Your honest assessment of the Canadian Alliance and Steven Harper


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
I know that I will sound like I'm 100% partisan, and maybe I am. but I have voted NDP and Liberals in the past.

Anyways, my assessment of the Canadian Alliance and Steven Harper is:
  • not only is the CA the longest running minority government in Canada, I believe they are the hardest working and most honest minority government in the history of Canada
  • I believe that the Canadian Alliance has no hidden agenda ( imagine that, eh?)
  • I believe that 1 term of Canadian Alliance as a majority gov is all that is needed to undo the things that the Liberals got wrong.
  • I don't think that the Canadian Alliance's childcare program is better than the Liberals Universal Childcare program, I simply believe that the Liberals want to start their program with a wrecking ball long before they successfully establish a working program. When we cars, we build them with 'make before break' dimmer switches so we dont suffer a momentary black out when switching from low beams to high beams. I beleive that the Liberals have NO plans to avoid the 'black out. They will drop my $100 /mth in a heart beat simply because its a Canadian Alliance program.
  • I believe in a triple E senate
  • I believe in a crime and punishment system that is tough on extreme criminals
  • I believe that the Canadian Alliance will not touch the abortion issue anytime in the future unless we are crazy enough to elect them for 20 years.
  • I believe that the Canadian Alliance's flip flop on the income trust taxation was a good decision. If they didn't do something, there was going to be 2 different types of corporations in this country: ones that pay taxes, and ones that don't.
  • I believe that the Canadian Alliance is our last hope at abolishing the long gun registry.
so lets hear what you think! I am hoping this thread becomes a straight talk thread without anyone commenting on each other's beliefs, but that will only happen if we all agree to make it that way. lets hope.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ummm, no offence, but if you're looking for straight talk, and not commenting on one anothers beliefs. Wouldn't it have been prudent to avoid using the words 'I believe', so much. lol...

That said, I simply don't believe Harper anymore. I believed him when he spoke of transparency and accountability, he has been anything but.

That's why I voted for him. The bulk of my beliefs, are simply, fully, in contradiction to that of the Conservative party.
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Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
It seems that the Canadian Alliance isn't running a candidate in my riding. :(

I like the old Reform party's positions on political reform. Other than that, the Conservatives do nothing for me.


House Member
May 18, 2010
That said, I simply don't believe Harper anymore. I believed him when he spoke of transparency and accountability, he has been anything but.
Your buying into the opposition party lines.
There is hardly any objective proof of what your claiming, it's all coming from the opposition parties, who have a vested interest in smearing the governing party.

I think Harper is the best man for the job, he is not perfect, and maybe has made some mistakes, but overall, he's the best for the job until we get someone better, he'll do.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
It's the Conservative Party of Canada, cranky, not the Canadian Alliance. I would suggest that you investigate the achievements of Lester Pearson's minority governments before you put the Conservatives on the "best" pedestal, and that you investigate the likely real world implications of a triple E Senate. I think the thing to do with the Senate is either abolish it or leave it alone. Reforming it to the extent that triple E requires would give it a legitimacy it doesn't currently have and it's a sure bet that the people in it would try to exercise that, at the expense of the powers and privileges of the Commons and the Cabinet. Senate reform is a major case of "be careful what you wish for..."


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I don't have the time of day for a social conservative, they have their own agenda and that is to
bring their faith based nonsense into everything they do just like W in the United States, George
was a social conservative. As for all the wonderful things Harper did economically? He did
nothing, but play in a poker game of fear with the other leaders. To a great measure he had no
choice as the people who put him in office created the mess with their high risk actions on the
open markets. The problem is, no one fixed the problems they merely postponed the inevitable.
We are going to face one of the greatest downturns in the western world we have ever seen and
it will take decades to dig out of it.
I don't actually have a problem sometimes with a fiscal conservative government, but a social
conservative venture is not even close to the Canadian Way. There are too many weaknesses
in the current government and that is why the people do not want to give them a majority and they
are not going to. In fact the real problem that is coming is for Iggy, he has nothing left to capture
the imagination, and smiling Jack Layton is gaining on him daily.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Your buying into the opposition party lines.
There is hardly any objective proof of what your claiming, it's all coming from the opposition parties, who have a vested interest in smearing the governing party.

You obviously don't read the news. Even if you went to your Conservative supporting CTV news, they have a long list of bungles, flat-out lies & corruption listed at the hands of the Conservatives since they began leading the minority governments.

Nobody needs to listen to the Liberal or the NDP's "party lines".... all you have to do is open your eyes & ears, read the reports from various news sources, many access to information documents, statistical information regarding stimulus spending, and even Harper's own words & quotes.

I'm not even about to link or quote all of the evidence & information against Harper & the Conservatives because I already did about a month ago in another thread..... not to mention the countless news reports and other information that has been posted & linked within these forums by a number of members, including Con supporters.

If you don't think there isn't any..... ONE SINGLE SHRED.... of objective or factual evidence against the Conservatives/Harper's conduct since being in power, then you're either lying your face off, or completely ignorant about what you're talking about.

I think Harper is the best man for the job,

He hasn't been yet, otherwise don't you think he would have won enough people over to gain a Majority Government by now?

he is not perfect, and maybe has made some mistakes,

Some mistakes??

When anybody else who has run the government made mistakes, they generally either admit it and apologize, perhaps even losing power, but with Harper, it's never his fault, he never apologizes, he always has excuses, he always has someone else ready to take the fall, he'll double-talk and back-track..... he'll resort to proroguing Parliament in order to avoid a non-confidence vote or in order to get what he wants. He thumbs his nose and scratches his ass at our Democracy.... He'll say everything is perfectly fine and we're not hitting a recession because his government did everything right, regardless of all the other parties, studies and the rest of the country telling him otherwise..... then ends up admitting we're in or heading into a recession, AFTER he wins the election based on lies.

