Muslims torch KFC


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
What we are witnessing are people in the west learning of our own hypocrisy, and when this knowlege is new and fresh there is a compulsion to show this understanding and like a pendulum it goes too far to one
extreme to balance the sins of our past.

To our credit most of us are at least sophomores
on HYPOCRISY 201. And a lot of us have already
passed HYPOCRISY 401.

The muslims being even generally younger haven't even
graduated high school on understanding their own

But our own people are busy learning our own sins,
and good for them.


Then get busy knowing THEM.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Re: RE: Muslims torch KFC

Freethinker said:
What kind of Canadian equates my beloved country with Sodom and Gamorah? Perhaps you need to visit the paradises of Pakistan, Iran and Syria to get a better idea what you are talking about.

Ou beloved Canada has become more corrupt than Sodom and Gamorah.

Pakistan, Iran and Syria are much more honest and have more integrity as far as governments and civil servants go.


Electoral Member
Jan 18, 2006
Re: RE: Muslims torch KFC

iamcanadian said:
Ou beloved Canada has become more corrupt than Sodom and Gamorah.

Pakistan, Iran and Syria are much more honest and have more integrity as far as governments and civil servants go.

You don't have two clues on this do you. The middle east is rife with corruption of levels completely unimaginable in the west. You really should try to become at least somewhat informed about what you choose to champion. But I suppose it is easier to just make it up as you go along.
  • Visitors to Iran often hear students vent their frustration with professors who sell grades, doctors who extort money for treatment, and officials who use their government positions for personal enrichment. Expediency Council Chairman Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has cornered the lucrative pistachio trade. Revolutionary foundations have done the same in the oil and import-export markets. Petrodollar wealth has not reached the population. In 1995, Iranian courts convicted businessmen linked to the Foundation for the Disabled and Oppressed for embezzling $400 million. Iranians, however, say the decision to press charges was more about politics than justice. Far more corruption goes unpunished. Senior Iranian officials live in luxury little different from that of the monarch they overthrew.
  • Also jeopardising economic reform has been Syria's endemic corruption. A government newspaper reported recently that government corruption was costing the treasury at least $50,000 a day.
  • Corruption is prevalent in both public and private sectors in Pakistan... To date, the government has booked over 250 cases of corruption against senior civil servants and bureaucrats working in both the federal and provincial ministries and corporations like WAPDA, OGDC, Pakistan Steel, National Highways Authority, PIA, Railways, etc. The government has suspended 87 officials in its anti­corruption drive including 16 high officials of the Oil and Gas Development Corporation.

    Those involved in the corruption charges are prominent politicians, bankers, bureaucrats, members of judiciary (judges and lawyers) and business magnates.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005


Electoral Member
Jan 18, 2006
Re: RE: Muslims torch KFC

iamcanadian said:
You need to get you head out of your ass. Canada is the most corrupt contry on the planet per capita.

Sorry my mistake, I thought you lacked knowledge, but in fact you are just a simpleton. Everytime you post you multiply your errors. Now faced again with information that you are totally wrong, will you acknowledge your mistake, or make up more total BS to make and even bigger fool of yourself? I bet on the latter.

I don't imagine you thought of reading the first entry on your corruption in Canada search. It was about the corruption index, which has this link which ranks country corruption. They are ranked best to worst. Followed by a score, 10 being perfect absent of corruption. A score of 5.0 is the number Transparency International considers the borderline figure distinguishing countries that do and do not have a serious corruption problem.

#1 Iceland 9.7 Best in survey
#14 Canada 8.4 Not the best but near the top.
#17 USA 7.6

The countries you rave about:
#70 Syria 3.4
#88 Iran 2.9
#144 Pakistan 2.1 (alsmost the worse which is #159)

No honest human being with a function brain can put any western country in same corruption leage as the the middle east countries.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
The Index referres to PERCEIVED corruption.

In Canada our corruption is so absolutly ingrained in public activities that the paid media, government and elected work hand in hand to cover it up and protect the corruption to maintain an illusion of integrity with our system.

In other countries they actually tackle corruption and try to minimize and prevent it. But not in Canada. Here corruption is nurtured and protected by our elected and non-elected officials working together as a coherant team utilizing the corruption in their self-interests and in the interests of their friends.

You know nothing of Canada's corruption. I know everything there is to know about Canada's corruption network from being around it for 30 years. Its a Multi-Billion dollar industry. Most of Canada's tax dollars are pilfered by public officials and their friends and very little is spent legitimately without some serious skimming.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
The Auditor General would tend to disagree; her reports have indicated nowhere near such a level of corruption in our system of governance. I imagine that you are going to accuse Ms. Sheila Fraser of being in on it, now?


Electoral Member
Jan 18, 2006
Re: RE: Muslims torch KFC

iamcanadian said:
The Index referres to PERCEIVED corruption.

In Canada our corruption is so absolutly ingrained in public activities that the paid media, government and elected work hand in hand to cover it up and protect the corruption to maintain an illusion of integrity with our system.

  • It is a composite index, drawing on 16 surveys from 10 independent institutions, which gathered the opinions of businesspeople and country analysts.

But of course that won't matter to someone who doesn't post anything other than lies and paranoid delusions.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
The Auditor General is absolutely pissed with the results. She bravely comes out and speak out (like most before her have refused to do) yet her risk and sacrifice of her person and carreer was spat on by our corrupt Civil Justice and political systems, with a burrying of the whole larger problem. There are thousands of Public Works and Government Services operating across Canada at many levels and they are all managed and run the same way.

This one only got attention because it involved a political party. When its just the administrators and their friends, that never gets attention.