I am writing this to inform potential Canadian vacationers to the state of Florida that there is a desperate fight on in the sunshine state to prevent the court ordered starvation of Terri Shindler Schiavo.
So who is Terri Schiavo and why should you be interested or even care?.
Simply put, Terri Schiavo is a brain damaged woman of about 40 years of age, who became brain damaged while married to husband Michael Schiavo. Allegedly Terri had some digestive disorder which resulted in a potassium deficiency and subsequent heart stoppage while she was trying to become pregnant.
Allegedly she had told her husband during some intimate conversation that she would never want to be kept alive in a persistant vegetative state, requiring feeding, bathing etc. which she could no longer do for herself. There is no living will where she has stated this, only the verbal testimony of her husband. Terri can no longer speak since the incident/abuse?.
In the meantime her husband has shacked up with a new beau and has had two children by this woman. They are engaged to be married when Terri dies or is murdered by the state.
For the complete story please take the time to read the following link. Decide for yourself if this woman is in a persistant vegetative state.
The reason you should care is that if this is allowed to proceed, this woman will have her hydration and feeding stopped and drugs pumped in to surpress the violent effects of slow starvation and dehydration. She will appear peaceful only because she will be essentially paralyzed by the drugs they administer to conceal her pain.
This will be a landmark case in the US for the people who support "the right to die". This is really a coverup for the state's right to kill you if you cannot speak for yourself.
More and more often our courts and the courts of other nations are looking to the decisions made by judges in other nations to base their decisions. There is "right to die" lobby here in Canada too. How would you like it to be you in a so called vegetative state, being targeted by the state for some reason, being allowed to die:read that executed?.
This is just another step down the slippery slope to selective culling of "useless eaters"(seniors or other disabled folks)by the state, all in the name of the "right to die". You may not want to die!. Folks come out of comas regularly. You might not even be in a coma. What if you can't speak for yourself?.
The reason I got to this forum was that I was doing a search for contact information for the Canadian Ambassador to the US and this forum showed up a response to Paul Martin's appointment of Frank McKenna to that position. Well if you didn't know, McKenna is a Bush croney via the Carlyle Group. I can just imagine how sympathetic McKenna would be about this issue :evil:
Folks, if this issue bothers you, vote with your feet and vacation somewhere else besides in Florida. Let your tourism contacts know why you aren't going there. Tell others about this issue.
This isn't an isolated incident. People are routinely "over medicated" every day when doctors and or nurses judge that life has become intolerable for them. This is illegal!, but they still do it.
Don't let there be any laws created to make it easier for them.
I am writing this to inform potential Canadian vacationers to the state of Florida that there is a desperate fight on in the sunshine state to prevent the court ordered starvation of Terri Shindler Schiavo.
So who is Terri Schiavo and why should you be interested or even care?.
Simply put, Terri Schiavo is a brain damaged woman of about 40 years of age, who became brain damaged while married to husband Michael Schiavo. Allegedly Terri had some digestive disorder which resulted in a potassium deficiency and subsequent heart stoppage while she was trying to become pregnant.
Allegedly she had told her husband during some intimate conversation that she would never want to be kept alive in a persistant vegetative state, requiring feeding, bathing etc. which she could no longer do for herself. There is no living will where she has stated this, only the verbal testimony of her husband. Terri can no longer speak since the incident/abuse?.
In the meantime her husband has shacked up with a new beau and has had two children by this woman. They are engaged to be married when Terri dies or is murdered by the state.
For the complete story please take the time to read the following link. Decide for yourself if this woman is in a persistant vegetative state.
The reason you should care is that if this is allowed to proceed, this woman will have her hydration and feeding stopped and drugs pumped in to surpress the violent effects of slow starvation and dehydration. She will appear peaceful only because she will be essentially paralyzed by the drugs they administer to conceal her pain.
This will be a landmark case in the US for the people who support "the right to die". This is really a coverup for the state's right to kill you if you cannot speak for yourself.
More and more often our courts and the courts of other nations are looking to the decisions made by judges in other nations to base their decisions. There is "right to die" lobby here in Canada too. How would you like it to be you in a so called vegetative state, being targeted by the state for some reason, being allowed to die:read that executed?.
This is just another step down the slippery slope to selective culling of "useless eaters"(seniors or other disabled folks)by the state, all in the name of the "right to die". You may not want to die!. Folks come out of comas regularly. You might not even be in a coma. What if you can't speak for yourself?.
The reason I got to this forum was that I was doing a search for contact information for the Canadian Ambassador to the US and this forum showed up a response to Paul Martin's appointment of Frank McKenna to that position. Well if you didn't know, McKenna is a Bush croney via the Carlyle Group. I can just imagine how sympathetic McKenna would be about this issue :evil:
Folks, if this issue bothers you, vote with your feet and vacation somewhere else besides in Florida. Let your tourism contacts know why you aren't going there. Tell others about this issue.
This isn't an isolated incident. People are routinely "over medicated" every day when doctors and or nurses judge that life has become intolerable for them. This is illegal!, but they still do it.
Don't let there be any laws created to make it easier for them.