Gay Marriage


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Reverend Blair said:
Whoever mentioned polygamy....Why the heck not? If everybody in the relationship is aware and happy with the arrangement, what business it is of ours? The only limit I'd put on it would be that spousal benefits should limited to one person/one spouse.

Eighteen is the age of majority...when you are considered and adult and allowed to vote. If consenting adults want to marry other adults, no matter whether they plan to have sex, no matter how many of them there are, let them. It really is none of our business.

OK, WHICH spouse-- and is there an order of succession?

Now, re polygamy-- are you saying any 2 CONSENTING adults? Can they be related?


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
American Voice said:
I think an obvious question here is: if a homosexual couple want to live together in "monogamous" union, what do they need with state certification of that fact? On the one hand, they argue that the state should stay out of their bedrooms, and on the other hand, they demand that the state should certify as legitimate what goes on there. It seems like a paradox to me.

Its not a matter of 'the state should stay(ing) out of their bedrooms'.

Its a matter of legal standing, i.e., wills, medical trustees, etc.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Winnipeg stole most of my answer to AV. How dare you? ;-) There is also the fact that some people consider marriage a commitment...a confirmation of sorts...that goes beyond what can be done in private or by governmental legislation under another name.

As for the one person/one spouse thing...I worded that poorly. What I meant is that if you have twenty seven spouses or one spouse you get the same benefits. The way it is divided up to the civil courts.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2002
Kamloops, B.C.
But this thread is just for "gay marriage" We could go on forever with all the little red tapes.

NO this is not about incest or kids marrying adults.

Gay Marriage = 2 people of the same sex = NOT RELATED = Over the age of 18 = This thread!

And no i would not like the government in my bedroom either ;)
They can check out Micheal Jacksons Bedroom...

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
I'd love to have the bastards in my them that you can do all sorts of things without money being a factor at all.

That has nothing to do with gay marriage at all either. Except that it does. How much opposition being expressed for other reasons is really about the corporations and government having to pay equal benefits?


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
Reverend Blair said: stole most of my answer to AV. How dare you? ;-) There is also the fact that some people consider marriage a commitment...a confirmation of sorts...that goes beyond what can be done in private or by governmental legislation under another name.

As for the one person/one spouse thing...I worded that poorly. What I meant is that if you have twenty seven spouses or one spouse you get the same benefits.
And you expect employers to extend company health and dental benefits to all twenty-seven spouses?