Nuclear Power Generation NOW.
Burning fossil fuels as a primary source for the energy we use is the main cause of world air pollution. Much of the current pollution is caused by the automobile and the fossil fuel generation of electricity. Eliminating these two sources of pollution would improve the health of the world.
Electricity is one of the most sought after forms of energy. Its use drives the engines of the industrialized world. Many areas of North America have experienced electrical power outages, and users have suffered the adverse effects first hand. These effects are shattering, and are a clear indication of what might happen if the supply of electricity fails due to lack of generating capacity.
Burning of the fossil fuel cases massive air pollution in world simply due to the quantities burned. Many people are of the opinion that the electric car is non-polluting, indeed it is, but the electricity for charging the bank of batteries required to drive the vehicle comes from burning fossil fuels. The pollution is still there, and may even be greater, (due to losses when converting from one form of energy to another) than that produced by the fuel used to drive a typical gas driven automobile of equivalent size and power. All that has been accomplished by electric car use is the pollution has been created in an area usually far away, and not in the user’s immediate vicinity. The net reduction in pollution is zero. Note: Direct burning of hydrogen is basically air pollution free, but electricity is required to produce the hydrogen in any quantity; therefore use the hydrogen fuel cell is not pollution free.
World reserves of fossil fuels are massive, and will probably be available for many years at our current or projected consumption. A few examples are coal, oil and natural gas. Oil reserves, the one of which is used the most, are declining. Not so subtle wars are being fought over access to these reserves at the present time.
One might ask, so what? Let’s just build more fossil fueled plants and let life continue, after all there is plenty of fossil fuel available. But, and this is the big but, the burning of fossil fuels causes massive world air pollution. The world cannot withstand this polluting onslaught indefinitely. There are many indicators that the world is approaching a crisis situation e.g., ozone layer depletion, ice cap melting, and ocean warming to mention a few. Clearly, the current level of burning fossil fuels must be reduced. Many people will suggest conservation, which should be practiced, but this is alone is not sufficient. At best it is a silly political suggestion.
Pollution free generation of electricity is probably the solution to reducing the massive pollution caused by burning fossil fuels. There are attempts to produce pollution free electricity. Examples are hydro, solar, and wind power. Almost all the world’s water power energy has been developed; further, hydro development causes much environmental damage, indicating that is not really the pollution free source many believe. Wind power is simply not sufficient to meet the demand (when the wind fails the ice cream melts). Back-up is always required for 100% reliability. It is air pollution free,but has some adverse effects like killing birds. Solar is not a viable option for large scale generation. When it is dark no power is produced. In general electricity cannot be stored for future use.
We are left with considering the only realistic source for producing electricity in the quantities required to meet the demand. This is Nuclear Power Generation of electricity. Nuclear power use is not pollution free. It has its potential liabilities, which are well known; an example, Chernobyl (Ukraine) and Three Mile Island (USA). Nuclear power will have to be used more extensively in the immediate future beyond any doubt. Its use has risks that have to be balanced against the massive air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Nuclear power does not cause air pollution, the main concern, unless an unforeseen accident occurs.
Nuclear power production leaves behind a by-product, radioactive waste, the disposal of which is the cause of some controversy in the publics mind, most of which is fear-mongering ,not based on science. The final depository of this waste product will probably be in pre-Cambrian rock formations, with safeguards dictated by the technology of the day. It is mostly an hysterical non- issue.
Concurrent with getting nuclear power generation of electricity on-line for the immediate and moderate future a massive effort should be undertaken to research and develop other fuels. Solar and hydrogen appear to be two promising areas. This will take large amounts of money and political decision making to determine the true potential. There are other, lesser known sources of primary energy, where research funds should be allocated,e.g. super-conductivity.
Summary: Production of air pollution free electricity using nuclear energy is an immediate necessity. More nuclear plant construction should be started forthwith, incorporating the latest technology. The ultimate objective is the reducing in number of fossil fuel generating plants. Once this electricity is on-line in sufficient quantities; the electric automobile powered by hydrogen fuel cells or batteries could eventually replace the fossil fuel engines. Failure to act, or waiting too long to act, invites misery and major disruption in the industrialized world, and the world at large.
Canadian propaganda is strong regarding the merits of the CANDU, yet the two plants in Ontario have used money faster than the mint can print it. I have no idea how CANDU reactors can be exported and yet the two plants in Ontario don't work without unending breakdowns and maintenance.
Ontario's huge electrical generating debt can be attributed to the nuclear part of electrical generation. What cause such financial disaster? The Nuclear power generation financial disaster is an enigma to most people. What happened and why probably needs a public enquiry. This financial disaster took place under the auspices of all political parties.(Liberal, NDP, and Conservatives).
From studing the success of reactors in France and Japan, it appears to me our governments should contract out any new construction to both or one of these countries. Yes, I hate to admit it, but from the evidence Canadian built reactors or Canadian workmanship is sadly wanting in this area.
Nothing in this world is perfectly safe. But in comparison with other methods available for generating electricity, or with the risks of doing without electricity, the dangers of nuclear power are very small. They are also hundreds of times smaller than many other risks we constantly live with and pay no attention to. Unquote (Bernard L. Cohen,Professor Emeritus,University of Pittsburgh 1990).