Socialists in a Panic


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
Hahaha! Even Bush knows climate change is for real. This is the only subject in which the forum right wingers don't take their cue from Bush.
You keep saying that like we don't believe climate change is real. How many times have you been corrected now?

Once again, yes climate change is real. It's happening now, it happened in the past, it will happen in the future. The only constant about climate is that it is always changing.

WHat the dispute is all about is the CAUSE of climate change, which all the evidence shows in natural. Suckers like you fall for the hucksters that try to pin the blame on humans.
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Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
Quoting Bob Ellis:
...making the U.S. Constitution subservient to UN climate law...
...subjugating our nation with this treaty...
... they have to grab whatever power they can for world government...
...Obama and his fellow socialists...
...last chance to bring America under the heel of socialist government...
...Obama and other socialists...

Standard conspiracy theory crap from the ignorant paranoid elements of the American Christian far right.
That's a bit extreme for you Dex. Certainly it's exaggeration, but the treaty will make the US subservient in it's requirements, and will require approval of all the other signatories if they want to get out of it, something that they would never agree to. As such, only a fool would sign on.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
And kill 5.5 BILLION people.
There are nutbars that want to reduce the population by that amount (excluding themselves, of course).

But the fact of the matter is, we know well that we aren't going to reduce emissions to that level, so why are the alarmists insisting that we must? Why for money, of course. You want to drive a car? Pay up buddy! You want to manufacture cement? Buy those carbon credits. Apparently while CO2 emissions from western capitalist countries will cause the earth to heat up to unlivable temperatures, once you pay money for them they have no effect at all!:roll:

It boggles my mind that they can keep that scam going.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
True, all natural. It's also true that natural events can be devastating, benign or beneficial. No-one says that we shouldn't worry about climate change because it's natural. We know that global cooling has been disasterous for humanity in the past. But we also know that global warming has been, for the most part, quite favorable for humanity in the past. It's a matter of knowing what to worry about, and then adapting as necessary.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You want to drive a car? Pay up buddy! You want to manufacture cement? Buy those carbon credits.
What type of car? Why the hell do I need cement?

Are you trying to say the problem is the consumer when maybe it's consumer options that are the problem?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
We can't change a thing in nature. We cannot affect a thing. No poisons accumulating at the tops of the food chains, no rainforests have been mowed down, fresh water resources are overfull, the stratosphere is full of ozone, we haven't eliminated hundreds of species of plants and animals, there aren't 5 garbage patches swirling around in the oceans (the biggest one is thought to be twice the size of Texas and is in the Pacific), the US, China, Japan, Russia, Germany, India, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, France, the UK, Italy, and Iran don't collectively burn up 59,286.2 BILLION barrels of petroleum PER DAY, etc. etc. and it's all natural anyway.
Yeah, I can't believe we've had any impact and certainly 60+ trillion barrels of petroleum being burnt per day can't have an effect on our air.:roll:


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
What type of car?
Any type. Even electric cars need energy from somewhere.

Why the hell do I need cement?
Want to build a house? An appartment building? A bridge? Highway dividers for that car?

Are you trying to say the problem is the consumer when maybe it's consumer options that are the problem?
Every facet of our comfortable western lives is dependant on an abundant supply of cheap energy. It's the consumer, the manufacturer, the wholesaler, the retailer. It's you, me, everybody (that is, if you believe there's a problem). It's your job, it's your boss, it's your computer that you use to participate in this forum. Pay up buddy!
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Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
We can't change a thing in nature. We cannot affect a thing. No poisons accumulating at the tops of the food chains, no rainforests have been mowed down, fresh water resources are overfull, the stratosphere is full of ozone, we haven't eliminated hundreds of species of plants and animals, there aren't 5 garbage patches swirling around in the oceans (the biggest one is thought to be twice the size of Texas and is in the Pacific), the US, China, Japan, Russia, Germany, India, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, France, the UK, Italy, and Iran don't collectively burn up 59,286.2 BILLION barrels of petroleum PER DAY, etc. etc. and it's all natural anyway.
Yeah, I can't believe we've had any impact and certainly 60+ trillion barrels of petroleum being burnt per day can't have an effect on our air.:roll:

:lol: Now you're talking about real human (unnatural) causes of problems. Totally different subject, and ones we could actually do something about.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I quess you believe we are all going to die.
Your right probably for most of us between the age of 65 to 80.
I am sure future generations will find the same livespan or greater .
But they surely will all die just as we will.
Life is to short for me to become a chicken little and worry about falling skies,
or is that rising temperatures.

