Manchester Airport thugs play the victim despite CCTV evidence


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Two men arrived in Britain after getting off a plane at Manchester Airport last week. After arriving in this great country from whatever shitty Third World cesspit they come from they decided, for some reason, to start being violent and thuggish as they stepped foot on British soil at Britain's third busiest airport.

In response, officers from Greater Manchester Police - the country's second largest police force after London's Metropolitan Police - decided to give them a severe beating.

Now the two thugs are playing the victim despite evidence that the police were right to cave their heads in.

It turns out that the police officers were armed with firearms and were assaulted by the two foreigners and they feared the thugs would take their guns as chaos ensued and thereby putting the public at risk. Therefore the police officers literally kicked their heads in.

This all started after violence on the plane as it approached Manchester and after one of the thugs broke the nose of a female police officer.

This all comes after the GMP were condemned by the mainstream media and various Lefties for their violence. But the truth is starting to emerge....

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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I miss the days when cops could give you a beating for being a violent dickweed without some bleeding-heart dipshits crying about it.

Funny how the "actions have consequences" crowd always seem to mean everyone else except themselves and whatever flavour(s) of the month they currently "support".