Silence says more than jingoist rhetoric


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
I can be as wrong as the next person, maybe even more off-base than the average person.

Maybe it's too comfortable for some folk posting their opinions and comments here at Canadian Content to focus their thinking on their own thinking....

There are a number of folk working tirelessly to demonize Moslems and Middle Eastern folk in general. But isn't it strange how these same people don't appear to have any time to rant about the way the Canadian government since the first world war has shafted the people who went and fought these wars. Why would that be do you think?

I'll tell you why.

It's far easier to point a finger at some identified "bad guy" than it is to deal with the corruption and mismanagement that runs this country. No politician wants the average Canadian to understand that the people of this country who went and fought in these wars were lied to and stolen from by this nations political machinery.

Keep all the plebes excited about what's going on somewhere else and lord knows they're not bright enought to comprehend how unjust and corrupt the very system they're "believing-in" actually is.

Where are the contributions suggesting that the veterans who've been shafted by the Canadian people deserve justice?

No where.

No where because while a few like the idea of Canadian soldiers dying for the American enterprise in various places around the world, as long as they're not paying the price then everything is just fine.

Sure send troops to Afghanistan and we can shaft them just like we shafted WWI and WWII vets and of course if we're lucky they'll all die and we won't have to pay.....

All the hate and vitriol that's filled these forums (from just a very few I might add) one could easily get the impression that the "justice" and "nation of laws" that our service men and women are fighting and dying for is at a fundamental level a lie and a sham that allows the warmongers and jingoists the latitude of publishing hate messages on line through the Internet while forgetting entirely that a debt that's been owed for decades to our service personnel has been avoided. It would make a great recruiting poster don't you think???

"Do your duty and go die somewhere so that I can continue to practice my prejudices in freedom but don't think for a moment that we'll keep faith with those who may survive or their families left bereft at the loss of a father or mother or brother or sister...."

Yes let's hate the Chinese because they weren't escaping communism, nooooo they were simply volunteers in building a railway out of the goodness of their hearts and that we as Canadians support the mistreatment of these people is perfectly acceptable. Yes let's hate all the Semitic people because they're after all just a billion or so ignorant primitives who deserve to have their children murdered and their towns and cities devastated so we can feel safe....and keep the oil flowing to feed our appetities...

Yes let's hate people who think differently and of course our hate is big enough to encompass everyone from gays and lesbians to people whom we don't even know, but who "believe" in something we don't..

There's no limit to the amount of hate available here at Canadian Content.....enough to go around for everyone....

Hell it's even OK that corruption and theft live at the very core of our systems of government and so long as the Chinese or the veterans don't cost me anything everythings just swell and our "system" works wonderfully......

Yes let's send our people off to die because while they're away protecting this "great" nation we can screw them over just like we've screwed many others over and yet we all chorus how great and wonderful and how deserving of these peoples deaths is the justice and freedom that our "government" tells us we enjoy.

We (Canadians) have mistreated and continually mistreat a great many people. Veterans got shafted but hey they'll all be dead soon so that doesn't matter.

Native people in Canada?

Just a subclass that the working population of Canada (where's the best place to hide an indian's UI check...) have been forced to support for generations and all they can do is complain about having to haul polluted water from streams to feed their families. All they do is throw up barricades and storm campgrounds and development sites...generating fear and causing trouble because they want more....

Canadian native folk should be proud of the legacy of the governments of this nation... and simply count themselves among those who the average Canadian is prepared to screw over as they celebrate the worthiness of this "system" over that of the identified "enemy"....