Check this out:
Jack Layton has launched a website to show how Paul Martin is more conservative than Brian Mulroney!
So far Martin's team has not refuted any of the damning charges (sush as changing the flags on his ships so he could layoff his Canadian staff earning 11$ an hour and instead hire Filipino workers at less than 2$ and hour!), but they have called the website "crummy".
What do you guys think of the website? Which flag did you vote for?
Jack Layton has launched a website to show how Paul Martin is more conservative than Brian Mulroney!
So far Martin's team has not refuted any of the damning charges (sush as changing the flags on his ships so he could layoff his Canadian staff earning 11$ an hour and instead hire Filipino workers at less than 2$ and hour!), but they have called the website "crummy".
What do you guys think of the website? Which flag did you vote for?