coalition of 51% to dismantle Canada? Unlikely. However, they could get enough votes to reduce the Federal Government (though I bet the Newfies would be upset about an end to the handouts) and give more autonomy to the provinces, something we should have done a long time ago.


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
No it wouldn't,
the New Flemish Alliance is the plurality party in Belgium. Canada's Conservatives, NDP and Liberals, being 'catch-all' big tent institutions, would crumble overnight and the BQ would emerge as the plurality party.

BQ would also go to more effort to field candidates outside of Quebec and there would be potential to align themselves with secessionists in Western Canada.

Not necessarily a bad thing... Could the BQ form a coalition of 51% to dismantle Canada? Unlikely. However, they could get enough votes to reduce the Federal Government (though I bet the Newfies would be upset about an end to the handouts) and give more autonomy to the provinces, something we should have done a long time ago.

I think a six party system is much better and if a system came out with which you talk about it would produce minority governments from now till the end of time and my idea of the Centrist Party of Canada is a positive idea since we want to be slightly left of the conservatives and slightly right of the liberals and offer a new party that wants to be all about middle grounds, compromise, beyond partisanship, fiscal conservative policies, social progressive policies, centrist policies and policies to help reform the house and senate in many ways. We also think prop rep for the house and senate is an idea Canadians could be proud of.

Your idea is thrown there and seems not really serious but this idea is something to offer Canadians a third choice in the centre. It is also here to help bring up voter turnout so we can finally be proud of our democracy. We believe if our democracy is weak the government that is elected will be weak and lacking ideas.

Think about it and check out this page centristparty to learn more about the Centrist Party of Canada the true successor to the old PC party of Canada and if created Canada's newest moderate conservative party.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
[FONT=Verdana, Verdana]
"If your a Canadian who wants to build a nation that is united from sea to sea than join us Today."

you will need an editor, shouldn't it be then, and you have left out a sea


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
More like the federal Conservatives and the Ontario Progressive Conservatives a close second
Really? Can you please cite some examples of said "fascism"? Because I have a list of LPoC acts, that actually fit the bill.

Ignorance doesn't make you right.

the Conservative, I mean Reform party are the true fascists here.
Really? I pose the same question to you.

I think when half the country is out of work and infrastructure is in bad need of repair/replacement, there is only one way you can go. It can be done much more cheaply when everyone is hungry.

Also, liberal conservatism is an ideology and a philosophy in this country that is not part of the Canadian landscape anymore.
Really? How so?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
CDNBear; Really? How so?[/QUOTE said:
For years you've been accustomed to earning $25 an hour, then all of a sudden you are hungry, long term work at $20 may start to look good. :smile:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Also, liberal conservatism is an ideology and a philosophy in this country that is not part of the Canadian landscape anymore.

... But you know better than all of us irrelevant plebes, right?.. You know what's best for us.

This would create a situation where parties on the left and right would be forced to drop their bickering and engage and form agreements that are genuine and in the best interest of Canada.

I can just imagine the ridiculous deals that will be brokered under this utopian ideal... Wanna get your crime bill passed; Great, all you gotta do is support my bill to provide support for my proposed increase in the infrastructure spending in Northern Manitoba (or insert lobby group's interest here).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I would appreciate it if you people labeling either the Liberals or Conservatives fascists would please leave my forum. This story is about how people would feel about a centrist party between the two major parties in this country. Please I don't want this story to be tainted by garbage comments. Thank you and I would prefer if you people would like to talk about this party. Thank you!

I will agree with you that the Conservatives are spending like drunken sailors but labeling people left wing for spending too much is not true. The NDP governments in Canada have a good record of being the best governments for balancing the books especially Tommy Douglas' governments.

Guess you never met a B.C. dipper.

I think when half the country is out of work and infrastructure is in bad need of repair/replacement, there is only one way you can go. It can be done much more cheaply when everyone is hungry.

This would be fine if the money was spent on needed projects. However that has not been the case. It went to wish list projects that were ready to build, not rebuilding what we are using. In Qualicum Beach we got a roundabout on the road into town , called a traffic calming measure when a four way stop was all that was required or to be extravagant a stop light. I know of a few others on the island as well.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
A four way stop requires all traffic to come to a stop.

A roundabout means that traffic does not need to come to a stop for most of the time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
A four way stop requires all traffic to come to a stop.

A roundabout means that traffic does not need to come to a stop for most of the time.

So which is cheaper? The plan was to repair and expand needed infrastructure, not build pet make work projects. Besides this thing is so tight that it is difficult to get around with a superB. Doesn't slow traffic much either since it is a Km from downtown and everyone simply speeds up again going down the hill.

MOre to the point this was not even built by a QB contractor but one from Nanaimo.


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
I feel it is necessary to give Canadians a strong third choice between the two parties so it will make sure Canadians on the liberal and conservative ends choose a side which is more positive, yes I will agree choose proportional representation as an option, take the best from the two major parties to be competitive across Canada, take a middle ground and compromise approach to make sure that coalitions are allowed more often but of course not with the Bloc Quebecois, reform the house and senate with prop rep, make democracy strengthened by banning attack ads, allowing opposition parties to have equal time speaking compared with government, making sure all parties are competitive money wise with each other even the smaller parties, setup a mechanism to allow all parties to compete by having caps on how much a party can earn and spend, and this party would be more fiscally responsible than the conservatives since the Conservatives are neoconservative and are the largest spending government of all time and that is a fact and this party I want to create is moderate conservative and blue liberal/red tory and would like to focus on essential programs and necessary spending. Spending such as the F-35s, american style prisons and the G8/G20 photo op would be studied and if necessary would be allowed if it met our parties requirements. We would take more care of the taxpayer's money.

