Harper and Klein trash Canadian Values!


New Member
Apr 22, 2005
First of all, I will say that I am disgusted with this Liberal government. However during this campaign Mr. Harper has constantly reminded us of the scandal.His platform has been very quiet. I would love to vote for the Conservative Party but not for this guy. I am in business and love numbers so I decided to check out the Conservative platform. This is what I came up with:

1)"Reduce the GST by one point right away to six percent. And we will reduce the GST by another point to five percent,over five years."
- If you make $50,000/year net (which most people do not) and you spent every single dime, you save $500. How about most people who clear 25k to 35k net? you save$250 to $350/a year. Great you still save something right? But what happens when programs are cut in order to provide this GST relief? YOU END UP PAYING OUT MORE THAN YOU SAVE!!!!! The second percent comes in effect just when re-election rolls around.

2)"Too many crime-related problems begin when our youth are not equipped with the necessary life skills to make the right choices, to say "no" to drugs, gangs and violence. We need to invest in positive oppurtunities for young people to say "yes" to."

*Direct $50 million in funding into community-based,educational,sporting,cultural and vocational oppurtunities for young people at risk.

-Okay this is our future right? We can prevent criminals right here, we can create model citizens? All with 50 million dollars?
Here is something to think about: As of July 2005 the population of kids in Canada from the age of 0-14 is 5,885,276 making up 17.9% of our population. $50 million divided by 5,885,276 = $8.49. Wow what an investment in our future!! What do you think we can get each child? This is pathetic considering what he is willing to spend on military.

3) Defending Canada
* Increase spending on the Canadian Forces by $5.3 billion over the next five years, beyond the currently projected levels of defense spending.
* Recruit 13,00 additional regular forces and 10,00 additional reserve forces personnel.
* Acquire epuipment needed to support a multi role, combat-capable maritime, land and air force. Fundamental capability requirements are national surveillance and control, counter-terrorism, air and sea deployability, and logistics supportability.
- Sure I agree that we should secure our country and it's borders but let's do the math: 23,00 new soldiers + combat-capable+ air and sea deployability = We are going to war!! Roughly13,000 soldiers a month is the current US recruitment rate. Which is not being filled. "Oh yeah there is a country above us with 32.8 million people , Let's see if they can join us" If we get involved in any war, then we will be living in fear just like our neighbours. Canadians in general, regardless of political belief are regarded as kind and peaceful people globally. Let's not change that.
It is sad that this guy is going to win.He is very robotic and lacks personality. He is coached on how to appeal to people! Who will coach him on appealing to other foreign leaders? He even sayed himself that he really hasn't travelled outside of North America much. This is not the Conservative Party . This is still the Alliance. Have you noticed his candidates refuse to speak to the media? Always avoiding questions.Every press conference is organized with set questions and no outsiders allowed. This my friends I fear. Don't forget the scandal, that should never happen again! However will we remember the scandal when we are the 51st state?