Mohawks Of Kanehsatake Proved Right!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"Sorry, it's hard to identify what you are thinking at times. Your posts are so mangled and inconherent."
There is a connection though. The huffing ( I didn't know that is what it is called) comment was related to the sentence just before it, the need for restriction on white-man's things that are being used and are more harmeful than good, that is the only relationship intended. If I wanted to indicate you may have do it a few times too often i would have said it straight out. That huffing issues were to the local locations only.

'Anything that involved what you think you a waste of time...
Feel free to make that your last word on any subject I choose stick my nose into.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So I guess answering those pretty pertinent and hard to answer questions, is out of the question eh?
There is a connection though. The huffing ( I didn't know that is what it is called) comment was related to the sentence just before it, the need for restriction on white-man's things that are being used and are more harmeful than good, that is the only relationship intended.
So what you're saying is, Natives are incapable of controlling themselves? So we need to limit their ability to access these things that all Canadians have available to them?

If I wanted to indicate you may have do it a few times too often i would have said it straight out.
Funny, I didn't think you were implying I huffed gas, nore did I even claim such.

That huffing issues were to the local locations only.
Again, that sentence makes no sense.

Feel free to make that your last word on any subject I choose stick my nose into.
Put me on ignore, that way you won't have to watch me crucify your silly commentary each and every time you post...;-)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Of all the truly pertinent questions that could be asked, this is what you want me to answer?
That was just an example of how you operate when asked a question.

Now how about you answer these...
#13 was your first question, how about that one is exhausted first, that might lead to the others not needing a separate reply.

So what you're saying is, Natives are incapable of controlling themselves? So we need to limit their ability to access these things that all Canadians have available to them?
No I'm saying underage drinking became a real problem for the whole community of Norman Wells, I would bet the Chiefs were demanding such measure. It limited the amount of off-sales a person could buy/day. A 24pak, anybody of legal drinking age could sit in the bar all day long. It is a foreign substance to them, that is why all the tables in the bar was upended nightly. Nobody seemed to get hurt though us whites went to the lounge next door after saying good-byes to our hosts. I'm also pretty sure the only reason we got invited was because a I helped our guide overcome the problem of hunting Caribou because the noises our Cats were making. The plan we came up with worked on the first try and all times after that.

See how far the truth is from your version of what was said?
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
That was just an example of how you operate when asked a question.
Well yes, that is how I 'operate' when asked a question that has no relevant or pertinent value to the conversation.

Why is that so hard to grasp?

#13was your first question, how about that one is exhausted first, that might lead to the others not needing a separate reply.
Could you please show me where in that post, you answer any of the questions involving the Kanehsatake Reserve, the MIA, the actions that spawned this event, the event hilighted in the OP, the theft/loss of $6 million of tax payers money, or James Gabriel?

I mean, since you brought up James Gabriel and the Kanehsatake Reserve in that other thread and all...( That would be awesome.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It was only meant to answer the first one, just like my post said. Selling smokes was a big issue, where does it sit today, still can't do it right. I also asked what specific law forbids it. I'm not coming back to this question and you can wait till this part is finished. You said this is familiar territory, maybe it is just a white man's way of making sure you can't better yourself.
In Alberta they got the most useless land (as though at the time of the treaties) The Gov went absolutely bonkers when huge oil reserves were found on those same lands. How big was the tobacco business, it would have had to be fairly large to have such steps taken to shut it down.

Only 1 reply, appears nobody here even cared very much. What are the updates, anybody been suicided since your first post?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It was only meant to answer the first one, just like my post said. Selling smokes was a big issue, where does it sit today, still can't do it right.
Selling smokes has nothing to do with what you posted here...

Nor with the OP.

I also asked what specific law forbids it.
Not that it's relevant, Import/export and taxation laws for starters.

I'm not coming back to this question and you can wait till this part is finished.

You said this is familiar territory, maybe it is just a white man's way of making sure you can't better yourself.
Funny, I bettered myself, my Dad and his Dad before him as well. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of other Natives that live and abide by the law and are productive members of society.
In Alberta they got the most useless land (as though at the time of the treaties) The Gov went absolutely bonkers when huge oil reserves were found on those same lands.
Again, though I understand the laws and the history pertaining to mineral rights on Crown Land and private for that matter, it has nothing to do with this thread or the post I already linked to.

How big was the tobacco business, it would have had to be fairly large to have such steps taken to shut it down.

Only 1 reply, appears nobody here even cared very much. What are the updates, anybody been suicided since your first post?
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Quote: How big was the tobacco business, it would have had to be fairly large to have such steps taken to shut it down.

Quote: Only 1 reply, appears nobody here even cared very much. What are the updates, anybody been suicided since your first post?

