I'm atheist, or non-religious (I've always thought the two terms were interchangable but I'm not exactly sure), and I'm from Australia.
I'm glad I'm not American - I personally could not stand my nations leader saying: "God Bless America" at the end of every speak. Or for that matter, "God Bless Australia."
Christians call the views of many Muslims extreme. And yes there are many who are. But of these 'extremists', there are a few groups.
One group of these extremists preaches that they should fight the infidels until everyone believes in Allah, the one true God, and his prophet Mohammud.
The other group looks at years of US aggression (Vietnam, Spanish-American War, Chile, Cuba, The Gulf War), and says: "If we don't fight these people, we will be next."
Are the latter group really that extreme?
Apart from that, I hate the fact that there are these Christians that believe, that because I do not believe in God, that I must be immoral, depraved, evil, or whatever they want to label me.
They believe that their God gave me a 'soul' which is where my conscience comes from. Apparently it has nothing to do with my human brain, which allows me to think complexly and feel emotion and empathy and sympathy.
Recently I read that apparently I am a child of the Devil, and that I love sin and wickedness. Well hell yeah I love sin and wickedness - by Christian definition.
But I don't murder. I don't steal. I don't rape. I don't enslave anyone. I don't degrade anyone. I tolerate religious beliefs. I believe in equality. I believe in equal opportunity. I believe in justice for all. I believe in helping the weak to help themselves.
And as for anyone who steals, rapes, enslaves, degrades, doesn't tolerate religious beliefs, doesn't believe in equality, believes they are superior, doesn't believe in providing people with opportunities based on their own merit, believes in selective justice for the people they don't like, and doesn't give a damn about the weak - well then I want them to get off my planet.
Now lets look back at the people who epitomise what I just said.
Hmmmm who can I think of...
Well for starters, I can think of multiple Christian churches.
Who else can you think of?
You know by the time I got to the end of this post... I can't even remember what I was replaying to. So forgive me if I go a little off topic.