Once you understand, you cannot deny it.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Somebody who was once one of my friends, and we followed our teacher Abu Abd-Allah, but later following the death of the interpreter in the year 1991, he retreated and slipped away.

Afterwards, about 2 years ago I met this one .. we discussed many points .. his belief in the Mahdi (Abu Abd-Allah) was shaken, he wavered .. in fact he denied the program of the interpreter (the Mahdi.)

I said to him: "You cannot deny the Afterlife, as was described by the interpreter, because you understood it and were convinced .. so how can you deny it."
I mean: You still believe in it, because it is the truth.

And he could not give any answer, but only to agree .. in spite of his disbelief and denial.


So what the interpreter said in his book Man after Death http://www.quran-ayat.com/man/index.htm

Man consists of a material body + a spiritual ethereal soul.
The soul is the true man, while the body is only a mold for forming the soul.
The body dies and decays, while the soul survives and is immortal.
The soul is a true copy of the body, and will be young forever.


Names of the special senses of the body and the soul:

The eye of the body --- forms inside it the sight of the soul.
The ear of the body --- forms inside it the hearing of the soul.
The heart of the body --- forms the spiritual heart of the soul.
The mouth of the body --- forms the spiritual mouth of the soul.
Every organ of the body ---forms its ethereal copy organ of the soul.

Therefore, it is the soul that sees through the eye of the body,
and the soul which hears, not the body, but through the ear of the body.

So the soul is like the driver, while the body is like the car.
And the soul has the control over the body to drive it to where it likes, and to direct it to what it likes.



The material world and the ethereal (spiritual) world

The ethereal (spiritual) world or the Afterlife is around us, but we don't perceive it; then when we die we will realize about the other ethereal world.



Genies have their material body created from gases. In addition, they have their souls formed from the ether.
Humans have their material bodies created from elements of the earth, like sodium, potassium, iron, calcium ..etc. In addition, they have their souls formed from the ether.



The spiritual (ethereal) beings include: the human souls, genie souls, devils and angels.

The angels were human beings who lived on the planets of the previous solar system, which was destroyed in the previous Doomsday.

Then God admitted them into Paradise in Heaven, and clothed them with ethereal skins, and they became the angels.



Devils were the disobedient genies in their life in the World, then following their death they became the souls of the disobedient genies, or they became the devils.
Therefore, the 'devils' are the souls of the disobedient genies.
And Satan was their father, just as Adam was our father.



More valuable knowledge can be gained in the link:
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Your problem is your start position. And I might add your elementary understanding of your professed religion. Yer an religious idiot who has denounced your humanity, your only hope is to be as nice as you can be. I don,t think you,ll have much trouble being nice.

Nice is the only path to heaven.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Your problem is your start position. And I might add your elementary understanding of your professed religion. Yer an religious idiot who has denounced your humanity, your only hope is to be as nice as you can be. I don,t think you,ll have much trouble being nice.

Nice is the only path to heaven.

When you will die, you will know who is the idiot: I or you .. when you will bite on your fingers with remorse and sorrow.

Therefore, from now on: prepare yourself for your coming Afterlife, and don't be the idiot.

Although you may be nice, but this will not avail you anything.

[God – be glorified – told about the condition of the unbeleivers and the niggardly, at the hour of death, and He said:]

Quran 23: 99. (Till when death comes to one of them [and he is about to die], he says: "O [angels of] my Lord, return me [to the life of the World.]"

100. "So that I may do charity with [the wealth] which I left behind."

[The angels will say to him:] “No, [there will be no return for you.”]

This merely is a word that he speaks; for there is behind them a barrier

[: that is the devil who will ‘bar and prevent’ them from the expenditure, if they are returned] till the day when they will be sent forth [from their bodies to the ether world or the world of souls.])

More explanation is in the link:
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