Georgie's Insane Religiousity

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Electoral Member
May 17, 2005
Kingston, Ontario
RE: Georgie's Insane Reli

Mind if I ask what sparked this new debacle? I'm too tired to google your points and form an educated opinion right now...

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Georgie's Insane Reli

You know nothing about me, Wetcoast. You've made several assumptions that are wrong. As trying to discourage me and others from speaking out, what the hell do you think little phrases like,
Give it a rest, Rev.
You exhibit the typical "over the top" rhetoric of the NDP. The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

The implicit message is that you don't want me posting about these things and if I do, you'd prefer that others not read them.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Mind if I ask what sparked this new debacle? I'm too tired to google your points and form an educated opinion right now...

Bush is cutting AIDS money to all countries that don't outlaw prostitution now. Brazil just lost $40 million in funding over it. Their program is successful enough that new HIV infections among sex workers in some areas is lower than in the general population. In Africa it will likely cause another few million deaths.

He's also cutting funding to any NGO that gives advice on AIDS prevention to sex workers unless it is actively trying to get them to denying them services.


Electoral Member
Feb 21, 2005
Lesser Vancouver
Re: RE: Georgie's Insane Reli

Reverend Blair said:
You know nothing about me, Wetcoast. You've made several assumptions that are wrong. As trying to discourage me and others from speaking out, what the hell do you think little phrases like,
Give it a rest, Rev.
You exhibit the typical "over the top" rhetoric of the NDP. The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

The implicit message is that you don't want me posting about these things and if I do, you'd prefer that others not read them.

Rev, you clearly have an extraordinarily inflated view of yourself. You're right, I don't know you except from your posts. But they can be quite informative. One thing is for certain, when someone mentions GWB, you "see the red mist".
Cheers and Cheerio. I will never darken your door again; or at least for the rest of today.
PS: You should know that I enjoy sticking pins in balloons.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
I'm just laughing at the hugs and kisses part Rev I agree with you on what GWB is doing the guys a complete ass :wink:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
What makes you think we actually believe you do?

I'm really not interested in what you think since you've shown yourself to be less than adept it, I think not. I am interested in trying to trying get real people to take some notice of what's going on in the world though.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Pardon me Rev, but I think its time you get off your high horse.

To presume anyone cares less than you do is arrogant not to mention self-centered. This has been your typical stance for everyone that views the world differently than you do. There is still such a thing as different perceptions, a concept you seem to be devoid of.

All you do is bash people on this board that have a moderate way of thinking or not leaning towards the left. All one has to do is read your posts to get a snapshot of your intentions.

You are intolerant and only care for self-advertising and self-promotion. Of course since you get paid to do research I assume you have to stick to the guidelines "dictated" to you.

There are thankfully alot less of you in the world than the rest of us.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Georgie's Insane Reli

Bite me, I think not. This has nothing to do with right or left, it has to do with right and wrong. It is wrong to let people die because of religious beliefs that they do not share with you.

I pointed out what was happening and you first response was to try to change the subject because it criticized your president. Now you and Chicken Boy have decided to make this into a thread about bashing me. You'll do anything to keep from discussing he fact that George Bush's policies are killing people.

So, ignoring all miscreants who really don't care if people live or die, I'd like to encourage everybody to give money to the various NGOs that have lost their funding due to Bush's mental instability and to get a hold of your MPs here in Canada and get them to push for increased AIDS funding to help make up for the shortfall caused by the USA's inability to keep church and state separated.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
I didn't change the subject, you choose to spin it that way. I never heard you speaking of the Martin government killing kids in Iraq. Why is that Rev? Since its not about left and right, but right and wrong, why don't I ever hear you talk about it with the fanfare that you use on GWB, or even bring up the subject, eh?

When you're reasonable and apply your devotions and beliefs across the board, nobody bashes you, but you just have to stick to your tune, for whatever reasons you have in doing so.

Your leftist blather about the seperation of chruch in state in the US, is precisely that. Instead of telling everyone, jerky boy (GWB), prays before he eats in public, tell us how he has influenced legislation to narrow the seperation and show me a Supreme Court decision favoring such legislation.

And if you don't feel prostitution spreads AIDS, thats YOUR opinion, I personally don't see anything wrong with it, and if they didn't want to accept the money, it's only because the politicians are made "popular" by not accepting US funds and thats all it is.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Man, ITN (i think not), you know what's the most painful matter is that we both know the Reverend Blair is intelligient and thoughtful enough that we find it quite amazing sometimes how and what he says.

