Roman emperor, Consul, Tribune, General or Leader (favorite)


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Well this is easy... Lets talk about our favorite Roman leaders.

Ok everyone knows I'm an admirer of the Roman Republic, and yes I love many of the rulers of the Republic but there was one Roman ruler which deserves my respect more then any other. Everyone knows that Rome was once a Republic and afterwards turned into a empire, with some facades of the republic left in place. Well unless you hacve studied Roman history, you may not know that Rome was once a Kingdom as well. The first 7 Rulers of Rome were Kings. The first being Romulus, the last being Superbus. The first king was known as a great king but ruled for a very short time, and the last king was the worst tyrant Rome would ever see. Thus the reasoning behind the Romans hating the name "King", and thus the fanatasism against monarchies during the republican phaze of Rome and even into the early empire.

My pick is one of the kings of Rome, the second king of Rome who is known as Numa Pompillus 715-673 BC, who is known to be the "Priest" king of Rome and ruled Rome during a time which was most likely one of the more peaceful times in Romes history, yet he was a warrior as well and ruled with the consent of the Senate, and was able to keep the Plebs generally happy as well.

As I said I have many more Romans who I like too.