Very Sad Story


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
I never said anything about parents not setting limitations. Its their methods that don't work, one can be shown things in sutle ways, even if your a teenager. I have no doubt the parents feel badly.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
These 2 kids made a suicide pact.

Are we all the products of our parent's mistakes?

They ran away only to find they brought themselves with them, as though they never left.

How much does the unconscious (that internal programming pilot) drive us?

Is it the part of ourselves that can drive a car and not recall how we got home, is what drives other actions as well ?

Hypnotists know this more than anyone else.

We got a tape player running endlessly in the cranium.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Amen Peapod.

No matter where you, there you are.

And so as my good friend, who shares your political views, says that even wherever we take ourselves, we want to hear only the echo of ourselves and so no real conversation ever takes place.


Electoral Member
Oct 22, 2004
the wang
Re: RE: Very Sad Story

Andygal said:
A regular Romeo-and-Juliet story.

How sad. Their parents should have minded their own business.

Sad story...and kinda stupid.

BTW, their parents were minding their own business... :wink:


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Being a parent myself this horrifies me.

Having had relations with people I know my parents didn't like I understand (to a degree) what these kids were feeling.

The statement that sticks out the most to me is the one where the parents of the girl mention "her grades might slip. Not that they did slip. Just that they might. They mention this child was "strong willed" then how come the parents didn't think about the child...rather they demanded absolute obidience and gave no thought to what would happen if their child didn't "bend" to their authority. They knew there daughters nature. THey choose to ignore it and were cocky about their parenting abilities.

Parenting is different for every child. The goal is to learn about YOUR child and work with them. You can not successfully raise a child using a discipline style that does not allow for individuality of child.

The parents suffered the worse possible outcome for their mistake. It's unfortunate. But sometimes you only get 1 chance at things. It's best to take time to think about your choice rather then expect your answer is the right one.

Alot of people just go with what they think is right. THey often give it no thought. And some find it incredibly difficult to acknowledge that maybe their way is not the best way. Being a parent sometimes gives people this unjust notion that they know what's right for their child. Yet we see with the mother of this girl that even though she knew about her daughters personality she gave no thought to how her child might respond to such punishment.....


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
This is a terrible story. Sadly I understand it too well. My son is 16 with a 15 year old g/f. Her mom hates my boy and makes it difficult if not impossible for them to see each other. She also finds it beyond amusing the trials they go through to be together. She makes a great deal of effort to keep them apart and I just know this will blow up in her face. These kids are in LOVE and teen love is soooo powerful that no parent will come between them. I can only imagine the plan these kids will come up with.

Let's hope it isn't a suicide pact.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Very Sad Story

GreenGreta said:
This is a terrible story. Sadly I understand it too well. My son is 16 with a 15 year old g/f. Her mom hates my boy and makes it difficult if not impossible for them to see each other. She also finds it beyond amusing the trials they go through to be together. She makes a great deal of effort to keep them apart and I just know this will blow up in her face. These kids are in LOVE and teen love is soooo powerful that no parent will come between them. I can only imagine the plan these kids will come up with.

Let's hope it isn't a suicide pact.

I would think, Greta, that in offering them safe haven for their romantic designs, they would more likely enjoy their time under your protection rather than trudge off into the woods with a hunting rifle. Which is a good thing, because, not only are they not dead, but you will have their permission for you to keep an eye on them, and not let things go too far... :wink:


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
I remember this day very clearly, I was 19 when this happened. Rob was my best friend, he was supposed to meet me and some friends at a field to play football. He never showed up, and now I know why. I guess I always knew, I just didn't want to admit it.

You would think after 20 years this news wouldn't be that much of a blow, but it is. At least I have closure, even though it is not what I wanted.

I will always love him like a brother, and I have the memories.

Did I fail him? I feel sick thinking about it.