Harper's negative image hurts positive message

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
ahh, the old "use it or lose it" budgetary process. I have heard of it in government and seen it in private corperations. It is a silly methodology indeed.

I have never watched logitudinally to see what becomes of the overdone equiptment. Do you know if such equipment tends to stay where originally placed or re-allocated, or if these overdone machines are left in service longer (statistically speaking)?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Harper's negative image hurts positive message

the caracal kid said:
ahh, the old "use it or lose it" budgetary process. I have heard of it in government and seen it in private corperations. It is a silly methodology indeed.

There has to be a better way, for sure.

the caracal kid said:
I have never watched logitudinally to see what becomes of the overdone equiptment. Do you know if such equipment tends to stay where originally placed or re-allocated, or if these overdone machines are left in service longer (statistically speaking)?

It doesn't make a lot of sense to keep old equipment in these types of institutions, as they (computers) usually have a three year warranty and service dollars then become an issue. There are circumstances where old equipment is kept around because of budgetary constraints, and this equipment is usually in the 6 figures range so to replace it would be a waste of money, rather than having it repaired, if it needs to be repaired at all.

These computers that fall off of warranty are usually sold very cheaply or given to staff or to charity. Some of it is replaced after warranties run out when it breaks.