Snippets from the Religious Right Circus


Electoral Member
Sep 15, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
Re: RE: Snippets from the Rel

I think Kerry might actually be a very good president... with the media the way it is, we never really get a clear picture. I think he is a victim, if you will, of the times, an era that seems to call for a Reality Show Candidate, one that can toss out one-liners that appeal to the vacant corners of the brain.

I think that everything Kerry wants to do as President is great, and if he could actually get it done he would be excellent. However, the right wing climate in the US is so strong right now, at the first sign of weakness Kerry will be crucified. If he gets in this term, this will be his one and only.

Wish Hillary had the balls to run this time.

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
Re: RE: Snippets from the Rel

Jillyvn said:
I think that everything Kerry wants to do as President is great, and if he could actually get it done he would be excellent. However, the right wing climate in the US is so strong right now, at the first sign of weakness Kerry will be crucified. If he gets in this term, this will be his one and only.

I agree with you about the political climate in the US. It is why I doubt Kerry has a chance in hell. Interestingly, I don't see anybody in the Republican party who would be a likely candidate four years from now.

As for Hillary Clinton, I'd just about guarantee she would not have won had she run. There is no way in hell the Americans would vote for a woman at this juncture.

Rick van Opbergen

House Member
Sep 16, 2004
The Netherlands
I think Kerry will not be elected. Why? Look at the man! It isn't important whether he is intelligent (just look at Bush, the perfect example), the only thing that counts is charisma. And although I hate to admit it, Bush has a lot more charisma than Kerry. Thank God that I live on the other side of the Big Pond!

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
Rick van Opbergen said:
I think Kerry will not be elected. Why? Look at the man! It isn't important whether he is intelligent (just look at Bush, the perfect example), the only thing that counts is charisma. And although I hate to admit it, Bush has a lot more charisma than Kerry. Thank God that I live on the other side of the Big Pond!

Sadly, I think you are quite right, Rick. Charisma is where it's at. Intelligence is not only seen as less important, it is actually reviled to some degree. You are lucky to be across the water. Mind you, another four with Bush and who knows if we won't all end up in the United States of the World. Ack!

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Snippets from the Rel

I wouldn't write Kerry off yet. If he starts focusing on real issues and doing it loudly and proudly, he can win. That's how Bill Clinton won ("it's the economy, stupid").

The truth is that the US is less safe than it was before 9-11, Bush has done a poor job there. The economy is worse too. The rising debt threatens US security more than any other single issue. The trade deficit leaves the US at the mercy of countries like China.

Kerry needs to be screaming these things from the rooftops.

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
What you say makes perfect sense, yes. Kerry keeps making good starts in this manner, then seems to either a) back off again or b) the media backs off on reporting it.


Mar 24, 2002
Not to offend anybody who might be ultra-religious, but claiming things like "god is pro-war" is an extremely sick perspective. If there is a great god, I'm sure he'd promote peace and prosperity around the world.. But since I'm agnostic/athiest, I'd just have to say this is an extremely shameful way of manipulating the religious sectors of Christians, Jews, etc. Look at it that way.