Liberal and NDP support falling


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Why don't you wait and see crit13 for the election results, you might have to eat your words. But than maybe you are able to predict the future. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
From the Ekos press release:

Our survey shows that nearly everyone is following the story unfolding at the Gomery inquiry
and the effects are dramatic. There has been a sharp rise in the incidence of those who see this as the
“worst scandal they can recall” (up from 22 per cent in April 2004 to 34 per cent). However, there is still a
slightly greater proportion of the public (37 per cent) that feels that, while the scandal is bad, it is “no worse
than others”.

Voters are adamant that they want to hear the whole Gomery story
before going to the polls — just 15 per cent say the election should be called now versus 62 per cent who
say it should wait until the inquiry submits its report (the rest do not think that this issue justifies an election).
There is little immediately apparent in the political environment, however, to suggest a path back to clear
popular support for the Liberals.

That will likely play into the Liberals favour...there are very few pieces of actual evidence that back up Brault's testimony. Most are internal documents from his company that are inconclusive at best.

There is little sense of any huge affection for the Conservatives, with voters caught between
anger at the Liberals and only tepid enthusiasm for the only serious contender to form government.
“Canadians pretty much got the Parliament they wanted last summer,” said Graves. “In the current volatile
landscape, if there is to be another federal election in the near future, voters will likely consider where the
broader electorate is before deciding where to throw their support. I suspect most still prefer a minority
government, but this time of a different political stripe.”

See? People don't like the Conservatives either. That makes things very changeable depending on what the results of the enquiry are and how many scary things the Conservatives say during the election. Even if the Conservatives win though, they will not be able to get their most harmful legislation through because they have no support from the NDP or BQ.

In the current environment, the NDP may be poised to do surprisingly well; they are up slightly
since February, but more importantly, they now lead as the second choice party for those whose voting
intention may change. They may ultimately benefit from erstwhile Liberal voters who are angry at the LPC
but wary or the conservatives.

Hmmm...maybe a governing coalition with the BQ or the Liberals? Maybe official opposition status in a minority government?


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Jack got a page 2 spread and pic in our local paper today I think he's finally getting some could press out here in the west Rev

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Liberal and NDP suppo

It's about time, Mr. Mom. It's funny...I see the press releases on the NDP site, I see what goes on in the House and at various events on CPAC, but I never see it show up in the actual press. Meanwhile if Harper, Martin, or Duceppe so much as fart it makes headlines.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
"Ex-NDPer says party has lost touch
CanWest News Service
Monday, April 11, 2005

Canada's federal NDP has lost political touch with voters because it has become an angry, humourless party that peddles fear instead of hope, says a former senior party official.

The stark conclusion is drawn by Robin Sears, a former national director of the party in the 1970s and early 1980s. He outlines his scathing criticism in an extraordinary essay featured in the recent issue of Policy Options magazine, which is celebrating 25 years of publication.

In keeping with the theme of the magazine's anniversary issue, Sears examines the "fall from grace" of social democratic parties such as the NDP over the past quarter-century.

The conclusions of his essay -- titled The Left: From Hope to Sneers in only 25 Years -- are remarkably blunt and have miffed senior members of the party under Jack Layton's leadership."

Full text is here:

Great reading. Enjoy


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Its funny you say that becuase the article stars on the front page under the headline "Duceppe won't say if Bloc will press for early election" :x