The Passionate Eye-Internet Addiction


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
I know personally how this affects some people.One of my nieces is still hopelessly addicted to chat rooms,has blown one marriage due to her addiction and is in danger of doing the same to her second one. As is usual,the show on CBC was fair and informative, and I am afraid I have known quite a few people like the ones portrayed on last night's show :(


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
I know personally how this affects some people.One of my nieces is still hopelessly addicted to chat rooms,has blown one marriage due to her addiction and is in danger of doing the same to her second one. As is usual,the show on CBC was fair and informative, and I am afraid I have known quite a few people like the ones portrayed on last night's show :(


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
I know personally how this affects some people.One of my nieces is still hopelessly addicted to chat rooms,has blown one marriage due to her addiction and is in danger of doing the same to her second one. As is usual,the show on CBC was fair and informative, and I am afraid I have known quite a few people like the ones portrayed on last night's show :(


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
I watched it to missile...I really don't understand how someone could get into this. Its just seems so dumb ass sex on the internet.
But it was very distrubing. Personally I don't know anyone with this problem. I have never been to a chat room. I only started using messenger months ago, and only because of this board. :p

But beside the porn side, some of the signs I could apply to this board 8O Like for instances I have cancelled something in the real world to be at the board instead. 8O I want to read that isaac asimov story they kept refering to in the documentary, but I cannot remember the name, do you recall it?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
I watched it to missile...I really don't understand how someone could get into this. Its just seems so dumb ass sex on the internet.
But it was very distrubing. Personally I don't know anyone with this problem. I have never been to a chat room. I only started using messenger months ago, and only because of this board. :p

But beside the porn side, some of the signs I could apply to this board 8O Like for instances I have cancelled something in the real world to be at the board instead. 8O I want to read that isaac asimov story they kept refering to in the documentary, but I cannot remember the name, do you recall it?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
I watched it to missile...I really don't understand how someone could get into this. Its just seems so dumb ass sex on the internet.
But it was very distrubing. Personally I don't know anyone with this problem. I have never been to a chat room. I only started using messenger months ago, and only because of this board. :p

But beside the porn side, some of the signs I could apply to this board 8O Like for instances I have cancelled something in the real world to be at the board instead. 8O I want to read that isaac asimov story they kept refering to in the documentary, but I cannot remember the name, do you recall it?


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Sorry,but I can't think of it ..never read much Asimov[except his "I,Robot"].I prefer Heinlein,Farmer and Ellison. Asimov wrote most of his books on real science,though-fiction wasn't his real forte and probably discussed cybersex in some of those.