studying in alberta


New Member
Jan 12, 2011
Hello to all and thankyou for looking at my thread!

My name is Louis O'Shea i am 25 and from the United Kingdom. I must first apologis if the content of this thread has before, been posted. My computer is not a fully functining member of sociaty. And thus have not been able to look through the posts properly.

Right i would love to moe to canada to study i have found the collage and course i would lov to do, the collage is Lakeland collage Alberta and the course is an outdoor activities course.

Now my problem is i have no idea where to start going about gaining what i need to move to your wounderful country. As i have said i am 25 i have worked in the hospitality industry since i was 14 i can work all area from event management to bartending. im a silver service waiter ad flambe chef also im a PADI scuba diving instructor and first aid instructor with emergncy first responce i do not posses any qualifications in any other skilled trade although i do have base knowledge of plumbing, plastering, carpentry and electrics

I would also need funding for my studys as i have no saving or assets to speak of.

CAN ANY HELP ME IN ANYWAY i want to enjoy canada with you

Thankyou for time

i must also apologise for bad grammer and spelling, sorry!