Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Russia has decimated its Oil production capacity and its not coming back.​

Which is funny because we've always been told that we won't survive if we don't develop our own because we really too much on theirs 🤔

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Holy cow. Loading this one page bags out my iPhone….

Morale among Russian troops sent in to fight Ukraine has been suspect from the first shot fired.

Now, in an intercepted phone call, two soldiers were caught complaining bitterly about President Vladimir Putin’s “bulls***” war, calling the invasion a “s***show” and describing how one overzealous colonel was intentionally run down by a tank.

So far, estimates vary on Russian war dead but the number is believed to be between 10,000 and 15,000.

The Ukrainian Security Service released the call.

“Basically, it’s a s***show here, I’ll put it that way,” an unnamed soldier fighting near Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine can be heard telling a colleague, adding that Russian forces are being torn apart by Ukrainians and with 50% suffering frostbite.

“But they don’t plan to treat them in the (field) hospital,” the unnamed solder said, according to the Daily Beast.

Soldiers — many of them young conscripts — were told by their commander Gen.-Lt. Yakov Rezantsev that the fighting would be over quickly.

“Do you know what he told us? ‘It’s no secret to anyone that there are only a few hours until this special operation is over.’ And now those hours are still going,” the soldier moaned.

In addition, the invaders are being given Kevlar vests — without the hard-plated Kevlar.

“And he (the commander)just says, ‘Son, be strong,’ and then he f***s off. It’s such trash here … our own plane dropped a bomb on us,” the soldier said, describing the chaos as a “madhouse.”

Among other snippets from the call:

— The soldier said the fighting is worse than in the war in Chechnya.

— Instead of advancing, the soldier said his unit was surrounded on all sides by the Ukrainians.

— Two groups of Russian forces fighting around Kyiv suffered a 50% casualty rate.

Citing Ukrainian journalist Roman Tsymbaliuk, the Daily Beast said soldiers in the brigade blamed commander Col. Yury Medvedev for the deaths of their friends.

“Having waited for the right moment, during battle, he ran over the commander with a tank as he stood next to him, injuring both his legs. Col. Medvedev was awarded the Order of Courage,” Tsymbaliuk wrote on Facebook.