That aside, because this isn't supposed to be bash Reverend Blair, and I don't think you are doing so ITN, but this matter of Bush the Killer is a matter of great anger as evidenced by even the intelligent ones.

I think you'll agree ITN, that America really needs a much greater leader who would say and do those things that would even inspire Americans more.

It's gotten to the point that even if you ITN or me or anyone with a differing point of view will be squashed if we associate ourselves in anyway even if oblique to some American policies.

The world is getting so much more rigid in its belief systems that any challenge to accepted thinking is destroyed.

This is happening from both the left and the right, the liberals and the conservatives.

But again back to Bush the Killer.

We're done ITN, unless they make the decision to actually want to discuss anything with us.

They believe so strongly what they believe that they just find it impossible to discuss other points.

There's alot to say about the issues here, but we're finding there is only one position to have.

The prone position.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
You flatter yourself if you think your leftist blather is going to encourage anyone to repair any damage. Arrogance and intolerance begets the same response. You have to bash anything that doesn't lean to the left to get your point across, and it doesn't for those who don't share your opinions. You resort to calling westcoast "chicken boy" for what reason other than to imply you stand taller than him.

Try being fair and balanced and people will listen to you more often than not. try to stay from phrases "The UN gave a tacit nod for the Serbian war". Let me guess why, because Canada was a part of it.

Fair and balanced Rev. Try it, you may surprise yourself.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: Georgie's Insane Religiousity

jimmoyer said:
Man, ITN (i think not), you know what's the most painful matter is that we both know the Reverend Blair is intelligient and thoughtful enough that we find it quite amazing sometimes how and what he says.

That aside, because this isn't supposed to be bash Reverend Blair, and I don't think you are doing so ITN, but this matter of Bush the Killer is a matter of great anger as evidenced by even the intelligent ones.

I think you'll agree ITN, that America really needs a much greater leader who would say and do those things that would even inspire Americans more.

It's gotten to the point that even if you ITN or me or anyone with a differing point of view will be squashed if we associate ourselves in anyway even if oblique to some American policies.

The world is getting so much more rigid in its belief systems that any challenge to accepted thinking is destroyed.

This is happening from both the left and the right, the liberals and the conservatives.

But again back to Bush the Killer.

We're done ITN, unless they make the decision to actually want to discuss anything with us.

They believe so strongly what they believe that they just find it impossible to discuss other points.

There's alot to say about the issues here, but we're finding there is only one position to have.

The prone position.

Jim, of course I agree America needs a better leader, but I also believe that he was elected and we're stuck with him whether some of us like it or not. And despite what Rev and Co. may think, we aren't sheep. I may agree on "some" points GWB has done, so automatically I'm labeled a neo-con or a right wing religious fanatic.

My biggest brawl is fair and balanced views, last time I checked this board was called Canadian Content, well where is talk about Canada being a major arms dealer around the world? Where is talk about Canada is the number one supplier of Depleted Uranium to the US? Where is the talk the Canadian government lying to its people about not participating in the Iraq war? Where is all this CANADIAN CONTENT, eh?

Bah. I'm done with this. Goodbye.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Georgie's Insane Reli

Now that the American Idiot is gone, maybe we can get this thread back on track. The topic at hand is that George Bush's religious beliefs are causing him to set policies that are killing people.

Most recently he has declared war on sex-trade workers. Before that it was condoms. Before that it was abortions. A disproportionate number of the people dying from Bush's policies are women and children.

These aren't domestic policies, these are policies that provide aid to foreign countries. Since the USA is far, far behind the 0.7% aid goal set by and for developed nations, there is no excuse at all for this.

What Bush is trying to do is force people in foreign countries to instate laws to force his religious beliefs on others. Not only is the US incapable of separating church and state at home, they are now working to combine Bush's church with other people's states.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
I understand what you've been saying ITN.

And hang in there.

It is a myth for all of us to think our opinions are rational, well-thought-out cases of logic.

Logic is not involved at first.

Logic is merely what we use as backup.

Emotion and experience and backround are the primary causes of anyone's opinion.

We then look rapidly for any rock of logic to throw at those who disagree.

We think this proves that our opinion is then logical.
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