Looks like JT will self-destruct
If the Harper government wants to sock away some extra war-room cash, it should spend not a dime more on attack ads and just let Justin Trudeau do himself in.
So far he is doing a superb job.
The newly-anointed Liberal Leader's terrorists-have-feelings-too response to the Boston Marathon bombings was hardly a shining moment when it comes to showing spine or reflecting the political stance of true leaders.
Seems young Trudeau's a group-therapy "why-can't-we-all-get-along" kind of guy more concerned about understanding a terrorist's psychological circuitry and early-childhood abuses than hunting the coward down.
In this case, he's certainly not his daddy's boy.
Looks like JT will self-destruct | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun
If the Harper government wants to sock away some extra war-room cash, it should spend not a dime more on attack ads and just let Justin Trudeau do himself in.
So far he is doing a superb job.
The newly-anointed Liberal Leader's terrorists-have-feelings-too response to the Boston Marathon bombings was hardly a shining moment when it comes to showing spine or reflecting the political stance of true leaders.
Seems young Trudeau's a group-therapy "why-can't-we-all-get-along" kind of guy more concerned about understanding a terrorist's psychological circuitry and early-childhood abuses than hunting the coward down.
In this case, he's certainly not his daddy's boy.
Looks like JT will self-destruct | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun