Sassylassie said:
Right on Johnny; the worlds reigning governments are corrupt (regarding oil) and will never allow the oil industry to be held accountable. Never, ever.
Now we are seeing clearly. I am so glad to know that you agree.
The one thing I think we could do is to reduce their economic clout, for that is where all their power comes from. The way to do that is to boycott their biggest industries - automobiles [dont buy new ones!!!] ; Pharmacy [save your own life, do't destroy it with pills] ; and of course OIL {try to use less, ride bikes and walk more, plus really really TRY to use alternative fuels as much as possible].
Remember that all of these large industries have investors that are "cross-invested" in other industries, so if one does well they all do well, vis versa - that gives them added strength and protection. Just don't buy stuff... and that will weaken them.
Even DEBT is a big tool of theirs to keep us tied down, so refuse to take on debt, its one of their weapons.