Quantum Physics Lets Researchers See "Things" Without Looking At Them


Dec 10, 2008
Quantum Physics Lets Researchers See "Things" Without Looking At Them
on 5/24/2023 in Physics, Science

As a general rule, if you want sight, you need light. You’re only reading this right now thanks to the light
from your screen being beamed onto your retinas, converted into electrical signals and sent up
the optic nerve for your brain to interpret as a bunch of words and images.

But what if you could see things without all that rigamarole? It might sound impossible –
perhaps even counter to the very definition of sight – but thanks to the bizarre
world of quantum mechanics, it’s actually perfectly possible
. . . .
If that sounds bizarre or nonsensical to you, well, you’re not wrong.
But in the quantum world, those kinds of mind-boggling concepts are really just a standard Thursday.