I will die, so will you, so will everyone.

Am I worried, no, that's life.

I am concerned for future genarations and the quality of life they may have due to climate change.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
That's a bit extreme for you Dex. Certainly it's exaggeration, but the treaty will make the US subservient in it's requirements, and will require approval of all the other signatories if they want to get out of it, something that they would never agree to. As such, only a fool would sign on.
The Bamster is asking,"Where's my pen?"


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Really? I don't particularly like the thought of my great grandkids growing up in environments like these either:

Yes, it is alarming.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
Again, Anna, you refer to human caused problems, not natural ones. I don't like the thought of my grandkids and generations to come having to deal with those problems either. Neither do I want my descendants coping with those problems exacerbated by the economy destroying costs of paying for harmless CO2 emissions.

Hey, you added another picture there, beetle killed trees. That one is natural so it doesn't apply to the rest I said here.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Sheeple like you are the answer to the AGW alarmists prayer. Because there are so many of you they are getting rich. Pay up sucker.

No, I was a skeptic a few years ago. My sister (a geopysicist) introduced me to a few climatologists....they chnaged my mind.

Seems big energy has convinced you otherwise.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Anyone who thinks there is no global warming is either blind or stupid.
Over the last 100 years, the average temperature of the air near the Earth´s surface has risen a little less than 1° Celsius (0.74 ± 0.18°C, or 1.3 ± 0.32° Fahrenheit). Does not seem all that much? It is responsible for the conspicuous increase in storms, floods and raging forest fires we have seen in the last ten years, though, say scientists.

Their data show that an increase of one degree Celsius makes the Earth warmer now than it has been for at least a thousand years. Out of the 20 warmest years on record, 19 have occurred since 1980. The three hottest years ever observed have all occurred in the last ten years.

Since man has pumped seven or eight trillion of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere over the last couple hundred years, it is a good bet that man is responsible.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Again, Anna, you refer to human caused problems, not natural ones. I don't like the thought of my grandkids and generations to come having to deal with those problems either. Neither do I want my descendants coping with those problems exacerbated by the economy destroying costs of paying for harmless CO2 emissions.

Hey, you added another picture there, beetle killed trees. That one is natural so it doesn't apply to the rest I said here.
So? I haven't seen any evidence not full of holes that says we can't influence climate.
Concerning the beetle kill, it is exascerbated by global warming and the evidence points towards a human influence on climate.
Besides, I was mostly retorting to Walter's ignorant statement that "There is no mess to get out of."
Also, the pulp mill in Castlegar near here, was forced to cut back on its emissions and whatnot, yet it is still operating. The smelter of Teck Cominco's in Trail is immensely cleaner than it used to be because the gov't told it to clean up and it is still humming along, too.
So auto makers switch from making one type of car to another. They're still in business. So Shell Oil switches from refining crude to developing solar and wind energy. So we all become cleaner. How is that a negative effect on the economy?
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Really? I don't particularly like the thought of my great grandkids growing up in environments like these either:

Yes, it is alarming.

We are a part of the earth ..Therefore we affect the climate...How we affect the earth ..And what are the effects ?..Have to be asked..But anyone with half a brain..Can see the effects..

Solutions will get us everywhere ...Opposition with no alternatives will get us nowhere fast...

Problem solver or problem maker..?

Good post Anna G ..


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
No, I was a skeptic a few years ago. My sister (a geopysicist) introduced me to a few climatologists....they chnaged my mind.

Seems big energy has convinced you otherwise.
Evidence has convinced me otherwise. In science, that's ultimately the only thing that counts, and it's all on the side of the skeptics.