Christian Nation?

Would you support such a federation?

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Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
What would be your ideas on a Christian international federation according to the following:

1. All nations in which a majority are willing to join could join this federation.

2. All christians worldwide would be considered citizens of this nation.

3. the common language to be proboted would be the language of the Gospel (i.e, Greek).

4. The state would submit to Christian social laws as per the Gospel.


Electoral Member
Dec 9, 2005
I would appose the idea with violent outrage. To keep my life from being dictated by such a society with unity under one belief, I would have to fight it at all costs. I hate fundamentalists to the extreme, and any who believe they have the right to dictate anothers life according to their beliefs should be rounded up and destroyed to keep their ideas from spreading further. I would support a society that allows for multiple religions as long as they are in support of peace, and punishes those who use religion to spawn anger and war.


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
Let's put 'em all on Iceland with the other nuts who want a Caliphate, those who want Jewish, Hindu or Sikh theocracies.

The Icelanders can have the Southern US States, since they'll be mostly cleaned out. The Icelanders should be put in charge of rebuilding New Orleans, since they'll have the sense to build the levees thast were suggested five years ago.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Crusader said:
4. The state would submit to Christian social laws as per the Gospel.

According to the Gospel of Matthew 5:18-19, all the Old Testament laws are still binding on Christians. You might want to dip into Leviticus and Deuteronomy to see what to see what that'd mean. There are over 600 prescriptions for correct behaviour given there, many of which would currently be viewed as illegal, or at least immoral. Deuteronomy, for instance, in 13:12-15 directs us to destroy everyone and burn down everything in any city where another god is worshipped. We are also told in Deuteronomy 17:2-7 to kill everyone with religious beliefs different from our own. I hope you never have a "stubborn and rebellious son;" Deuteronomy 21:18-21 directs all the men of the city to assemble and stone the boy to death. Would you suggest we stone adulterers to death, murder our neighbours if they work on Sunday, or kill the leaders of other faiths and burn down their churches? The Old Testament directs us to do all these things, and many more even less savoury.

On the other hand, Luke 16:16 clearly says exactly the opposite, the Old Testament laws are no longer binding. Who you going to believe?

You've produced one of the dumbest, most reactionary ideas I've heard in a long time.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
Crusader said:
What would be your ideas on a Christian international federation according to the following:

1. All nations in which a majority are willing to join could join this federation.

2. All christians worldwide would be considered citizens of this nation.

3. the common language to be proboted would be the language of the Gospel (i.e, Greek).

4. The state would submit to Christian social laws as per the Gospel.

If you were far away from me, and hand no access to nuclear weapons, go for it. The Christocracy and the Islamic 4th Reich of Iran can share Irans land. See how that works out for ya!


Electoral Member
May 18, 2005
atlantic canada
Dexter Sinister wrote
On the other hand, Luke 16:16 clearly says exactly the opposite, the Old Testament laws are no longer binding.

Here you have the answer.

I myself have troubles to understand and accept was has been written in Exodus,Leviticus, Deteronomy etc. But keep in mind, this was stuff over 3000 years ago.

On the other hand the gospels portrait Jesus as Messiah (the Jews of that time were waiting for)and God's Son and Christ.

He himself showed disgust what the religous leaders had done to the original ten (very reasonable)commandments
and the 500 or so mosaic( drafted by Moses and friends) laws.

The idea is,that God grants us peoples the right to be free agents
and execute free will to rule and arrange our lives matters.
("by the grace of God...")!

In any case, Jesus is on record to have (intentionally) broken many of these ever increasing laws the pharisaes came up with, much to to the disdain of those contemporary religious leaders.

The rest is history as we say.

The early christians were quite a spirited and tough bunch sticking close to the reformed religious belief of original christianity.
Paid a heavy price too.

With Constantin around 400AC this growing religious movement was elevated to the State religion and spread through europe and around the world.

With the dying off of the original leaders(apostels and close followers) decay set in and has not stopped yet.

Christianity evolved into all kind of branches, many distorted beyond recognition and totally void of what Jesus Christ stood for.

With ongoing little compromises here and there the most ugly things have been justified in the name of Christianity.

It is not surprising though, that the majority of former christians have moved away and followed other invented beliefs.

The interesting part of the Bible are not only the open and candid
narratives but also the prophecies.
And the pictures painted beforehand are clearer and clearer recognisable, if we want to see it or not.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
A Christian Nation? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'd never support the idea of Canada being a Christian Nation.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
You cannot serve two masters. Either you are a Canadian or you are a Christian.

A Christian nation would eliminate all the divisions caused by race, nationality, language etc. Everyone on earth who is a Christian would automatically be recognised as a citizen of this nation, irrespective of his color or nationality. Christian before all! And no more bickering over French and English, since we would be united as one people under the language of the Gospel.

But it would seem some here would rather pledge allegiance to Satan in the guise of nationalism, racism, etc. Keep them out of our country, you say.

I say if they are Christian, then they are brethren, so let there be no division among His children.



Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
I'd like to add that although the laws of the Bible can be harsh, they are the word of God, and God knows best.

Add to that that it would create a united human family. Think today how we are all divided by Satan's vices (national boundaries, difference of tongues, and different religions and laws all over the world. If i go to another nation, there is no telling what speech they have, what laws I must follow in that country since they do not follow the word of God. No clear guidance.

In a Christian federation, we would all be united under the Evangel.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
In the poll, only 3 voted in favour of breaking down the barriers between the children of Adam. They'd rather stick with the opium of national boundaries to keep the 'undesirable' out. I guess this says how much the words of the Messiah mean to most Canadians.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
Jersay said:
SO I guess you only need to be white Christ who's history is responsible for the murder of 60 million in WW2 and hundreds of millions during colonialism.

No, Christ isn't white. He is spirit. The corporal entity of Jesus of Nazareth was His temple, but that Temple could have been of any hue God should have chosen. And how was the Lamb of God responsible for the murder of 60 million in WWII? If you cannot defend your arguments logically, then please read more on the subject first.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB

Hi Crusader, welcome to the forums....

I must admit it was quite a shock to my system to read your poll... I kinda hoped you were joking...

History has shown that what you are suggesting is a really really really really really really bad idea.

Based on that, I'd have to vote no.