peapod said:
What was that? a bit a humor :? see that was not so hard was it, don't do it to often tho, I might have to reconsider my baloney theory, or come up with another label, or even flush myself down the toilet. No that would not work, I live in british columbia, I am very careful about where my waste goes.
You might not believe this peapod, but you don't really have to do me any favours. If you want to believe I am some crazy psycho with multiple net personalities who has phantasies about who he is and needs to fictionalize his life on the net you are free to believe it. You don't even have to write it to me in private messages. You can say it right here - in public. It's really ok for you to believe that. I am not bothered and least of all intimidated by it.
But you might want to consider this, not for my sake, but maybe for your pretty little soul:
You see, it's kind of too clever, or too convenient, to believe that people who don't share in your view of the world are proving thereby that they are morally deficient and intellectually inferior. In other words, if I don't agree with you it is because I am manifestly wicked. So if I think that the judge in Svend's case deliberately downplayed the value of the stolen ring, both materially and symbolically, because the defendant was the leading advocate of gay marriage - then I must be homophobic, or some sort of fundamentalist pervert or an internet psycho or have a warped sense of justice that would treat the act differently if the thief was a political bosom buddy who was straight. See how that works, peapod ?
Now of course I came here to stir a little jaw-jaw with RB, with whose sense of fairness I have a quarrel. I came for a piece of Svend here because Svend is a cheat, a liar and a thief. He also happens to be 'a fag' (which is how Gore Vidal describes a gay person who is self-obssessed, conflicted about his homosexuality, who doesn't have any sense of humour and projects his complexes into society at large). None of the above are capital offenses with me, and I swear to you I would not spend nearly as much time with Svend if ONLY the guy did not also happen to be such a busybody and such an insufferably sanctimonious twit. K ?
....with all that said, I am naturally thrilled to know about your being careful about where your waste goes. I also think not- flushing because of ecological concerns trumps not-flushing by some of the extreme Right wingers who believe the toilet bowl is the devil's harlot which destroyed the manhood of the Middle Ages. On the other hand, since the stink is about the same I wimp out, stay politically in the middle and flush, as Cyndi Lauper sings, Time after Time. :sign10: Oops, how did that get here ? I guess I better go.