Trudeau defends holiday fur card


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON

The usual fall back of the less then capable my friend.

And then how was I, a vegan, to respond one day to a hamburger-chomping PETA-member? And I'm not kidding. She was trying to get me to join PETA, yet she herself avowed that she loved hamburgers and just couldnt' resist them.

Hmmm... if PETA members actually lived up to their own standards, animals would be so much happier.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
I doubt PETA concerns are the problems for ordinary voters but rather this card stands contrary to the lack of classism in Canada. Justin Trudeau looks like he contending with Prince Charles for the role of the next Monarch.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I doubt PETA concerns are the problems for ordinary voters but rather this card stands contrary to the lack of classism in Canada.
Could you expand on that a little please?

Justin Trudeau looks like he contending with Prince Charles for the role of the next Monarch.
Given the exalted nature the name "Trudeau" has been given by the brain dead of the nation, is there any wonder?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Good Golly if Justin became Prime Minister nobody could walk around in the Vancouver area what with FiveParadox auto-salivitating 1000's of litres of drool from his gaping pie hole. There'd be a flood.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
It's PETA....don't expect them to be reasonable. They're not.

....but damn hot.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
That I can't disagree with, Avro. I do think though that PETA does go too far in introducing sex appeal to their ads; many of their ads are quite sexist, making women nothing more than sex objects. Hmmm... where are the women's rights groups when you need 'em?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
That I can't disagree with, Avro. I do think though that PETA does go too far in introducing sex appeal to their ads; many of their ads are quite sexist, making women nothing more than sex objects. Hmmm... where are the women's rights groups when you need 'em?



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Could someone please tell PETA that they can do what they want so long as they don't attempt to suppress our cultural rights.

If you feel that way, why do you want someone else to say it for you?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Thing is, PETA is right about a lot of things. It's just that they're so extreme about how they present things that it diminishes what truth they had when they started out with whatever investigation or article they write.

PETA uncovered some abuse at a contract research laboratory that many of the big animal pharmaceuticals-including my employer- hire for testing of products such as tick and flea medications.

It was horrible. We all like to think that it could never happen in our labs, but sometimes you just don't know about someone when you hire them. The result in my workplace is that all contract research organizations now have to be audited before we will enter into a contract with them, regardless of whatever certification the lab might have.

Even still, we'll never be able to catch everything. And though I haven't heard anyone admit this within the industry, I personally think that despite the inflammatory nature and heated rhetoric of PETA, the work they do does lead to improvements in animal welfare, and thus PETA is not a wholly negative organization even from a corporate animal health company perspective.

Come to think of it though, I remember a colleague from one of our facilities on the other side of the world saying something like they have an open door policy. They let PETA come in, and they can look at the books, watch the technicians handling animals, because that site has one of the highest seals of approval you can get, from Temple Grandin.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Thing is, PETA is right about a lot of things. It's just that they're so extreme about how they present things that it diminishes what truth they had when they started out with whatever investigation or article they write.

PETA uncovered some abuse at a contract research laboratory that many of the big animal pharmaceuticals-including my employer- hire for testing of products such as tick and flea medications.

It was horrible. We all like to think that it could never happen in our labs, but sometimes you just don't know about someone when you hire them. The result in my workplace is that all contract research organizations now have to be audited before we will enter into a contract with them, regardless of whatever certification the lab might have.

Even still, we'll never be able to catch everything. And though I haven't heard anyone admit this within the industry, I personally think that despite the inflammatory nature and heated rhetoric of PETA, the work they do does lead to improvements in animal welfare, and thus PETA is not a wholly negative organization even from a corporate animal health company perspective.

Come to think of it though, I remember a colleague from one of our facilities on the other side of the world saying something like they have an open door policy. They let PETA come in, and they can look at the books, watch the technicians handling animals, because that site has one of the highest seals of approval you can get, from Temple Grandin.

Blah blah bah....who cares?



Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
There are approximately 60,000 fur bearing animals trapped in Canada, mostly in Quebec. It is good politics to show that he is shopping at home


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It literally pains me to say this, but good on Justin. I am so sick of tree hugging, veggie eating, fake outraging, "what kind of message is this sending?" nitwits spewing all over the place.

Big deal I eat pussy.
Since many Canadians still earn all or part of their income from hunting and trapping it and much of the country is colder than a bankers heart wearing fur makes sense, unless of course the PC crowd prefer petroleum based synthetic fibers while protesting oil sands.

Fur bearing ?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Thing is, PETA is right about a lot of things. It's just that they're so extreme about how they present things that it diminishes what truth they had when they started out with whatever investigation or article they write.

PETA uncovered some abuse at a contract research laboratory that many of the big animal pharmaceuticals-including my employer- hire for testing of products such as tick and flea medications.

It was horrible. We all like to think that it could never happen in our labs, but sometimes you just don't know about someone when you hire them. The result in my workplace is that all contract research organizations now have to be audited before we will enter into a contract with them, regardless of whatever certification the lab might have.

Even still, we'll never be able to catch everything. And though I haven't heard anyone admit this within the industry, I personally think that despite the inflammatory nature and heated rhetoric of PETA, the work they do does lead to improvements in animal welfare, and thus PETA is not a wholly negative organization even from a corporate animal health company perspective.

Come to think of it though, I remember a colleague from one of our facilities on the other side of the world saying something like they have an open door policy. They let PETA come in, and they can look at the books, watch the technicians handling animals, because that site has one of the highest seals of approval you can get, from Temple Grandin.

Do what I do. Don't eat meat, don't buy leather. Don't by fur. Bingo, no more need for PETA. Like I'd said above, I'd actually met a hamburger-chomping PETA member. Well, instead of buying the hamburger and then worry about how that ox was sloughters, had she jsut not bought the hamburger, they would not have had to worry about killing the ox in the first place. This is what makes PETA so laughable in how it complicates things. If PETA members themselves eat meat, then who are they to preach to me?

Blah blah bah....who cares?

O la la! You can't deny they do know how to market themselves to a particular audience. I bet more than a few single trappers and sealers visit the PETA site regularly.