Our Health Care Stinks!


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
I found most of the emergency doctors quite good. The trouble is (here)) they rotate every few days so the doctor who diagnosis and admits you could be gone the next day and another doctor takes over cold. You're left mostly forgotten.
When my husband was taken in by ambulance after falling (he had become paralyzed and was convulsing) the doctor in emergency bustled in and said the first thing was to get him up on his feet. I told him my husband couldn't stand up, that's why he's here. He ignored me and pivoted Hubby off the gurney, hubby collapsed and the doctor started yelling, 'help, help, I need help in here'. Security guards came in and lifted hubby back onto the gurney.
That 'doctor' (?) disappeared then and another one came in. This was after half a dozen trips to emergency, hospitalization and home care. I was in tears and told the doctor what had been going on over the last few months. He told me it was too much to go through and promised that he would get to the bottom of it and wouldn't quit until he did.
That was the first break we got. Hubby immediately got CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, blood tests, the whole nine yards the same day. It was a rare spinal infection that no one up to that point had even tried to diagnose.
Next problem, there are only three hospitals in Ontario that do the kind of surgery he needed and all had a waiting list. So he waited in hospital, on antibiotics that weren't working and was near death when an opening finally came up in Hamilton. The surgeon there scheduled surgery for the next morning but due to the long period initially without treatment the infection had crystalized around his spine and had to be scraped out so it couldn't be completely removed.
Fortunately enough was removed that another month of antibiotics killed it, he went into rehab and spent another two months learning to walk again.
There was no need for all of this to happen if it had been taken care of from the start. Can you really blame us for being fed up?
There were many more bad things happened along the way, too many to mention. I have been retired from nursing for fifteen years but I don't remember EVER seeing such blatant negligence while I was working.