Is There a God?


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Is There a God? - The Question
"Is there a God?" This question is answered by asking another, "how did we get here?" 20th century science has demonstrated, with certainty, that the universe is not eternal; the universe had a beginning. Actually, mankind has contemplated this issue for millennia, long before science proved a beginning. In all that time, man has conceived of only two possible solutions -- either Someone made the world, or the world made itself.
Is There a God? - Creation
"Is there a God?" Unless we can demonstrate the world is capable of creating itself, God is the default. The incredible design that permeates all things implies a Designer. Natural laws (cause and effect, thermodynamics, gravity, etc.) imply a Lawgiver. Personal creatures imply a Personal Creator. Since everything we observe in the universe is an effect, there must have been a First Cause. Unless we are able to explain satisfactorily how each of these things exist, without resorting to a supernatural force, and find empirical evidence to support our conclusion, a Creator is default. Furthermore, any derived conclusion must be within the bounds of natural law, as natural law is a part of the universe and remains unbroken within the universe.
Is There a God? - Atheism
Is there a God, or isn't there a God, depends on our ability to disprove God. The burden of proof rests upon atheism to validate its position. Currently, the common alternative to Special Creation via a Personal Creator is the Big Bang Model of Origins. This is the accepted theory today. It is a wonder how this theory came to be accepted, as it violates two of the three Laws of Thermodynamics, and the Law of Cause and Effect. Furthermore, as retrograde motion is observed throughout the universe, even within our own solar system, the Big Bang violates the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. Beyond these violations of natural law, the Big Bang is unable to explain uneven "voids" and "clumps" throughout the universe. Plus, there remains the question, "where did the Big Bang come from?" This question remains unsolved, even in the minds of atheists. A few atheists hypothesize that the universe is eternal and only appears to have had a beginning. This contradicts quite a few empirical evidences and observations, as well as violating natural law.
Is There a God? - The Implications
"Is there a God?" is not a difficult question. The question that seems most perplexing is, "why are we determined to explain away God?" Let's give credit where credit is due. It seems that if there is a God, then we would be His creatures, and therefore, accountable to Him. Of course, this is not acceptable to a determined portion of mankind's intelligentsia. These "scholars" have a good control of the majority through arenas such as the public school system and the broadcast media. We are not exposed to both alternatives. We're not taught the problems with evolution, naturalism and materialism. We are simply taught the Big Bang is fact. The result is that we are not educated, we are indoctrinated. Unfortunately, the ultimate result is that we and our children are taught that there is no Divine Lawmaker, and therefore, there is no absolute law or morality. Everything in today's society, including moral codes and civil laws, are merely relative. "Survival of the fittest!" is the rally cry. No one stops to consider why or how morality developed, or that it seems to only function as a means for the survival of the weakest. Because we are taught there is no God, what would cause us to consider that perhaps there is a God and He instituted morality? Evolution is unable to account for the development of the moral code inherent in all of us. We simply ignore this truth, just as we seem to be ignoring God altogether. Society suffers tremendously as a result of our children being taught we share a common heritage with rocks and plants. Individuality, meaning and purpose no longer mean anything. And we wonder why our kids act like animals today.


Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2007
.....The question that seems most perplexing is, "why are we determined to explain away God?" Let's give credit where credit is due. It seems that if there is a God, then we would be His creatures, and therefore, accountable to Him. Of course, this is not acceptable to a determined portion of mankind's intelligentsia.....

Every once and a while it's good fun to delve into the philosophical and mystical in an objective manner. We can put on our theological slippers with hot chocolate ready and relax. Around a warm fire we put aside the unpleasantness of Ad Hominum attacks and agendas that gets in the way of contructive thinking.

I think it would be fair to say beings that are destined to be created, would concern themselves that there isn't an antecedent overriding universal justice in place in the existing world. It may be true that Diety is a loving responsible Diety, but in the absence of any other governance, the opposite could have occured as well. The being comes into existance where there just happens to be a Diety that is loving.

Creation lacks an overriding Judicial principle. Such principle would set the ideal platform for creation, has Diety would agree to be bound by a supreme principle, not by one only immediatly aware to Him only. This overseer on behalf of all existing and non-existing, would for it's first assignment question the act of the permissibility of dipping into that pool of the non-existant to create existance. Diety would state His case that He has expectations of these beings and that they are accountable for their actions. Justice would agree, but in balance of that self liberty would recommend that Diety imposes their right to not exist. In it's preamble before it's implementation it explains the purpose of it:

Prior to anything existing (save for Justice) only Diety's desire exists, so the first action is Diety's action not creation's, and all actions can be judged, and therefore creation cannot be accountable or in control of that first act.

Therefore at conception the soul is told all the possibilities that can occur and given an option to exist.

Justice has it's hands full has spokesman for all beings. It ensures nations get judged en masse for the sins they commit en masse, and ensure that physical form is not a parameter in the administration of justice. Nor is reserved diplomatic immunity an accepted norm. It will visit those penitentiary institutions of the abys frequently and continually monitor and investigate unusual patterns or propensity of some sinning entities to end up there.

One day there may be a justice, but I feel it does not exist today. Such unpredictable justice is usually an indicator of a governor who does what he wills, and if I could quote that passage in Corithians or Peter, can't remember, God says He does what He wants,(or words to that effect) and He does, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it Devine justice, perhaps a somewhat imperfect variation.

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