guys, I sell rogers cell phone
be honest , rogers mess up completely last 2 yrs
the ways they make money from people are absolutely dirty
serveral things I have to point out, please notice
(It is important to you because the worst can happen to to you if you dont look at it, and your credit history can be affected!!!!!!!)
Before 2003, they would not put anything up on your credit breau report
However, since early 2004, they started to open up a new file on your credit report. I know this because I check my credit report once a while. and the last one I saw I have a file that regarding the rogers service I subscribe
It only shown on the tranuniion one , not the equifax one
before that, if a customer found out he was overcharged on the bill, he probbably would not pay until the problem was solved
so which mean he had some power to "fight" for it
now different. your credit file is on their hands. If you dont pay whatever they think you have to pay even if you think you are overcharged
chances you report would got mess up first. you will get into a much deeper trouble than what you would have thought.
It is more like you have to pay whatever they tell you so
although many charges are made up from some very fancy names such as 'email to text' or " hamburger to pizza"
2. I have to point out, they try to renew your contract whenever they have a chance. some plans such as megatime will automatically hook up with years in which many customer dont know that or not noticing them
3. whenever you deal with a rogers rep on the phone
you have to be careful with them. trust me
If you ask them if their an "adminstration fee"
they probably would say no and end up charge you as "system access fee". you guys need to be careful at the time you ask question because they may give u the answer which is partially true. you cant say they are lying. I have dealed with many customer service rep and some of them may even say something like " customers have never asked us not to charge them for that fee so which mean we have the rights to do so"
just like a person kill you is correct because you have never asked this person not to kill you.
4. neverever give too much information to rogers. just enough to open an account is fine. or you will receive uncountable advertisment just like you sons and daugther keep asking money from you.
5. pay as you go is good because they can never open a credit file for this server. If u lose the account for any reason, all you have lost is the money you spent on the last pay as you go card
6. NEVEREVER EVER EVER give them your credit card number or bank information. You rather pay after you recieve you invoice or using pay go card.
this company is very very dishonest at the time they advertise because there are so many hidden clause
" For example, they will put up the big sign of $35 plan
however, the system access fee would be in small prints
and many customer especially old people would oversee them because they cant read it or they got confused
Imagine if you walk in McDonald and wants to buy a hamburger, and the cashier tells you " Free hamburger, Free Coke , " then she tells you " $1.69 cooking fee applied" this is crazy world
I prefer they advertise the total cost of the cell phone
rather than something like "free phone but charges applied."