Our kids get shot at day cares now???


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
This is new, I can honestly say I never even imagined this.

A 7 year old was SHOT by an 8 year old at her daycare where she participates in a before-school program.

I have several things to comment on in this story.

When the police got to the day care centre, all the children were watching television. Ok, some day care centre!

One of the mothers, when she came to pick up her child said ( and I quote) "But things like this happen. It's a blessing that the little girl is OK." Ok, where did you grow up that things like THIS happen? A high school shooting is one thing, but a day care?

They are charging the father with numerous things, but the best part is they have taken the shooter into custody and are bringing charges against him. He's 8. 8?

I'm sorry, I usually keep my mouth shut with regards to our neighbours, but man, that's some f*cked up sh*t.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
They;ll have to install metal detectors in the Day Cares now..just in case some toddler tries to smuggle his rod inside his diaper :)


Nominee Member
Sep 26, 2005
Calgary, Alberta
That's pretty messed up. I think something like this happened in the states a few years back but I don't recall anything like this ever happening in Canada...where was this?

There should be some pretty heavy penalties for people that don't secure their damn guns properly. How did the 8 year old get a hold of it?

EDIT: Oops, didn't see the neighbours comment in Greta's post. :?


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
That's horrible. This is really the only reason I was in favor of handgun bans in Canada (because of irresponsible owners who can't seem to even keep guns out of the hands of children!). Even high school shootings are unacceptable and it's sad that they seem to have become "normal" to some people. I can't tell you how many times I've seen cop cars at the high school I drive by on my way to work.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
Re: RE: Our kids get shot at day cares now???

tracy said:
That's horrible. This is really the only reason I was in favor of handgun bans in Canada (because of irresponsible owners who can't seem to even keep guns out of the hands of children!). Even high school shootings are unacceptable and it's sad that they seem to have become "normal" to some people. I can't tell you how many times I've seen cop cars at the high school I drive by on my way to work.

Irresponsible owners are no more a reason to ban handguns than they are to ban chainsaws. They should be punished for their idiocy in letting an eight-year-old get ahold of a weapon, punished severely.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
My dad and his friends in the 40s used to walk to
high school with 22 rifles, and maybe shoot a rabbit
or squirrel and skin it, then go to school and store
their guns in the locker 45 miles west of Philadelphia,
and it was normal, and no one freaked out, and no
crap happened.

The only education kids get about guns comes from
the damn movies and stupid tv shows.

Times change and so does the culture.



House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Re: RE: Our kids get shot at day cares now???

Doryman said:
tracy said:
That's horrible. This is really the only reason I was in favor of handgun bans in Canada (because of irresponsible owners who can't seem to even keep guns out of the hands of children!). Even high school shootings are unacceptable and it's sad that they seem to have become "normal" to some people. I can't tell you how many times I've seen cop cars at the high school I drive by on my way to work.

Irresponsible owners are no more a reason to ban handguns than they are to ban chainsaws. They should be punished for their idiocy in letting an eight-year-old get ahold of a weapon, punished severely.

I agree they should be punished and I understand you feel differently, but an 8 year old with a chainsaw wasn't the problem here. It wasn't the problem when a 6 year old was shot in Michigan and it probably won't be the problem when a half dozen people show up to the emergency room at my hospital tonight. I don't mean for this to be a gun control debate since I understand where you're coming from, I just feel differently now that I live near an area where shootings are a daily occurence. I was more in your camp when I lived in Canada, but things change.

Glad I make enough money to live in a nice neighbourhood down here.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
America has a very bad gun problem.

And a gun control ban won't solve it without
an education program about guns.

And it would be nice to enlist Hollywood and TV
to do something to counter all their glory of hell, the
only place kids learn anything about guns.