I saw this great documentary on CBC today.
Here's the transcript:
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Here's the transcript:
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REG SHERREN: In total during 2002 and 2003 the USDA failed to test nearly 500 BSE suspect cows. Michael says it often left him wondering whether the government really wants to find mad cow disease.
REG SHERREN: Those inspectors do a hard job, they're looking for the needle in the haystack all day long and that's a hard hard job and then if you find the needle and nobody looks at the needle then you really begin to question what you're doing there.
REG SHERREN: And, he says, industry quickly gets the message.
REG SHERREN: So if its got a central nervous system problem, get rid of it.
MICHAEL SCHWOCHERT: Bury it, burn it
REG SHERREN: Shoot shovel and shut up.
In August 2004 the USDA's own Inspector General issued a 78-page scathing review of the departments mad cow surveillance system.
The USDA failed to test hundreds of high-risk cows because of "confusion" and "lack of coordination".
"The problems … impact … the credibility of any assertion regarding the prevalence of BSE in the United States."
REG SHERREN: In the meantime what do you say to Canadian ranchers that are going broke and there are thousands of them right now the losses are two billion dollars and climbing?
AGRICULTURE SECRETARY ANN VENEMAN: Well just what I said we are working very hard on the process and I understand what's going on in Canada.