Rooney: Don't Be Afraid


House Member
May 25, 2004
(CBS) The following is a weekly 60 Minutes commentary by correspondent Andy Rooney.
I don't normally take seriously what anyone called "Tommy" says. Of course, that's true of anyone called "Andy," too.

But I was interested in what Tommy Thompson, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, said recently: "I, for the life of me, cannot understand why the terrorists have not, you know, attacked our food supply, because it is so easy to do."

That seemed like such a dumb thing for an important person to say, but important people are always saying dumb things.



House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
From what I've read on terrorism,the food supply is always a prime target. And supposedly,plans were found in Afghanistan indicating some American targets-nice of this bozo to bring the idea to the forefront of the terrorist mind.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
It is a stupid thing to say, but it doesn't worry me. I don't think the terrorists need any prompting to think of these things. They're pretty creative at coming up with ways to kill innocent people. If only they could direct some of that talent and energy at doing something constructive, they could actually compete with west, instead of just blaming it for all their problems. But i digress. :)

Paranoid Dot Calm

Council Member
Jul 6, 2004
Hide-Away Lane, Toronto
Hey! JustTheFacts

You Wrote:
If only they could direct some of that talent and energy at doing something constructive, they could actually compete with west, instead of just blaming it for all their problems.

I live in Canada and I'm not in the least happy with the direction our government has taken over the past quarter-century.
But, what the heck can I do about it? The government has all the guns and anyone in power hides behind the army and police. (Their own "personal" surrogates of fear.)

Even when the public is against something, the politicians twist it around and say "I'm going against public opinion because it's the right thing to do" .... or .... "I'm gonna be strong and disregard Canadian public opinion".

Well, I would think it was the same in every Middle East country. What the heck can a population do if they don't like what their government is doing in their name?

And the worst of it is .... that the West is supplying the police forces and armies of these dictatorships in the Middle East.
Imagine what a Palestinian feels like when he knows that the West is supplying all the military hardware that Israel uses to shoot kids?

Imagine what a protester feels like in Egypt when riot police use weapons and tear gas to disperse protesters? The tear gas imported from Canada.

I remember the protests which were held in Vancover. The RCMP peppered sprayed everyone. They soaked people with the stuff and not just sprayed a little here or there.

As I recall, we as Canadians had a chance to voice our opinion, .... we had a chance to change things with our last vote .....
And instead of that, we praised our government for the "strong" presence it took in the world.

I think people of the Middle East are exactly like us Canadians. We all sit at home and complain about others not standing up against power and not speaking out against injustice.

Right now, in Canada, we got people being held without trial. Without access to a lawyer. We got people being buried alive, and we do nothing about it.

I think that in order to change Middle East problems we need to change our own government policies. I think the problems in the Middle East begin with us, here in the West.

When I begin to see more Canadians stand up against injustice and protest against power and policy, maybe then I might criticize other People's of this world and their lack of "guts" to stand up against their own governments.



House Member
May 25, 2004
Just the Facts said:
It is a stupid thing to say, but it doesn't worry me. I don't think the terrorists need any prompting to think of these things. They're pretty creative at coming up with ways to kill innocent people. If only they could direct some of that talent and energy at doing something constructive, they could actually compete with west, instead of just blaming it for all their problems. But i digress. :)

When you are not free, you can't be constructive. These people are using their imagination and whatever rocks, stones, and peoples from the ground to fight a grand enemy.

You live in a peaceful country. You go to work and give the society a little everyday. They have no work to go to, they hide underground to plan the next attack because if they do not do the planning, their funeral will be next.

We are comparing apples to oranges. Go back 100 years, Didn't the people of the Middle East contribute to civilization. It is not until the West put his foot there out of greed that they stopped. The west, to protect it's own interest, planted a Cancer among the the countries there to keep them fighting, and for them to take the wealth.