If you look at our basic laws, they are mostly all laws that have evolved from the original ten commandments. This is not a religious statement, just an observation that holds a lot of merit and has a lot of support. I suspect the British Common Law aspect also has evolved the same way.
The Ten commandments, although origionated with the Judeo Christian religions, are basically using common sense.
You don't have to be a Christian to know that Adultery, Stealing, or murder never have positive results. You can follow along the list and find that the most pagan, or hunter gatherer societies would attuibute many of the same philosophies to thier daily lives.
Jo Canadian (HMMM...intitials are JC. Coincidence? LOL)-
I agree with you and you have basically made my point, albeit in a different manner. The Ten commandments are basic common sense, and when you look at our laws, especially the basic ones you have mentioned, they follow the same lines. Some of the others such as respect for your parents/elders, etc., while not formal laws, are part of the basic tenents of society. Therefore, it could be said with some certainty that our laws have evolved from the commandments, again, not due to religious reasons, but as you said, common sense reasons. And in the end, is it a bad thing to have the commandments as the basis for societal law? I would argue not, again using the common sense reason.