I am so tempted to leave it right here, lol . I assume it was big business. Import export would seem to involve those cigs that made their way out west a few years ago. The Gov isn't going to give up on that much in taxes. What they spent to end is was provbably covered by less than a years taxes on those same goods. It wouldn't surprise me if they had some input in having illegal tobacco sales start just so they could exercise authority with force. It isn't like they handed them a court summons and settle it that way.

Alberta can be related if it is was an attempt to undo something in a treaty.

So do all goods in a Rez store have an not for export label? The store I visited was tiny, no bigger than a corner-grocer.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Quote: How big was the tobacco business, it would have had to be fairly large to have such steps taken to shut it down.

Quote: Only 1 reply, appears nobody here even cared very much. What are the updates, anybody been suicided since your first post?

I am so tempted to leave it right here, lol . I assume it was big business. Import export would seem to involve those cigs that made their way out west a few years ago. The Gov isn't going to give up on that much in taxes. What they spent to end is was provbably covered by less than a years taxes on those same goods. It wouldn't surprise me if they had some input in having illegal tobacco sales start just so they could exercise authority with force. It isn't like they handed them a court summons and settle it that way.

Alberta can be related if it is was an attempt to undo something in a treaty.

So do all goods in a Rez store have an not for export label? The store I visited was tiny, no bigger than a corner-grocer.

What does this have to do with the OP or your other post...


The original argument you put forth was about corruption, now your off on some tangent that has nothing to do with your initial posts on this matter.

I think you're stumped, can't communicate and fail to be able to keep up with me...



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The whole point of them 'illegally' selling tobacco was to generate some income for somebody. Who got rich? Following the white man's way it would have been just a few.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The whole point of them 'illegally' selling tobacco was to generate some income for somebody. Who got rich? Following the white man's way it would have been just a few.
What about "This has nothing to do with the OP or you other post" don't you grasp?

Just out of curiousity and all.

Is it because you don't understand the OP, or the post you made here...

US Increases It`s Slaughter In Afghanistan

...on the same topic?

I think that's likely the issue, you just cut and paste without fully understanding what you are looking at.

This is kind of fun, in a sick and twisted sorta way. I kinda feel like I'm kicking a puppy though. You obviously haven't the faculties to debate me on par...sad that is.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I asked for some info on that aspect, why call me stupid and say that part doesn't matter. I mentioned it as a mirror of todays events. I know of other Rez's that have sold tobacco but have never been bothered like the referenced incident. That's okay if there is more to the story. Even if it does not all apply as a similarity to what is going on overseas it has corruption where there should be no corruption. The Feds in Canada settled it at the point of a gun. I haven't found any updates so where to go. Did the tobacco industry bitch cause it cut into their 25% profits by 1/10/1%. The Feds would also have been hot for their share but to to a much lesser degree, they already have a bottomless bank account.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"This is kind of fun, in a sick and twisted sorta way. "

The world will keep you amused for quite some time if this is all you require. lol


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I asked for some info on that aspect, why call me stupid and say that part doesn't matter.
Because it bares no weight on the context of what you posted in the other thread and the OP of this thread.

What part of that don't you grasp?

I mentioned it as a mirror of todays events.
Minor? Illegal smokes are as minor as it gets. Unless you work for Revenue Canada, the OPP or the RCMP.

I know of other Rez's that have sold tobacco but have never been bothered like the referenced incident.
Which incident is that? Certainly nothing in your other post and the OP here, on the same subject.

That's okay if there is more to the story.
It's not even part of the story. Hence my continued assertion you have a comprehension issue.

Even if it does not all apply as a similarity to what is going on overseas it has corruption where there should be no corruption.
Agreed, wow.

The Feds in Canada settled it at the point of a gun. I haven't found any updates so where to go.
Would you like a map?

Did the tobacco industry bitch cause it cut into their 25% profits by 1/10/1%.
Ummm, again, there is no tobacco issue in the OP or your other post on the same subject. You ficsation on it is puzzling to be sure. Besides that, the tobacco industry in Canada and the US was implicated in the smuggling and resale of illegal tobacco. They were making money hand over fist.

I still have a friend doing a nickle in upstate NY.

The Feds would also have been hot for their share but to to a much lesser degree, they already have a bottomless bank account.
:lol:...That was there major issue, not getting their share...:roll:

"This is kind of fun, in a sick and twisted sorta way. "

The world will keep you amused for quite some time if this is all you require. lol
You bet and with a cast of characters like you, it will be endlessly entertaining...


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"What part of that don't you grasp?"
What part of what??

Quote: I mentioned it as a mirror of todays events.
Minor? Illegal smokes are as minor as it gets. Unless you work for Revenue Canada, the OPP or the RCMP."
Mirror and Minor are only slightly alike, no matter who you work for.

