bluealberta said:
Ahem.....back to the topic?
To see how a conservative government wil be better, let's take a look back at the Liberals since 1993. Keep in mind, though, that the Liberals have been in power for over 50 years of the past 75:
Promise to kill the GST. Promise broken.
Promise to kill NAFTA. Promise broken.
Promise to clean up corruption. Promise broken.
Promise to end separatism threats. Promise broken.
Promise to be fiscally responsible. Promise broken.
Praising the military and its members while cutting the military funding.
HRDC Billion Dollar Boondoggle.
Gun registry cost overruns from $2million to $2billion.
Secret Foundation accounts with no accountability.
EI surplus of $46billion created on the backs of workers and business' of every size in Canada.
600,000 immigrants whose whereabouts are unknown.
Saying the US was responsible for 9-11.
Not supporting the US in any manner in their response to 9-11.
No action on BSE crisis.
No action on Softwood lumber crisis.
Purposely alienating our largest trading partner. (See BSE and Softwood lumber)
Lying about conservative "hidden agenda" with no facts to back it up.
Lying about conservatives "agenda" to totally privatize health care, again with no facts.
Accusing residents of Prince George BC of burning crosses on their lawns.
Lying when saying the conservatives will outlaw homosexuality.
Accusing Alberta of being "the dark side"
Allegations by liberal party staffers of stacking the judiciary with liberal friendly lawyers who worked for the Liberals during election campaigns.
Using illegal and laundered taxpayers money to fund Liberal election programs.
Alienating the West.
Spending money currently that has not been approved or debated in the House.
Cancelling opposition days in the House.
Using closure too many times to mention.
Using racist remarks with no facts. (See Joe Volpe).
Pretending that the Liberals are the victims in Adscam ?!!?
Increasing CPP contributions while hiding behind the curtain of tax decreases.
I am sure there are many more instances of Liberal incompetence over the last 12 years. This election is not about what the conservatives may or may not have done during one of their infrequent times in power over the last several decades. This election will be about the record of the Liberal party since 1993, and more specifically, about the now founded accusations of kickbacks, preferential treatment, judicial tampering, and money laundering tactics. It will be about the misuse and mismanagement of the finances of the country.
The conservative party will be better because they can first of all be no worse, and secondly, will put into place fiscally responsible social programs, and will bring Canada back to a position of respectability on the world stage, unlike the current reputation we have, which is comparable to a third world dicatatorship like Uganda under Amin and Zimbabwe under Mugabe. Truly, the Canadian government led by this Liberal party are no better than either of the aforementioned individuals.
Here is a break down of the changes over the coarse of the last 37 years approximatly or 432 months of federal governments.
Liberal government. The liberals held power under Trudeau for 133 months
Pierre Trudeau the fifteenth Prime minister of Canada from April 20th 1968 to june 3rd 1979
Robert Lorne Stanfield Leader of the Progressive Conservitive Party from 1967-1976
Conservitive Government. The Conservitives held office under Clark for 9 months
Joe Clark the sixteenth Prime minister of Canada from June 4th 1979 to March 2nd 1980
Joe Clark as Leader of the Progressive Conservitive Party from 1976-1983 and 1998-2003
Liberal Government. The liberals held power under Trudeau for 40 months
Pierre Trudeau the fifteenth Prime minister of Canada from March 3rd 1980 to June 30 1984
Conservitive Government. The Conservitives took power under several leaders for 113 months
John Turner seventeenth Prime minister of Canada from June 30, 1984 to September 17, 1984.
Brian Mulroney eighteenth Prime minister of Canada from September 17, 1984, to June 25, 1993.
Brian Mulroney as leader of the Progressive conservitive party from 1983-1993
Kim Campbell nineteenth Prime minister of Canada from June 25 to November 4, 1993.
Kim Campbell as leader of the Progressive conservitive party in 1993
Liberal Government. The Liberals have been in office now for 137 months
Jean Chrétien was the twentieth Prime Minister of Canada, serving from November 4, 1993, to December 12, 2003.
Paul Martin is the twenty first Prime Minister of Canada from December 12, 2003 to this date april 29th , 2005.
If we use Trudeau's starting date we can break down the length of times the two major political parties held office.
april 20th 1968 to 1969 is 9 months rounded out, plus the years between 1970 and 1978 to the end of may 1979 to round out is 5 months.
The liberals held power under Trudeau for 110 months.
The Conservitives took office under Joe Clark in june 4th 1979.
June 4th to 1980 is 7 months plus to march 2nd of 1980 is 3 months.
The Conservitives held office under Clark for 10 months
Trudeau and the Liberals took power again from from March 3rd 1980 to June 30 1984
the 10 months of 1980 through to 1983 plus the 6 months of 1984 is 52 months
The Conservitives took power under several leaders between the dates of June 30, 1984 to November 4, 1993
Rounded out from july 1984 is 6 months through the years to 1992 is 84 months plus to october of 1993 rounded out is 10 months making a total of 100 months.
The Liberals took power under Jean Chrétien in November 4, 1993 and under Paul Martin to the date of this writing which is april 29th 2005.
Rounded out there is the 1 month of 1993 through to 2004 is 133 months plus the 4 months of 2005 is 137 months.
This adds up to a total of 432 months.
310 months under the Liberal's
122 months under the Conservitive's.
Source for information came from: