This was in my emailbox today. Ignore the adverts its a pretty good positive thinking excercise.
An article from Mary
Your Body Responds to What You Think: Think Lemon!
by Mary Robinson Reynolds
If I were to instruct you to sit at your breakfast table each morning and visualize yourself getting sick and dying from a disease, would you do it? Of course not. And why not? Because you already know the power of repeated, emotional visualization. And yet that's exactly what we do with each bite of food we put into our mouths, regardless of whether we are "dieting" or not!
We visualize: too much saturated fat, too many carbs, not enough good carbs, too enjoyable to be good for us, don't eat eggs, do eat eggs, don't eat the yokes, don't eat potatoes, do eat all vegetables, don't eat meat, do eat meat.
On and on and on it goes, and we are so stressed out over what we've been told about food, we are not able to hear our inner naturally light, lean, healthy selves, our intuition, our inner guidance, because we've got so much mental flipping chatter going on, no matter what we are eating. Is it any wonder we are a society of emotional, super-size-it eaters!
It's time to take a breath ...and begin again.
There is so much being discovered in the newest medical research. We are learning how the body responds to what we are repeatedly thinking while we are eating and how it has an immediate physiological effect on how the food is digested and metabolized by our bodies.
Other contributing factors to difficulties in releasing excess weight are the impact of viruses and inflammation. Then there are the emotional issues we experience because of our negative belief systems, training and how we connect with the presence and power that created us.
Taking all of the newest research insights on the immune system, inflammation and emotional issues into account, I've created a new online movie, with a variety of "statements of intention" that produce a healing, soothing balm to uplift our cellular vibrations so our bodies can naturally return to wholeness.
I made this movie for me ... and as a gift to you!
I've already received weight loss and health benefits from writing daily the statements of intention that I've selected or created for this movie. When I first began working with these statements, I began to notice that steady, daily changes, insights and improvements were happening in me and through me. I could feel myself trusting my intuition with food more and more. I could feel myself not being interested in food as an emotional fix.
I began exercising in ways that I truly enjoyed. To my amazement, I reduced my size by ten pounds in 2 1/2 months. This was the first ten pounds I've released off my body in over six years!
And then I got busy with other things! Like many people, I stopped making time to simply sit and write my amazing, healing intentions.
You guessed it!
My progress stopped. And so I asked myself, "What can I do to make this easier so that I can be consistent with this process?"
I am an online movie maker! Could it have been more "in front of me to do?"
This movie came together as a result of my work with a variety of intentions over the past year, and I think you will find great comfort in the photos and the statements in this movie.
I will also remind us all that life is a marathon, not a sprint. We no longer need to run hard at fixing our weight to get fast results. Fast results are not necessarily lasting or healthy results.
For many reading this, it's most likely been a long time since you listened to your body, let alone your intuition about food! Keep your viewing to 2 - 3 times a day. You are simply shifting your learning, thinking and energy patterns. Take it easy. Let it come through you.
Repetition, as you know, is the mother of all learning.
One of your patterns may be to run hard at new diets, health systems and then wipe yourself out and quit. If this is your pattern, then slow down, look at this as what you can and will accomplish in one year's time, if you simply watch this movie with consistency.
Just this past fall, I learned how cool and easy screen savers are! We began making them available this past November, and I've loved walking into my office at various times throughout the day to be greeted by uplifting thoughts and pictures running on my computer screen. Sometimes I leave the music on and sometimes I turn it off.
We've also made easy downloadable directions for novices.
Is this the magic pill I've been looking for?
I will be the first to say that this movie is not about a magic pill. It is about providing a pleasurable way to daily create new thought and behavioral patterns through the power of repetition.
Research has definitely shown that some people have lost a lot of weight with this type of affirmative meditative imagery put to music in various forms. Weight loss has been achieved in conjunction with a behavioral weight loss program, and sometimes just by itself.
A small pilot study at Canyon ranch showed that those who added imagery to their regular program doubled their weight loss, when compared to a control group that just listened to music.
A restful state of mind is a healing state of mind. Steadfast statements of peace will harmonize the whole body structure and open the way to healthy conditions and insights.
Research reveals that weight loss imagery definitely has a track record for decreasing the impulse to eat compulsively, out of anxiety or depression, because it's a calming, uplifting and empowering experience for most people.
And here's the key: You can't expect to become a calm, uplifted person after listening just once or twice - this moviie stimulates the areas of your mind that have been untouched by new perceptions and learning. This movie trains you think and act like a light, lean and healthy being.
With repetition it becomes your automatic response and ultimately becomes your norm. These very specific statements of intentions have the capability of healing and dissolving angst. With repetition one can learn to better soothe oneself through the messages the movie conveys.
To learn more about the movie click here to check out our question and answers. Please feel free to send this link to friends and relatives who will benefit from this movie ...
As our gift, the first 3.5 minutes of this movie will always remain online and free for those wishing to use it repeatedly.
To Healing and Peace,
Mary Robinson Reynolds
Founder, Heart Productions & Publishing