"It's not even part of the story. Hence my continued assertion you have a comprehension issue."
It was mentioned in my original link, same story. My point was our Governments corruption towards the Reserves (even if a few Natives are employed as help it is still not their operation)
Censored and underreported News: Canada's 'Indian Affairs' Financed War Machine to Attack Kanehsatake Mohawks

That system of doing things has not died off, that was the whole point of asking you if you knew the Federal Gov was/is corrupt when dealing with Native issues. Israel and the Feds are the same. The Natives of both lands are the oppressed ones. 100 years from now both will be mentioned in books only if things continue as they are today..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
"What part of that don't you grasp?"
What part of what??
My point exactly, thanx again for proving my opinion of your abilities correct...;-)

It was mentioned in my original link, same story. My point was our Governments corruption towards the Reserves (even if a few Natives are employed as help it is still not their operation)
Nowhere, and i mean nowhere, in this post does it say anything about cigarettes.

"How deeply did you investigate the Federal Division of the Canadian Govt? "
That sentence confused you?

The article below must be old news to you then.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Canada's 'Indian Affairs' Financed War Machine to Attack Kanehsatake Mohawks


Mohawk Nation News
Jan. 27th 2008. Government documents received through
an “Access to Information” request prove that the attack on peaceful
Kanehsatake Mohawks by a heavily armed 67-man paramilitary
force was planned, financed and implemented by Indian Affairs,
Solicitor General’s Office and the Prime Minister’s Office of Ottawa.

The documents reveal that the initial lay out of over $900,000 was
illegally provided by Indian Affairs to Public Safety and Emergency
Preparedness for this coup. [PSEPC Code 0880; Ref. Code
5000020336]. The documents show that a total of $40 million was
spent on this attack. [$20 million from Canada and $20 million from
Quebec.] Secret bi-lateral agreements between Canada and Quebec
laid out funding arrangements. Canada was to provide 52% and
Quebec 48% of the policing funds.

Indian Affairs has no authority in policing. It was strictly illegal –
a blatant violation of Canadian law and a misappropriation of
Indigenous resources and Canadian taxpayers’ dollars at a time,
when many Indigenous communities are suffering from third world
conditions, without even clean water to drink. Despite the huge
number of blanks where crucial information was “whited-out” from
the documents, it was still possible to piece together the ghoulish
story that’s going to haunt the corporate government players to
their graves.

To set it up, the culprits, Indian affairs, appointed a third party
manager, PriceWaterhouseCoopers [who were allegedly paid over
$1.5 million a year in fees over several years], to divert Kanehsatake
community funds towards this phony ‘coup d’etat’ [MCK &
Minister No. 186-2004-00069].

In a March 24, 2005 memo for the Deputy Minister of PSEPC, Chantal
“Public-Wrong” Bernier, the Assistant Deputy Minister, pointed out
that diversion of funds was “illegal” but went ahead and signed the
authority anyway, “because the Privy Council Office and Treasury
Board recognized their authority in the fall of 2003”. The first check
was recorded by PWC as having been cut in July 2003. [Denise
Charron PSEPC Aboriginal Policing Directorate].

As there was no way for Indian Affairs to fund such a “military”
attack of Indigenous people, Indian Affairs made the first payment
to get it started. They diverted money out of core funding for
Kanehsatake into cars, weaponry, bullets, hotels, meals and
everything needed for their hired “mercenaries” to play their
lethal game. Their mission was to take down the Police Commission,
the police force, the cigarette trade, take over the police station and
council house and to bring the Mohawks into submission. They
were instructed to protect James Gabriel’s four chiefs. They had a
“hit list” of Mohawks who were to be taken down “on sight”.
Whatever happened to Canada’s boasting about the “rule of law”?
Canada abrogated the “death penalty” years ago. These executions
appear to have been ordered and approved at the highest levels of
the Canadian government.

This operation was given a blank check by Indian Affairs, Public
Safety & Emergency Preparedness, Treasury Board and the Privy
Council Office under the guidance of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Kanehsatake was kept as a separate file, directly under the Prime
Ministers, first, Jean Chretien [now of Heenan Blaikie] and then
Paul Martin. "

Lets see if this is short enough so you don't miss the point. If you though the Indian wars were over, they're not, they just changed tactics.

Because I read it in a post you wrote. I like chatting with you, one read and your whole message is laid right out there. Quite unlike the more involved ones that need two or three reads because of the complexity. I not a betting man but I would say the odds would seem to be that your may read a whole post once (and some do not go that far) but if there is any confusion there is just no way in hell the problem can be at your end. lol I'll bet that has served you well so far.
Nope, nothing in this same link that says anything about smokes either. Up the meds hunny.
That system of doing things has not died off, that was the whole point of asking you if you knew the Federal Gov was/is corrupt when dealing with Native issues.
Really? They're corrupt when they deal with us "Injun's"?

Say it isn't so!!!


Israel and the Feds are the same. The Natives of both lands are the oppressed ones. 100 years from now both will be mentioned in books only if things continue as they are today..
Your opinion, and you're free to it.

Prolly outside working on something.
I wish the rain would stop here so I could go out side and play...:-(


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB