Elections Canada to charge Moore


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
I didnt support the Liberals, and most likely never will. But the difference between Bush's Policies and Harpers, are minimal. Of course, you must put them into prospective.

But, I did hope Harper would of gotten a minority goverment. Would of been better for the party I supported.


Nominee Member
Jul 27, 2004
Nova Scotia
I didn't say you did, simply that you bought their propaganda hook line and sinker.

This party is the same party that has always been the traditionnal alternative to the Liberals in Canada. Not some new, scary fanatical christian right wing party. This party carries on the tradition of the Progressive Conservative governments of the past, like em or love em.

The fact of the matter is Harper is far more moderate than Bush. That was what I said, Harper would not see the light of day as the leader of the Republican party. He is not enough of a Conservative. this is what I mean.

If you put it that way I suppose there are not that huge of policy differences between Bush and Martin. Or Bush and Blair...Or even between Schroder and Bush...etc I think these "small differences" make all the difference. Atleast in our democracy where contrasts aren't so massive.

Personally I am a supporter of the Conservative party but would never vote Republican if I lived in the United States...


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
Reverend Blair said:
That raises the question, at least for me, of what we're allowed to say about the US (or British, or German, or Iraqi) elections. If I can sit here and post things about why should never ever ever consider voting for George Bush, why can't Michael Moore comment on Stephen Harper?

I know Moore is more famous and influential than I could ever hope to be, but if I can comment on the US election why can't Moore comment on the Canadian election?

I don't like foreigners meddling in our business, but we do meddle in theirs.
It's because the United States has different laws than Canada, the same reason you can drive in New Hampshire without a seatbelt, but not in New Brunswick, else you'll get an $85 fine.
the whole notion that conservatines would even bother to press this issue is pathetic. ( sorry i'm not replying to the last post, but the general discussion)

Memebers of the right are constantly looking for people to blame other then themselves. The reason why the conservatives lost the election is because there ideolgoy is based on false promises, a history of proving to be uneffective time and time again (economic and social policies), having a unemotional robot for a party leader. and benefits only the rich.

Who the fuck are the conservatives to accuse anyone of spreading propoganda? I'm going to make a claim against the anchors of CNN, CNBC, ABC, Fox News, and the writers of the New York Times and Wall Street journal. Fuck I could have a feild day of filling claims against people. please waste somebody elses time.


Nominee Member
Jul 27, 2004
Nova Scotia
This was well in the works far before the election was over.

Though the people who persued this are pretty petty (just like Moore) imho.