Obama has chosen his VP...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Everyone stand by for the ads that will be coming out from the McCain camp soon.

They will prominently feature video and audio clips of Joe Biden saying Obama has no experience whatsoever, and will also show Joe biden praising John McCain.

Should be fun.:smile:

Yeah, more childish moves, as they saved all the clips they could find, of the campaigning
between the democrats, and I'm sure whatever vp candidate would have been picked,
they had the clips ready.
And, when McCain picks either huckeby, or Romney, the dems, will have their clips ready,
as well, such a childish game they all play, of course, they will have criticized each other
when they campaigned for the leadership, on both sides, so now the republicans say that
Biden doesn't approve of Obama, not true, only when campaigning, it is obvious that they
are on the same page, it's easy to see that, by their policy statements.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
Like him or not Biden does shoot from the hip. Sometimes too quick but always with the stamina of a man with a plan and an idea of where he is going. He may not know how to get there but he does have a destination in mind. Of all those Obama had available he is probably the safest choice. Like Tollolla says, the McLame Camp will now present it's case of character assassination. Then the responses will begin. Probabaly most negative too.