On the subject of prop rep and this party I created, yes I wanted prop rep to be part of this party I wanted to create and actually give a similar platform of that of the Green Party of Canada. I feel a truly centrist party should want middle grounds and compromise and have a platform of prop rep and reforming the house of commons and the senate and making sure that voter turnout increases. It is shameful that 50% of eligible voters as of now are voting or not voting since it is half of Canadians who choose not to vote.

If prop rep for the house occurred under a six party system with 308 seats in total I am using this as an example if there were six parties and the percentages went like this the seats would be as follows:

Conservatives - 29% (Seats under prop rep - 89 seats) - Ideologies - conservatism, social conservatism, neoconservatism, slightly libertarian, slightly liberal conservative, slightly socially progressive, neoliberalism, devolution - centre-right to right
Liberals - 27% (Seats under prop rep - 83 seats) - Ideologies - liberalism, social liberalism, third way, neoliberalism, socially progressive, left centrism - centre to centre-left
Centrists - 16% (Seats under prop rep - 49 seats) - Ideologies - liberal conservatism, centrism, neoliberalism, third way, slightly socially conservative, socially progressive, right centrism - centre to centre-right
NDP - 12% (Seats under prop rep - 37 seats) - Ideologies - social democracy, democratic socialism, slightly third way, socially progressive - centre-left to left
Bloc Quebecois - 9% (Seats under prop rep - 27 seats) - Quebec sovereignty, Quebec nationalism, left wing nationalism, social democracy - centre-left to left
Greens - 7% (Seats under prop rep - 22 seats) - Green, centrism, social justice, environmentalism - centrist
Independents - (Seats under prop rep - 1 seat) - can be anyone

This would create a situation where parties on the left and right would be forced to drop their bickering and engage and form agreements that are genuine and in the best interest of Canada. Of course I am using this as an example but the setup would be pretty much like this since that is how a prop rep system works and the Centrist Party of Canada and the Greens and NDP are parties that are for this type of an arrangement.

Therefore I think it would be a great idea to have prop rep and my ideas could inspire a party like mine to form coalition with anyone not just the closest party to our ideology which would be the Conservative party since we are both close to the centre-right ideology.

I got most of these ideologies from wikipedia. I feel that I am about accurate in describing them.

Thank you and I look forward to the comments.

... But you know better than all of us irrelevant plebes, right?.. You know what's best for us.

That is not true I want the best from liberalism and conservatism in this new party and it combines the best from the two and that is the Progressive Conservative ideology and it would be between the two parties. It is wanted across the country I have heard people express that they like this idea. I even have people who want to help get this party formed. Also, I need 250 electors and then the party is formed. It could be a moderate conservative party if created.

... But you know better than all of us irrelevant plebes, right?.. You know what's best for us.

That is not true I want the best from liberalism and conservatism in this new party and it combines the best from the two and that is the Progressive Conservative ideology and it would be between the two parties. It is wanted across the country I have heard people express that they like this idea. I even have people who want to help get this party formed. Also, I need 250 electors and then the party is formed. It could be a moderate conservative party if created.

... But you know better than all of us irrelevant plebes, right?.. You know what's best for us.

I can just imagine the ridiculous deals that will be brokered under this utopian ideal... Wanna get your crime bill passed; Great, all you gotta do is support my bill to provide support for my proposed increase in the infrastructure spending in Northern Manitoba (or insert lobby group's interest here).

That is not true I want the best from liberalism and conservatism in this new party and it combines the best from the two and that is the Progressive Conservative ideology and it would be between the two parties. It is wanted across the country I have heard people express that they like this idea. I even have people who want to help get this party formed. Also, I need 250 electors and then the party is formed. It could be a moderate conservative party if created.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
A four way stop requires all traffic to come to a stop.

A roundabout means that traffic does not need to come to a stop for most of the time.

Qualicum Beach isn't a huge metropolis and much of the population (retirees) have time to stop. :smile:

So which is cheaper? The plan was to repair and expand needed infrastructure, not build pet make work projects. Besides this thing is so tight that it is difficult to get around with a superB. Doesn't slow traffic much either since it is a Km from downtown and everyone simply speeds up again going down the hill.

MOre to the point this was not even built by a QB contractor but one from Nanaimo.

So the idea was good, the implementation was poor. Was the contractor from Nanaimo the low bidder?


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
The political centre is relative. If the ideological mood of the country shifts to the left or the right, will the Centrist Party follow to maintain its position in the middle or will it stay where it is becoming centre-left or centre-right? If you really want the political centre in Canada, you wouldn't need to go further than the Liberal party. The majority of Canadians vote for parties to the left of the Conservatives. With the Liberals and the Conservatives almost even, the NDP tips the balance slightly to the left. The middle would probably be somewhere on the right end of the Liberal continuum.