Prophet Mohammed's spiritual night journey

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Prophet Mohammed asked God to show him the Afterlife or the Next Life: it is the world of souls or the world of spirits or the Afterlife.
God heard the prayer of His servant, and so He sent Gabriel who plucked the soul of Mohammed out of his body while he was sleeping in his bed, and Gabriel took him into a spiritual journey by night: the set our on journey from the Holy Mosque of Mecca and they went by night to the Holy Mosque at Jerusalem: Al-Quds; then they went up to the spiritual heavens or the ethereal heavens: it is the Kingdom of Heavens or Paradise.

It is described in this marvelous soora 53 in the Quran:
Soora 53
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
1. [I swear] by the [tailed] star [: the comet] when it will fall down [upon the earth!]

[Then God – be glorified – said:]
2. Your companion [Mohammed] has neither misled nor deceived [anyone],

3. Nor does [Mohammed] speak out of [his own] desire.

4. It is only a revelation [from God], revealed [to him by means of Gabriel.]

5. [Mohammed] is taught by [Gabriel: an angel] mighty in power.

6. To whom is referred [by angels, prophets and messengers or apostles] for consultation.
And [Mohammed] became similar to, and together with, [Gabriel.]

7. When he [: Gabriel] was at the high horizon [in the atmosphere of the earth, teaching Mohammed some religious instructions.]

8. Then [Mohammed] drew near [to the Throne, to which he] was guided [by Gabriel.]

9. And he was at [a distance of] two [opposing] bows [from the Throne], or [even] nearer [in case the bows were small in size.]

10. And He revealed to His servant [Mohammed] what He revealed [to the messengers before him.]

11. The ‘[spiritual] heart’ [of Mohammed] lied not [to you, people,] concerning what [signs and marvels] he saw [in the ethereal heavens.]

12. Will you then dispute with him concerning what [portents] he saw?

13. And surely [Gabriel] taught [Mohammed] yet another time while descending [from the seventh to the first heaven.]

14. Near the lote-tree, at the termination [of their spiritual trip in heavens.]

15. Near to which is the Garden of Refuge.

16. When the lote-tree was enshrouded in [lights] that overwhelmed [the eye sight.]

17. The eye-sight [of Mohammed] deviated not, nor yet did it wander beyond [his goal.]

18. For truly [Mohammed] saw [in heavens] the greatest of the signs of his Lord.

More explanation of these great ayat is in this link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Listen also to this nice recitation of this precious soora of the Glorious Quran
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House Member
May 18, 2010
Prophet Mohammed asked God to show him the Afterlife or the Next Life: it is the world of souls or the world of spirits or the Afterlife.
God heard the prayer of His servant, and so He sent Gabriel who plucked the soul of Mohammed out of his body while he was sleeping in his bed, and Gabriel took him into a spiritual journey by night: the set our on journey from the Holy Mosque of Mecca and they went by night to the Holy Mosque at Jerusalem: Al-Quds; then they went up to the spiritual heavens or the ethereal heavens: it is the Kingdom of Heavens or Paradise.

It is described in this marvelous soora 53 in the Quran:
Did your God also show Mohammed how to diddle nine yr old girls?

And how about the killing of infedels, did he also show Mo how to that as well?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are one of the enemies of God and His messenger Mohammed; you are a loser. You are one of Hell inmates: following your eminent death.
If you don't know where Hell is, I will tell you: it is inside the Earth core: its gates are the volcano craters.
Your filthy soul will be compelled to go inside it, unless you repent and correct your conduct..
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House Member
May 18, 2010
You are one of the enemies of God and His messenger Mohammed; you are a loser. You are one of Hell inmates: following your eminent death.
If you don't know where Hell is, I will tell you: it is inside the Earth core: its gates are the volcano craters.
Mohammed was a curse on society and we are still coping with his evil deeds.