Summer Reading


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
I started reading the adventurist (My life in dangerous places) by robert young pelton, last night....I finished it this morning... now I gots to go to willows beach and :sleepy1: :sleepy1:

Hard-Luck Henry

Council Member
Feb 19, 2005
Be careful not to :sleepy1: so far up the beach, that those who try to reach are burnt alive in the searing heat of the desert of your dispassion, lil' P. That would be bad. :wink:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I read Angel's and Demons by Dan Brown; better that the DaVinci Code, but overall a poorly written book. Par for the course for him, I guess.

The autobiography of Queen Noor of Jordan - I'd call it a must read for anyone interested in MidEast politics.

One of Alexander McColl Smith's mysteries, set in Botswana. Good read, well written.

Several other books, none of particular note. It's only August, so we have a few more weeks of reading to go.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I'm still trying to figure out how to pronounce "Mma", and what exactly it means. I must ask the guys from South Africa when they're here next month.

ol' dawg

Electoral Member
Jun 25, 2005
standing by a hydrant
Hey Cosmo
It's been a while since I've been around - 5 days at Sooke, another 4 at Comox ... and now I'm wondering why I continue to live in Calgary. Oh I know there's a reason ... but ... ah, I'll leave it there.

Anyhow, the real purpose of this post is to thank you for steering onto Spider Robinson and Christopher Moore. I read a couple of Spiders books - The Callahan Touch, Callahans Lady, and Callahans Legacy ... in that order, I know it's the wrong sequence, but I'm getting them out of the library. I also read Moores Fluke while I was on the island, and am part way thru Lamb. It's been an enjoyable coupla weeks.
Thanks again


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Hey ol Dawg! Nice to see you back. I wondered where you gotten off to. Glad to hear it was a vacation. ;)

Glad you're enjoying the authors. Spider is from Vancouver, which is kinda cool. You might also enjoy Carl Hiaasen ... he's funny. Check out his website:

So who do you read? If you enjoy those, I'd probably like the authors you pick too.

Sooke? Geez, you were here in my back yard! Should have let us know and us forum folk could have got together for a coffee at Starbucks! ;) Next time you're out let us know!

ol' dawg

Electoral Member
Jun 25, 2005
standing by a hydrant
Yah, maybe I shoulda got together for coffee.

I had a good buddy in Nanaimo that I lost track of, and lost track of time - we hadn't talked in a few years but he always asked when I was coming out to the island. Well, this year I tried to track him down - he was a realtor, so I emailed the real estate board - only to get a response ... "regretfully we have to inform you ...". It was a pretty empty feeling when I drove by Nanaimo.

The books I usually read are probably more in line with Vanni and HLH - some Baigent, et al (Holy Blood Holy Grail), etc, Joseph Campbell . I'm looking for Ravenstocks Spear of Destiny right now. HLH suggested a book I'll buy this fall since I'd be number 83 on the library waiting list.

But I liked the light quick reads of Robinson and Moore for vacation time. Robinson frequently mentions Amos Garrett, and in The Callahan Touch he mentions - one time - a keyboard player named Ron Casat. That's not fictional, I remember him playing with Diamond Joe White more than 20 years ago.

Thanks for the lead on Carl Haisson - I'll check it out. Matter a fact, think I'll check out, put on the reading glasses and start Callahans Con. :D