He explains during the last election that he was more willing to work with the other parties in order to get work done in our government and make things more functional..... then on the very first day back, he tosses sh*t at all of the other parties and tries to financially collapse them while at the same time providing no serious or logical plan to battle our nation's recession.

Then when eventually a stimulus plan is made and implemented, it's found out later on that not only did this stimulus plan do very little to improve our nation and did little to combat our recession, it's also found that the greater majority of the stimulus money went directly to areas that voted Conservative during the last election.

And every single time one of his members of his party royally screws up, offends an entire community, is exposed for the corruption they have been involved in, has had a leaked email or letter exposing a number of either illegal activities or misconduct on their part or the part of their party.... they're rarely ever dropped from the party, they're rarely ever punished or disciplined in any reasonable fashion, usually never apologize for their actions, blame someone else, and end up keeping their position(s) of power as if nothing wrong was done and all is forgotten.

The list goes on and on...... Some Mistakes indeed.

He either made piles of mistakes, one after another, or they weren't mistakes and were done completely on purpose..... in either case, he's the worst man for the job and has proven it time and time again. He does not deserve a Majority Government and has not benefited this nation in anyway.

but overall, he's the best for the job until we get someone better, he'll do.

All of the other leaders of the other parties haven't even had an opportunity to show how they could run the country and hold the PM title, meanwhile Harper has been given multiple chances, time & time again..... and has miserably failed to prove himself to be nothing other then a threat to this nation's unity, this nation's democracy and this government's transparency. He controls interviews, he almost always avoids any open debates or questions directed to him that were not rehearsed.

The best guy for the job?

Surely you jest..... :roll:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The latest mistakes they made have nothing to do with mistakes, they have unfortunately
become their own worst enemy, they are now engaging in abuses of power and are filled
with utter arrogance. They once were critical of the Liberals for doing the same things,
and now they want you to forget the outrageous acts they once criticized their predecessors
for. This sound more and more like an apology session than an honest assessment of
the Alliance.
The Alliance wants to change our nation into one most Canadians wouldn't even recognize
They would destroy the fundamental fabric that holds this nation together. Canada has
always been measured by the way we treat out most disadvantaged citizens and the
present government would steal the national lifeboats out from under those people. I would
never want to see a social conservative government take power, nor the Greens who are
a collection of village idiots that can't find their way home. The present Liberal Party is not
the same as the successive administrations that provided leadership and confidence for
Canada, they are a collection of intellectuals and opportunists at present. Then there is the
NDP. In the past the New Democrats were a great opposition party they were a little too far
on the left, but they were the moral soul of the nation. Today they have moved a considerable
distance to the center, some say too far to the center. I wouldn't mind seeing what they could
do as a governing party but I would not be content to give them a majority anymore that I would
any of the other parties at this time in our history.
The reason no one will get a majority is because none of the deserve one. Secondly people
don't have the ultimate faith in any of them. The Tories have begun to slide a little the Liberals
and NDP are slowly coming up, the Greens are fading into extinction at the moment and we
face another minority, whether it will be Liberal or Conservative, no one knows at this point.
Harper does not deserve to be Prime Minister.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
I think the biggest and most insulting abuse of power is when the Liberals passed around tax payer money like popcorn. The ultimate insult comes when they did in the name of 'national unity' i hope they sit as back benchers until every last one of them gets replaced. 10 years and stilling for the Liberals to reform. Instead they sit around like the smug little cakesuckers that they are, waiting for voters to grow fond of them again. Apathetic. Lazy. And corrupt. They don't deserve to govern, not even because they are 'the natural governing party'


Force majeure
May 28, 2007


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I know that I will sound like I'm 100% partisan, and maybe I am. but I have voted NDP and Liberals in the past.

Anyways, my assessment of the Canadian Alliance and Steven Harper is:...

No maybe about it. The post lost any credibility it may have had when you couldn't or wouldn't get the party name right.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
I couldn't get the party name right, because unlike the liberals. the conservatives went through several reforming when they fell flat on their face. Theliberals are still denying that they need to reform. Iggy and dion have done SFA to rebuild their party.

The voters sent a message to Martin to get his party reformed. He didnt. And dion didnt. And now iggy hasnt. But maybe voters will grow fond of them good old boys and vote for them again. Once a Liberal,always a Liberal, eh?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I couldn't get the party name right, because unlike the liberals. the conservatives went through several reforming when they fell flat on their face. Theliberals are still denying that they need to reform. Iggy and dion have done SFA to rebuild their party.

Then you have no business involving yourself in a political debate. Go brush up on your current events, then come back.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Then you have no business involving yourself in a political debate. Go brush up on your current events, then come back.

Speaking of people that couldnt get a name right, Iggy couldnt get the name of his county right. By your standards, he has no business involving himself in a political debate. ROTFLMAO

You shoukd spend more time paying attention to current events!!!!


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
So you are saying that the same standard should apply to Iggy. Nice.

I'm saying that Iggy is not posting here. You are. The fact that you need to make this about Iggy in some feeble attempt to deflect attention away from your use of the name CA, says volumes about your credibility. Do the NDP a favour and don't tell anybody you support them. They are having a tough enough time as it is without folks like you dragging them down.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
With all due respect Canuck, i started this thread. You still havent participated in it except for your criticisms for other members on this forum. I suggest you grow up or get lost.

You want us to apply a standard to this thread? A standard that does not apply to iggy because he is not here? Wtf? Take away your flaming and desire to censor, and your posts on this thread would be empty.
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